Chapter 49: Those who hunt dragons (1/2)
Vainqueur hated frost.
He had taken residence in the southern Albain Mountains because he thought that it would deter thieves, but the chilly air of his beloved mountains couldn’t compare to that of the so-called Winter Kingdoms. Located north of the Nightlands, this vast expanse seemed entirely covered in snow; even now, in the middle of the day, a weak hail kept bothering his flight.
“It’s cold…” Manling Victor shook like a tree while flying at his master’s side. Even his heavy clothes didn’t protect him. “It’s horribly cold!”
“We will leave as soon as I get my gold,” Vainqueur reassured him.
He couldn’t wait to go to the Moon.
That was possibly Manling Victor’s greatest idea since he decided to lovingly serve Vainqueur forever. If the Emperor couldn’t complete quests or monsters on this planet, he would move on to another, without competition! The Moon would become his hunting ground, V&V’s newest conquest!
What could possibly go wrong with this plan?
“According to the map, the third name on Your Majesty’s list, Cornelia Stormwind, should be nearby,” his minion said. “I wonder if she will pay Your Majesty too.”
Vainqueur hoped so as well, as the dragon and his minion flew above a frozen lake and then a snowy forest of spruce and pines; the dragon had left his bag behind so they could explore the area to his leisure without him fearing for his new gold.
The red wyrm noticed a flying shape whose white color meshed well with the snow approaching them. “Hello, Vainqueur!” A small ice dragoness saluted him, while they crossed paths in the skies. “Strange to see you there!”
“Snowsweep.” Vainqueur recognized her from his feast. “I am looking for a lesser creature called…”
“Cornelia Stormwind,” Manling Victor provided the name,
“Cornelia Stormwind.”
“That good for nothing elf?” The dragoness shrugged. “She has taken control of this forest after I caught its ruling princess. I guess you will find her breeding with a pine tree nearby. Why are you looking for her? She is no princess material.”
“She has insulted me,” Vainqueur replied. “She owes me a tribute of gold and cattle.”
“Good luck catching her then,” the dragoness replied. “But, if you are snooping around, can you tell my little brother Windi to come home? He has not returned from his latest quest, and I am starting to worry for his safety.”
“I will,” Vainqueur promised, nodding at the other dragon while she left to search further south.
“That’s the fourth dragon we’ve met so far,” Manling Victor said, as he and his master circled the forest from above.
“Most of my kind prefer the cold of the north than the south’s warmth.” Why frost dragons outnumbered their better cousins was beyond Vainqueur; and that climate reminded him why he preferred heat. While his [Ring of Elemental Resistance] may shield him from the discomfort of the cold, he still felt it.
Vainqueur sniffed the air, trying to locate the elf grasshopper. He noticed multiple scents spread around the forest, dozens of manlings, elves, beastkin, and even…
“Manling Victor, stay close to me,” Vainqueur ordered, suddenly on edge.
“I smell a disgusting fairy on the ground,” the Emperor said, trying to pinpoint its location; failing that, he would burn the entire forest, to be sure.
“Look there!” Manling Victor pointed his scythe at shapes emerging from the clouds and flying straight at them. One looked like a dragon from afar, and Vainqueur identified the other as a gryphon rider.
Was that Manling Kia and Jolie?
No. The “dragon” was a silvery, winged serpent, a frost drake; and one carrying a manling knight on its back at that! A lightly-clad elf woman with bluish skin and white hair rode the gryphon, wielding a metal machine similar to Renoir’s [Kalachnikov]; and he noticed a third form, that of a manling brunette in a strange furred dress, flying through magic between them.
Each of them had a strange ring of light floating above their heads.
“Your Majesty, watch out!” Manling Victor warned, “She has a hunting rifle—”
The woman on the gryphon pointed her metal stick at Vainqueur and fired a strange lead, rounded arrow at his belly.
The projectile bounced off his scales.
“Lead!” Vainqueur exclaimed with mock pain, a hand on the point of impact. “My only weakness!”
“Really?” the woman on the gryphon asked, as she and the others closed in.
“No,” Vainqueur replied, retaliating with a fireball while she was distracted. “Weaknesses are for manlings!”
The projectiles did make his scales itch a bit, but the dragon ignored the feeling.
The trio dispersed to dodge the fireball, showing annoying quickness at it. While Friend Victor almost cut the drake’s head with his scythe, forcing the beast on the defensive, Vainqueur tried to eat the tasty gryphon with one bite.
Other projectiles flew at them from the forest itself, a massive lightning bolt and a shining arrow. His beautiful ring helped him shrug off the spell like the lead projectile, but the arrow…
Vainqueur felt excruciating pain when it hit him in the belly, blowing up a scale.
[Arrow of Dragonslaying] inflicted double damage!
The red dragon snarled in anger, even as his scale immediately started growing back.
[Master’s Shield] activated! You gained the [Regen] Status.
“[Battlefield Voice].” A booming, womanly voice echoed through the forest below, although Vainqueur couldn’t pinpoint its source. “Knightsbane, Dalton! My name is Cornelia Stormwind! Lay down your weapons, you are surrounded!”
“Surrounded by dead manlings? I am not impressed!” Still, the dragon guessed that she wouldn’t pay him his due. “Come out of your forest and fight, grasshopper!”
“I will! You have been looking for me, Vainqueur Knightsbane? I’ve been waiting for your coming for months! [Defensive Gambit]!”
All of Cornelia’s troops gained the [Physical Ward] Status. Physical damage will be reduced by fifty percent for five minutes.
A thin layer of golden light covered each of their attackers, but it didn’t matter to Vainqueur. He would eat all of her minions if he had to.
“Minion, take care of the flyers, while I smoke out the insects below!” the dragon ordered, diving down while his ‘wingmate’ targeted the flyers with hellfire.
Opening his maw, the great calamity unleashed a torrent of flames below, turning the snow to steam and incinerating everything else to ashes in its path. The dragon flew in a straight line, killing anything there, and causing animals and manlings to flee the flames and smoke.
“[Impending Doom]!” Cornelia shouted on the ground, disappointing Vainqueur.
A random attack will hit you in the near-future. Your Luck will determine its severity.
Vainqueur inhaled, deciding to create a circle of fire around the forest and trap his foes on the ground inside it.
“[Ice Shards]!” the drake rider shouted, as he broke past Manling Victor’s defense. He pointed his fingers at Vainqueur, firing icicles at him. The dragon didn’t even bother dodging, the projectiles bouncing off his mighty body.
The drake rider grunted, before turning to the flying manling in a dress. “Krona, The dragon has protection against elemental attacks!”
“[Curse of Winter]!” the woman replied, blue dust trailing after her fingers.
Charisma check successful! You ignored the curse!
“A [Witch],” Manling Victor recognized the type of caster, busy keeping the gryphon rider at bay with hellfire. “Your Majesty, we must take her down first! She’s a debuffer!”
“A debuwhat?” Vainqueur growled back, distracted from burning the forest.
“She makes her enemies weaker and inflicts status effects! In short, she’s distilled pain!”
“[Curse of Weakness]!” the witch replied, targeting Vainqueur with hand movements.
Vitality check successful! You laughed at her puny power!
“My spells can’t affect the dragon!” the witch shouted. “His stats are through the roof!”
“Manling toddler, you do not understand,” Vainqueur mocked her. “I am not fighting you. You are fighting me!”
“You… argh!” The witch’s face turned red with fury.
[Taunt] successful! You successfully applied the [Berserk] status to Krona! The witch is too pissed to spellcast!
The manling immediately flew straight at Vainqueur, too blinded by her rage to see the madness in her action. “Krona!” The gryphon rider immediately moved to try and intercept her ally, but the Emperor reacted faster.
He blasted both of them with a massive fireball, incinerating them.
But when the smoke cleared, both the witch and the elf reappeared, albeit grievously injured, and without either their magical barrier or halos. The gryphon didn’t revive either, causing the rider to fall with a scream. “[Gravity—]!” the witch cast a spell on the gryphon rider, slowing down the fall harmlessly.
“Dalton can heal the dragon by flying near it!” Insect Cornelia snarled, her words reverberating through the forest. “Separate them!”
“On it!” The witch cast a spell at Manling Victor, who charged straight at her with his scythe. “You’re going down! [Gravity+]!”
Before either member of V&V could react, an invisible force pulled Friend Victor to the ground.
[Master’s Shield] canceled! You have lost the [Regen] Status.
“Minion!” Vainqueur shouted in worry, as his minion landed in the forest.
“Hah!” The witch gloated, before freezing as the furious Emperor glared at her. “Uh oh.”
As fast as lightning, Vainqueur punched her. The blow sent her flying and crashed as a bloody smear on the ground below.
“Krona!” the drake rider shouted, while the vengeful Vainqueur turned to him next. “Cornelia, Krona’s dead!”
He tried to wound the dragon with ice shards, but Vainqueur retaliated with his dragonfire. His flames turned the ice to steam, but the annoying insect glided around the attack. Another projectile came at him from the forest, yet it missed by a wide distance and exploded above the clouds.
“Bring the fight to the ground, while we activate the golem and summon reinforcements!” his master replied, before casting a spell. “[Predict Bad Weather]!”
The drake rider immediately flew back to the forest, while the hail grew in intensity. The ice turning hard as stone and itching Vainqueur’s scales on contact.
The weather worsened! [Hail] became [Hailing Storm]! You will take residual damage while exposed to it!
Cursing as the hail hammered his wings, Vainqueur flew towards the ground, but not to pursue the drake.
His minion needed him.
“Blink,” Vainqueur said, turning invisible, and ready to eat every last one of them.
Strength check partially successful! You can move normally on the ground, but you cannot fly.
Victor grunted as he rose up from the snow. He had managed to make a semi-respectable landing after the law of gravity came calling, but it hurt like Happyland!
He barely had the time to get up, then he heard a detonation near his location. A big, fire-propelled projectile flew above the woods and towards Vainqueur. His scythe ready, Victor immediately moved towards the source, while the projectile exploded harmlessly.
He found a small group hiding beneath strong, tall trees, allowing them to weather the increasingly violent hail. One elf woman in a bear coat, carrying a bone bow which his [Eye for Treasure] Perk immediately identified as a [Bow of Dragonslaying]; a figure covered by a white cowl and cloak, hanging back; and a fellow human with red hair, a bag of rockets, and a big, big rocket launcher.
A rocket launcher.
They had a rocket launcher.
Victor immediately used [Observer] on the trio and try to guess their level.
Emile Lavere, level 30 (Outlaw 15/??? 15)
Vladimir “Gunman” Finnickson, level 33 (Artificier 15/Alchemist 7/Ballistician 6/Gunner 5)
Judith Mazel, level 34 (Archer 20/Huntress 8/Sniper 6)
Lavere? Like the Nightblades’ leader? Could it be...
“You missed?” the elf archer mocked his ally.
“I missed?” the human with the rocket launcher gasped.