41 Anger Managemen (1/2)
”*Sigh* You sure caused a ruckus, boy ...”, Cecile told Arthur while shaking her head disapprovingly, and having her arms crossed and her eyes closed in a mature way. Her red twin-tails swung from one side to other while she was doing that.
Ehhh ... weren't they the same age? Arthur looked strangely at Cecile. Why was she speaking to him like she was an adult scolding a child?
”I can see from the looks on your face that you don't have a single clue about the extent of the crisis you just caused, sighhh!”, she shook her head again and looked at him pitifully.
”What would you know about my crisis?”, he asked her puzzeled.
”Well, because 'I' am a mature lady and my father trusts me of course!”, she told him in a proud manner. Actually she eavesdropped on the grown-ups when they were discussing things while Arthur had been unconscious, but it wasn't necessary for her to tell him that, right?
”Arty, Arty, Arty-”, she said but Arthur interrupted her abruptly,
”Don't call me like that!”, he got angry.
”Why? My aunt called you like that and you were fine with it.”, she argued.
”Well, she is a grown-up, and you are just like me on the other hand.”, he didn't back off. It was one thing to be called like that by people he knew or admired, but where would he end up if even children started using that nickname instead of his real name!
”Please, I'm not like you, I have finished school properly and am attending the prestigious Pokemon Academy branch in Viridian City whereas you don't even ...”, she wanted to continue but realized she had gone a little too far.
”What? Tell me, what do I not?! Don't attend a snobby school like you because I am too poor?! Because my mum has to work overtime to take care of three children?! Huh, if that academy is full of arrogants like you I wouldn't even consider going there!”, Arthur's patience snapped all of a sudden and he lost his reasoning for a moment.
”How dare y-”, Cecile was about to lash back at him but then stopped. She stopped because of the reddened eyes on Arthur's face and the pure sadness that was reflected on them.
”Errie?”, Eevette didn't understand anything they were talking about and looked confused at both of them.
Cecile noticed something shortly after:
”Your mom works alone? What about ... your dad?”
Arthur didn't want to answer her, he didn't need to ... but for some reason he still told her:
”He died. A couple of years ago ... because of a fire *sigh*”, his mood dropped visibly. He couldn't stay angry when talking about his family.
”You know ... my mum, she is also dead. Those bastards from Team Rocket did it.”, she cursed silently,
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”It that doesn't make it right but ... I'm just saying I know how it feels, you know?”, she whispered at the end ruefully.
Arthur was stunned for a bit. He already knew about this from his Aunty Latia
(A/N: chap 16)
but he felt Cecile's sincerity as he heard this from herself.
”Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway, it's true after all, I don't have any background to speak of.”, he forgave her with a smile.
”Thank you.”, she said quietly. She suddenly felt stupid for using her wealthy standing to pick on somebody less fortunate. It wasn't his fault after all.
”Errieee!”, Eevette felt the mood lightening up again and became happy.
”So, what did you say about a crisis?”, Arthur wanted to change the subject quickly or else it could get awkward.
”It has to do with my father, he looked devastated when you got here.”, Cecile explained slowly.
”Your father ... you mean Blue?”, he asked her.
She nodded and continued:
”You weren't there when my uncle appeared with his Fearow here. You didn't see my father's face.
Usually he keeps his calm and is silent when things get serious but when he saw you lying in Uncle Gary's arms ... You looked almost like a corpse Arthur, blood covered half your body and those wounds didn't make you look nicer.
He was shocked at first, then enraged and completely devastated.
My uncle went to get my aunt, and my father patched you up as best as he could. He's a veteran and knows some things, but the whole time ... his face looked extremely distressed and he always mumbled something ...:
”Please, don't die” ...
Sometimes he would wake up screaming in the middle of the night when he is like that, he has ... troubles with nightmares ...”, Cecile looked uncomfortable talking about this and bit on her lips a little.
She looked cute like that, Arthur noticed slightly, but he quickly focused back on the topic.
”And then he would always quickly take his pills, because they calm him down ... and suppress his emotions and memories.”
Arthur remembered the pills Blue had used for his PTSD. He didn't know it was that serious though.
”And the crisis you were talking about ...”
”My father, this time ... he didn't take the pills!” she replied anxiously, worry written on her face.
Blue, Gary and Daisy left the room and went into the hallway while Alfred was going to do his own business. Gary looked back and as he saw nobody else nearby he asked Daisy:
”Why did you that? Why did you lie to him?”
”Huh? What lie, what are you talking about?”, she played dumb.
”Don't take me as a fool, I'm not a doctor but even I still have eyes in my head. Several years? Decades? My god, that Sniebel's right arm is as good as dead and its left arm will take god knows how long to recuperate fully and only if we support it with intensive therapy!”, he talked angrily. He was angry at himself for having been too late to come and save them sooner.
”What? You wanted me to tell that little boy his Sniebel would be disabled for the rest of its short life? Wow, Gary, such sentiments, so much empathic vibes I get from you here, maybe I should have just told him straight away to release that Pokemon and leave it to its own devices, would you have liked that better?!”, Daisy shouted back, she clearly felt exasperated.
She had been called on such a short notice and was expected to perform a miracle on an almost dead Pokemon. And a miracle she delivered! That Sniebel would surely survive and keep its arms attached to the body. For now at least. But she wasn't a deity, she couldn't remake cells and revive dead tissue. That's not how doctors worked, they patched up what was left but didn't create something new.
”Tch, damned.”, Gary knew she was right but he just needed to vent out his frustration even if it was through pointless talk. He kicked at a wall but that didn't help much either.
Blue didn't comment on their actions and looked stoic. He was heading straight into one specific direction and disappeared around a corner.
”Wait, Blue! That's not where the kitchen is! Where are you going?”, Daisy called back at him but it seemed the words just bounced off his body and didn't reach his ears at all.
”That's the ... the Training Area!”, Gary realized quickly where his brother was heading towards.
They followed after him but when they reached the entrance, it got already locked down.