32 Impending Doom! (1/2)

”Where is that damn brat gone?!”, Hazel shouted madly, not admitting to have made any sort of mistake on his own.

”I-I don't know, he was there and then h-he just disappeared ...”, Chestnut tried explaining but got interrupted quickly,

”Of course he's gone! I can see that, imbecile! *Snort*”, hazel curbed his anger and managed to control his short fit of rage. The boy couldn't have run have far, especially with those pre-existing injuries plus the burning damage, it's just a matter of time until he succumbs to his wounds or they found him and ended his suffering.

”Hunter! Sonic! End that Snibel quickly, try to not to damage its skin too much, I bet I can find some customers who are into endangered species, even if they have been roughened up a little, kyakakaka!”, Hazel revealed his sinister plans and ordered his Pokemon to finish the battle so they could pursue the boy again.



The Snibel suddenly sensed that the situation heated up and his enemies were getting serious now. He turned back into the direction that that human child had fled, mixed emotions filled its eyes.

It didn't expect anything from a young fledgling anyway, so the Sniebel seemed relieved that it escaped somehow. Was he finally able to repay its old debts?

His attention was pulled back onto the field in front of it, the Houndour advancing with a jump while opening its jaw to attempt biting in its flesh.

The Sniebel evaded the attack like an expert and showed a sneer, conveying contempt for Houndours poor performance.

But at the same time a shower of well-aimed sonic blasts rained on him by Zubat and made his small feeling of superiority dissipate in a second. A fight against these two opponents wasn't simple enought that he could allow himself becoming careless. They got its respect for driving him into a corner for so long.

All the while the flames surrounding the group slowly sipped away Sniebel's endurance and made his fatigue rise up rapidly! Having made up his mind and no longer bound by any burdens, the Snibel extended its claws out and rushed into the final clash!


”Huh, huh, huh, argh!”, Atiqo held his limp left arm with his other hand, running on the bumpy ground without care for balance or elegance. He tried to suppress making pained expression on his face and only thought about finishing his objective. His head throbbed like a ticking time bomb and his heart was running on overdrive mode, the miracle drug called adrenalin and near-death experience making this feat possible.

Atiqo didn't have any time to think about useless things like pain, broken arms or dazzling stars in his field of view ...

But it didn't help that his body was denying him any kind of support!

Sadly, his re-awakening didn't come along with an instant heal - super recovery package, he still had to struggle with wordly matters like headaches and exhaustion.

He had to hurry though. Atiqo wasn't sure how long that Sniebel could hold out anymore under the continuous barrage of two well-trained Pokemon.

He clenched his teeth angrily and cursed again. Sniebel couldn't be considered his partner or friend, but this Pokemon appeared in Arthur's darkest moment and helped fend off these criminals. This made him Atiqo's ally as well, no matter what!

Leaving his ally behind to deal with the enemies on its own left a bitter taste in Atiqo's mouth. He felt angry at himself for being too weak, not being able to help those that needed help.

Suddenly, he felt a vibration coming off from his pocket. He put his hand inside and brought a red coloured electronic device to light with a blue bulb in a corner that kept blinking erratically.

”What the ... is this really what I think it is ...?!”

If it weren't for the grim situation and other pressing matters, Atiqo would be excited to finally hold a real Pokedex in his hand, how many times did he have incredible dreams about going onto Pokemon Adventures, catching Pokemon and analysing them with his very own Pokedex?

He even had a collection of Pokedexes in his own room, one for each generation, though the one in his hand heavily resembled the first generation Pokedex, there were still some slight differences here and there. Mainly the weight was a bit heavier compared to the replica and the metallic vibe it gave off was much more realistic.

Atiqo found a press button on the side, which opened the PokeDex and revealed rows of text appearing on the small screen:

[Host's mental and physical conditions have entered critical state .Beep.]

[Suggestion for Host to find a peaceful environment and calm mental state and recover immediately .Beep.]

[Host has lost consciousness .Beep.]

[... Soul Transfusion has progressed positively .Beep.]

[Congratulations to Host for successful recuperation .Beep.]

[Suggestion for Host to find a safe environment and recover from injuries immediately .Beep.]

[Detecting intense energy signals in Host's environment ....Beep.; Suggestion for Host to search for the origin .Beep.; High probability that signals are radiated by Energy Crystals!]

[Reminder to Host: Energy Crystals are required for the System Upgrade; Clearance Level Promotion, A.I. Initiation, Activation of Training Protocol 'Olympus', Recovery of previous Host's soul - Cornelius Sullivan -... .Beep.]