Chapter 60: Interlude: A Lichs Tale (1/2)

Far, far east of Gardemagne sprawled the lands of Serica, the Eastern Continent. Among the countries fighting to control it, few could rival the Jade Empire.

This enormous, fertile landmass was famous for its culture, military power, riches… and the wise dragon philosopher advising the imperial family. Sometimes, it even granted audiences to outsiders looking for answers and wisdom.

Waiting in front of the golden gates of the dragon’s temple, the sorcerer mused at the irony. He would seek advice from a dragon on how to escape the shadow of another.

After hours of waiting, a bald monk in golden robes came to announce him. “The Jade Dragon, great Sifu, and guru of our beloved emperor, will grant you an audience,” the man said. “You are to respect the protocol. Do not contest the Sifu’s logic, do not question the Sifu, do not insult the Sifu.”

Most of his face hidden beneath a hood and illusions, the undead bowed in agreement, hoping the creature would not recognize him. The Jade Empire may have been half a world away from Ishfania, but Vainqueur had spread his humiliating story to anyone who would listen to him.

The doors opened dramatically, the undead warlock floating after the monk while they moved through them.

The Jade Dragon welcomed the lich in a great hall supported by golden pillars, with twenty other monks bowing to him. The beast was a much different creature than its western cousin, a dignified, jade-scaled snake with a lion’s mane, deer horns, and lizard legs. The creature rested comfortably on an enormous cushion, which the sorcerer could tell the dragon filled with golden coins instead of feathers.

“Approach, disciple,” the reptile spoke.

The undead nodded, bowing before the creature. “Oh, great Jade Dragon. The rumors of your great wisdom have reached even my ears. I traveled far and wide to find you.”

“You are a skeleton, you do not have ears,” the dragon missed the point. The lich shuddered at being reminded of Vainqueur’s stupidity. “What is your name, undead?”

“F—” Furibon stopped himself before he committed suicide by dragon again. “Flubby.” The name came out on impulse, and he immediately hated it.

He had spent too much time with V&V.

“Bony Flubby, you should be very wary when presenting yourself before my kind,” the Jade Dragon said. “I heard that the cursed Goldslayer Furibon, the most evil lich to have ever existed, has been set loose. The seal was broken by fairies.”

“A shame,” Furibon lied.

“Most of my cousins would react badly to an undead seeking audience with them, but I am wise and wealthy. Welcome to my free, and I say, free, introduction to cultivation.”

The monks let out a chant, giving the dragon the air of a divine teacher.

“One hundred times your power, one hundred times your magic, one hundred times your life!” the Jade Dragon shouted with passion. “I, Master Jade, will teach my secret shortcut to cultivation mastery! So you can earn more wisdom than you could ever imagine!”

Furibon politely listened without saying a word, as he had been asked.

“I have been in your place, working hard, not getting what I deserve,” the dragon ranted, clearly more interested in hearing himself talk than listening to the lich’s demand. “But I invested in myself, in my knowledge, until I reached power you mortals can only dream of! Who here wants to cultivate immortality?”

This smelled like a scam of some kind, and Furibon didn’t have a nose anymore. Yet the monk who introduced him knelt before the dragon, in awe of his presentation.

“If your thoughts are holding you back, then have faith.” The dragon extended his tiny arms at the golden pillars. “For I am rich! Do you want to be rich and immortal too?”

“I already achieved immortality,” the lich pointed out.

“Undeath is not true immortality! Can you enjoy the taste of cattle now? The warmth of gold on your skin?”

“It is true that lichdom has… weaknesses…” Furibon admitted, having balked at the loss of certain fleshy bits before undergoing the procedure. “But I made peace with them.”

“Only because you have a poor manling’s mindset!” the dragon lambasted him. “You must invest in yourself! I usually charge fifty-thousand gold coins to teach my secret cultivation techniques.”

If Furibon wasn’t dead already, he would have had a stroke. “That’s theft!” he couldn’t help but complain.

“But today, I will exceptionally show you the way to enlightenment for twenty-five, yes, twenty-five thousand gold coins!” Which was still theft. “Would you expect me, the Inventor of Cultivation, to teach the secrets of ultimate power for anything less? Would you?”

Furibon suddenly realized that the differences between eastern and western dragons were purely cosmetic. This… this snake oil pitcher advised the imperial family? How had this nation not collapsed already?

The lich turned to the monks, who whispered among themselves about the ‘opportunity of ten lifetimes.’ Clearly he wouldn’t get any help from them. “Oh, great dragon—”

“Super Sifu Guru Jade, or SSGJ,” the dragon replied. “With capital letters for each. I can tell the difference. If you wish to progress on the path of cultivation, you will have to learn proper etiquette first.”

“Super Sifu Guru Jade,” Furibon loathed saying every word. “I suffer from a disease called [Stockholm Syndrome], which can affect even the undead. I began my quest to cure it weeks ago, visiting villages, fetching items for wizards, until a chain of deals led me to your doorstep.”

“There is no disease which cultivation cannot cure, with hard work, gold, and money.”

“Great SSGJ, I have no interest in cultivation.” As an undead, he would not get any of its benefits, if this meditation mumbo jumbo was even real. “I came to you looking for a cure.”

And only because his own magical research failed to get results.

“And when you have this cure, what will you do?”

Well, Furibon would cure himself of his irrational fondness for Victor Dalton, and then...

And then…

And then what?

Ishfania had fallen, and he would never, ever work with Vainqueur in any shape or form. Furibon firmly intended to avoid the dragon until he died of old age or of his own greed. Managing a dungeon and creating monsters had grown stale after a century of holding watch over the Castle of Murmurin. He also had no hobby.

What would the lich do after curing himself? He had no idea!

“Exactly, you have yet to find your passion,” the Jade Dragon said, sensing his doubt. “Which you will find if you pay for the higher levels of initiation.”

“First things first,” Furibon replied. “My passion can wait for when my health begins to improve.”

“If you wish to cure your disease, you have to commit to your spiritual growth,” the Jade Dragon said. “Buy my initiation package first or scram.”

Furibon sighed, but being as desperate as he was to free himself from his past, he accepted. “I brought gifts outside your palace.”

The dragon lowered his head, the monk who introduced Furibon whispering to him. “Good, good.” The beast nodded to himself, before turning back to the lich. “Congratulations on reaching your first cultivation level! As a reward for investing in yourself, I will gladly provide you with the shortest path to a miracle cure.”

This better be worth it. Powerful spellcaster or not, Furibon didn’t have unlimited funds.

“On the northern plains of what you mortals call the New World, in the orc lands, there is a great, flying casino dungeon run by the powerful warchief Manitou,” the Jade Dragon said. “One of the prizes he offers in his tournaments is the legendary artifact, Panacea, which can cure all diseases. Even imaginary ones.”

Furibon’s head perked up in happy surprise. And here he thought he had flushed his wealth down the toilet!

Manitou? Panacea? The names were enough to divine the dungeon’s location.

“But you don’t need it,” the dragon replied. “Now, if you want the true super-secret of immortality and health, you need to ascend to a higher cultivation level.”

“I will settle on this one,” Furibon replied. “Thank you for your wisdom.”

“That is why you will stay mortal and poor,” the Jade Dragon booed him, imitated by his monk minions. “If you cannot invest in yourself, if you do not make the effort to become a true cultivator, then I can do nothing for you. You are beyond help.”

Furibon shrugged, excused himself, and teleported away.

As it turned out, finding the dungeon had been harder than getting in. A rarity among these places, the owner opened its gates to challengers.

The few who could fly of course.

This dungeon was by far the most luxurious place Furibon had ever seen, putting even Vainqueur’s new golden city to shame. All the walls and pillars were made from chiseled marble, covered with tapestries, carpets, and mosaics; gemstone candelabras cast light on slot machines, roulette, and card table.

Most of the creatures populating the dungeon were orcs, but Furibon recognized giants, elves, fairies, demons, and even a phoenix among them. Most of the orcs and fiends served as the staff, while the others played the games; and the devils present seemed familiar to the lich.

On a closer look, the undead warlock realized that most of the slot machines were actually stylized steel golems, with hands and feet; Jackpot Golems. Here he thought these exp bags extinct, hunted to death by adventurers.

The lich also noticed a familiar face, barking orders to succubi waitresses; a dignified, insectoid woman, whose eerie beauty matched her ruthlessness.

“Lady Maure?” Furibon recognized the delicate creature as Isabelle Maure, his late master’s archdevil mother. “You are alive?”

“Furibon, long time no see,” the fiend replied, entertained by his presence. “What a pleasure to see you out of that scythe. Why would I be dead?”

“I heard reports of your demise when the dragons stormed Happyland.”

“Hell! HELL! I did not agree to that shameful brandwashing!” The archdevil calmed herself. “My corporation went bankrupt after my son’s demise, but I escaped with my life. The mess with Vainqueur Knightsbane has been a fiasco from start to finish.”

She didn’t say.

“Thankfully I invested in other side-ventures, such as this dungeon. While my influence has been greatly diminished, I am bouncing back.”

“What about King Maure?” Furibon asked, curious.

“His powerless soul moved back to my basement, which forces him to spend time with me. Unfortunately, he is whining so much that I wonder if this is a curse in disguise.”

Furibon shrugged. While he felt some sliver of loyalty for his old master, even he had preferred to stay at the bottom of a castle rather than suffer his flamboyant presence.

A cave troll in life, Furibon had been born smaller and frailer than most of his kind; but also smarter. Unlike his kindred, who feared magic as their fomor masters’ tool, the future spellcaster obsessed over the power it could provide him. His early successes eventually caught the attention of Brandon Maure, who offered to sponsor his research on lichdom against his loyalty.

Furibon accepted the deal and rose to become his master’s second-in-command; eventually, the once-troll took levels in the [Lich] class and reached the respectable fifty-eighth level.

As a good lich, he had done everything to secure his phylactery. First, instead of choosing something fancy or a legendary artifact, he had bound his soul to a simple golden coin; knowing that adventurers destroying him would take his treasure with them. Then, he hid it in the New World, far, far away from the Mistral Continent.

All in all, his unlife had turned out well… until the lead fiasco.

“I tell you, lich, one day we shall reclaim my son’s market!” The archdevil pumped her fist. “I shall have my revenge against Infercorp and their representative, Victor Dalton, by guile or force! There will be a place for you at my side, in the great corporate army I will raise against—”

“No thanks,” Furibon cut her off.

The archdevil looked at him in surprise. “You do not seek revenge?”

“I learned my lesson.” Even without [Stockholm Syndrome], fighting that dragon and his sidekick was just stupid. Furibon had dodged karmic justice so far by avoiding heroes, and he would deal with Vainqueur the same. “Revenge is a sucker game, and I will not be trapped in a weapon again.”

“Coward! After all that my son did for you...”

“If you wish to confront them, and you will have my sympathy if you try, do not cry over the resulting disaster.”

Isabelle snorted arrogantly. “If you are not here to pledge allegiance, then what do you want?”

“To challenge the dungeon boss.”

“Manitou? You will find him at the card table.” Isabelle Maure glanced in one direction. “My door remains open if you change your mind about Ishfania. I could make use of your magical expertise.”

“Thank you,” the lich replied, although his decision was set in stone. “Allow me to return the favor by giving you advice on your situation.”

“To cut my losses and hide?”

“Make a deal with Dalton,” Furibon advised, having grown fond of the unfortunate human against his better judgment. “You have more to gain by working with him than against him. He is... weak of heart when beautiful women are involved.”

“Hmm… I will keep it in mind.”

Furibon then moved to the card table, almost immediately recognizing Manitou on sight: an obese, monstrously tall, tusked orc with vague goblin-like features. The green-skinned monster dwarfed his competitors in size, shamelessly flaunting his wealth by wearing dozens of necklaces, rings, a crown, and other flashy accessories.

“Oh, you are the new challenger,” the massive orc said upon seeing Furibon approach, a fiend fawning him with a giant feather. “You face Manitou, the King of Games!”