Chapter 182: Exclusive Chosen Bulletin Board JPN [No.1000 Souma Nanami] 518th (1/2)

-4: Anonymous from Earth

Ai-chan is slowly beginning to look cuter…

-5: Anonymous from Earth

Are you okay? Have you gotten hit by a Charm Ray?

-10: Anonymous from Earth

Nanamin might have been brainwashed with the Charm Ray. Cause you see, her eyes are those of a madman when she is petting it.

-12: Anonymous from Earth

Its eating is so constant it is giving me anxiety.

Won’t Nanami-chan eventually get eaten whole all of a sudden…?

-20: Anonymous from Earth

Oh, she is finally returning to the top of the cliff.

-21: Anonymous from Earth


-24: Anonymous from Earth

The message to Celica was passionate… It really goes lengths to properly prepare…

-27: Anonymous from Earth

Who is Hi-chan?

-28: Anonymous from Earth

Hi-chan, LMAO.

-30: Anonymous from Earth

Must be referring to Hikaru, right?

He is being called Hi-chan???

-34: Anonymous from Earth

I wanted a childhood friend like this.

-37: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru… Even though you have such a nice girl like this who likes you, you are cheating on her with Rifreya…

-38: Anonymous from Earth

It can’t be helped.

Those boobs have their own gravitational pull.

-40: Anonymous from Earth

Shame! Shame on you, Hikaru!!

-44: Anonymous from Earth

Hi-chan is surrounded by beauties and living an exhilarating life under the same roof…

-50: Anonymous from Earth

Well, there aren’t any big developments as of yet, so she can still make it in time. She has her long long time as a childhood friend, and the furry ball! Also, Celica and Karen are most likely her allies!

-52: Anonymous from Earth

Celica seems to be feeling indebted to Rifreya and Jeanne though.

-55: Anonymous from Earth

Without Rifreya, Hikaru would have died a long time ago.

-60: Anonymous from Earth

Moreover, Nanami-chan has beefy endurance. Even if you decide to live a survival life in that wasteland with an objective in mind, it is not something that you can just do.

-62: Anonymous from Earth

She was gathering Spirit Stones for 10 whole days after all. If she were to sell them, she would get some crazy coin.

-63: Anonymous from Earth

Thinking about how everything will be the meal of Ai-chan, I can tell just how incredible the food expense will be.

Its maintenance will be more expensive than that of an elephant…

-66: Anonymous from Earth

She is looking stronger as she goes up the stairs. Her Tier must have increased quite a lot.

-70: Anonymous from Earth

Celica: “Thanks to Ai-chan, we don’t need to worry about Nee-san, so it is good for our mental health. Onii-chan is currently stable, so I would like them to reunite just like this.”

That’s what she said.

Ai-chan is the savior…

-75: Anonymous from Earth

The reason she went through the trouble of washing herself at the waterfall was because she was planning on going back to the top of the cliff, huh.

Nanami-tan, you can talk a bit more, you know…?

-80: Anonymous from Earth

The stairs are super long, so it takes several hours to get to the top.

-90: Anonymous from Earth

In the shower scene, there were people who were analyzing the reflection in the eyes of Ai-chan. Why do they get so passionate in those areas…?

-92: Anonymous from Earth

That’s right. Put more love in the floating Ai-chan.

-94: Anonymous from Earth

Ai-chan is the most healing creature in this era.

-95: Anonymous from Earth

You all have been brainwashed…

-97: Anonymous from Earth

I think Ai-chan has a pretty creepy real look to it though.

-99: Anonymous from Earth

Or more like, there’s a good amount of Chosen who are focusing on the ero side of things, and yet, those Chosen aren’t that popular. Wonder why?

-102: Anonymous from Earth

Eros is something extremely deep after all…

That they aren’t getting much popularity with eros means that there’s not enough eros…

-105: Anonymous from Earth

They do have spikes of viewership, but it doesn’t retain viewership I assume. You can make-do with just the highlight videos. If you are looking for one, Master Don Juan is the most interesting one.

-108: Anonymous from Earth

The episode where Don Juan was chased after by the butcher with a kitchen knife after he committing adultery had me dying of laughter (not funny).

-110: Anonymous from Earth

I pity the butcher…

-111: Anonymous from Earth

It is the wife of the butcher who is at fault…

-117: Anonymous from Earth

It really is the Chosen who are living a story-like life who are worth watching in real time. A person who only goes for eros is not interesting, and it is kinda tasteless. It makes you go ‘Might as well just watch an AV’. There’s no worth in seeing eros unless it is with a person that isn’t ero.

If I had to say more about it, the more hidden, the hotter it is.

-120: Anonymous from Earth

That’s called wabi-sabi**. <appreciating beauty that is ‘imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete’.>

-122: Anonymous from Earth

For the female streamers who focus on ero, they have to constantly make moves that are erotic after all. It wouldn’t be interesting unless you do stuff like using your wiles to become an explorer, play the princess, and become a party crasher…

-124: Anonymous from Earth

I am full with stuff like that with the dark twins.

-127: Anonymous from Earth

The dark twins barely have any eros, but their existence itself is impure, so it counts.

-129: Anonymous from Earth

The non-interference of the Great Dark Spirit is incredible. Is that okay with you, Milliestas?

-133: Anonymous from Earth

Great Spirits are technically like Gods…

The Gods don’t interfere with the land… (Even if the nation falls, it is not like the Great Spirits are perishing anyways).

-139: Anonymous from Earth

Great Spirits are Gods or like natural phenomenons that you can communicate with. The Great Spirit of Milliestas is super old (more than 500 years) and it has watched over the rise of the dark capital. It wouldn’t get involved in every single small internal conflict.

-150: Anonymous from Earth

Returning to the ero, the people who were selected in the 1st group are truly normal people who were coincidentally chosen, so it is rare for there to be any person who makes any extreme moves.

-153: Anonymous from Earth

If it is the 2nd group, there’s a chance?

-155: Anonymous from Earth

The 2nd group are people who were selected because they want to do things in that world, so there doesn’t seem to be anyone who is focused mainly on the eros.

-157: Anonymous from Earth

No, I think the men chosen also want to do the ero part. It is just that it won’t be their main focus.

-160: Anonymous from Earth

There’s worth in the healthy sexual appeal of Nanami-chan, you know. You get me, right?

-164: Anonymous from Earth

I figure you guys who live in this bulletin boards don’t know, but sex is something that exists on the regular in humanity.

-166: Anonymous from Earth

I haven’t experienced it once though. Which regular are you speaking of?

-167: Anonymous from Earth

Move aside, virgins.

-168: Anonymous from Earth

What it means is that, eros is something that exists on regular life = sex being your only selling point is not interesting. If it had been 30 years ago, it would have value, but we are in the modern era where even amateurs can upload stuff like that. And so, earning viewers solely from that is difficult.

-173: Anonymous from Earth

What’s important is ‘whose ero is it’.

If it were the sex of Jeanne and Hikaru, there would be a whole lot of viewers. Basically, that’s how it is.

-174: Anonymous from Earth

I do want to see that. The development surrounding the whole thing would be super hot.

-177: Anonymous from Earth

If just bed scenes could earn viewers, all movies with love scenes would fall into that category.

-180: Anonymous from Earth

I think that, in the end, Hikaru will be washed by the flow and go into the bed with everyone.

-181: Anonymous from Earth

I think so too.

Or more like, please let it happen!

-185: Anonymous from Earth

Dude, this is the Nanami-chan thread.

Return the talk to Ai-chan!

-187: Anonymous from Earth

It is turning into the Ai-chan thread…

-190: Anonymous from Earth

But Ai-chan is strong.

It is not a Quasi-Demon Lord for show.

Being able to use 3 Spirit Ability elements is unheard of.

-195: Anonymous from Earth

From what we currently know, it can use light, water, and wind; it can use wind and water in the high tiers. I think it can use high tier light abilities too.

This is crazy. It has high MP too. Fuel consumption is bad.

-196: Anonymous from Earth

It is like an all-purpose racing car. The best.

-199: Anonymous from Earth

In the first place, Monstrosity is the general term for the strongest individual in the zone. With Ai-chan being a monstrosity, it is clear that it is the strongest in the hell…

-200: Anonymous from Earth

Being the strongest within a danger zone level 5 is impressive.

-201: Anonymous from Earth

If only there wasn’t the weakness of bad consumption.

-205: Anonymous from Earth

Nanami-tan is also tough. There’s only strong women around Hikaru…

-440: Anonymous from Earth

She has gotten quite high up. The view is outstanding.

-443: Anonymous from Earth

In the end, by acting according to the hints, Nanami-tan managed to overcome the first biggest hurdle. That’s impressive. Even though there were several tens of people in the 2nd batch of Chosen who got caught in the trap of the darts transfer and died.

-460: Anonymous from Earth

Speaking of hints, it said something like ‘get your protection in order’, right?

At that point, it was technically her not being in a tight spot anymore.

-461: Anonymous from Earth

What do you mean by that?

-466: Anonymous from Earth

With hints, at the times when the direction is almost already settled and there’s no threats, it is known that there are a number of fixed hints that show up. Within those, there’s ‘get your protection in order’, or ‘get your weapons in order’.

-467: Anonymous from Earth

Then, there was no need to get protection?

-468: Anonymous from Earth

No, it is not like there’s no point to it.

You have to admit that she has to do something about those default clothes. If she has the points, it would certainly be better to get her protection in place.

-470: Anonymous from Earth

So the priority is low.

-475: Anonymous from Earth

She is finally going to reunite with him, huh.

With Nanami-chan having come back to life, Hikaru has also gotten somewhat positive, so this is truly great.

-477: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t it because he is getting all pampered by two beauties…?

If that were me, I would get positive too.

-479: Anonymous from Earth

Or rather, I am impressed he hasn’t assaulted them yet.

If that were me, I would partake 4 times every day.

-480: Anonymous from Earth

Bring the talk about Hikaru to the Hikaru threads.

-482: Anonymous from Earth

What about talk of Ozawa?

-483: Anonymous from Earth

For the talk of Ozawa -or so-called Phantom- bring that to the Ozawa threads.

-485: Anonymous from Earth

What’s that about Phantom?

-488: Anonymous from Earth

Someone called the wack Ozawa that…

-490: Anonymous from Earth

A Chosen by the name of Ferdinand de Smet made contact with Ozawa, and suggested to him ‘put on a mask and act as if you took the Memory Loss debuff’. Since then, he has been calling himself Phantom…

-493: Anonymous from Earth

Why did he show kindness to a murderer?

Who in the world is this Ferdinand de Smet?

-495: Anonymous from Earth

Apparently an up-and-coming attorney. The Chosen he spoke to that was coincidentally closeby was Ozawa, so it seems like he got a hold of him. I don’t know what he is thinking.

He might be trying to utilize him somehow.

-496: Anonymous from Earth

There’s quite a lot of Chosen that seek to mingle with fellow Chosen, you know. Like Ryouko-chan. So it wouldn’t be strange for Ferdinand-kun to be that type too.

-498: Anonymous from Earth

But we are talking about Ozawa here, you know? Is it possible to be ok even with a murderer?

-500: Anonymous from Earth

The Chosen of the new group all know that Ozawa is a killer, so if his name were to be known, the demerits would be bigger; that must be why he suggested Ozawa to call himself Phantom.

It is not like the other Chosen will remember all the other 299 Chosen anyways. When you mention memory loss, everyone will have an idea as to what you are talking about, so the chances of being antagonized decrease.

Well, if they turn off the automatic translation and get hit with the japanese, he will get found out though.

-501: Anonymous from Earth

Does that mean he isn’t thinking of killing Hikaru and Nanami-chan anymore?

-503: Anonymous from Earth

Don’t think so. It looks like he is simply getting all merry with his Spirit Abilities.

-507: Anonymous from Earth

He is also using the brothel after all…

He even goes as far as using the camera off function. What bad service!

-509: Anonymous from Earth

Ozawa coming out from the brothel all absentminded made me laugh out loud.

What happened in there, Ozawa? Explain, Ozawa.

-510: Anonymous from Earth

Alright alright, you are all in the wrong place to talk of Phantom too.

Stop it already.

-513: Anonymous from Earth

Is Ferdinand not scared of Ozawa?

-515: Anonymous from Earth

Ozawa’s movements are completely those of a lost guy after all. It seems like Fer-kun can’t go against that. He is the typical guy that is strong with the weak, and weak with the strong…

-518: Anonymous from Earth

What part about moving the talk to his exclusive board do you not understand? Ozawa should drop dead already.

-540: Anonymous from Earth

Looks like she is about to get to the top.

-542: Anonymous from Earth

The view is great, but that hell is seriously a barren land…

And yet, there’s a decent amount of living beings, which I can’t help but find mysterious.

-543: Anonymous from Earth

With just the factor of Spirit Energy, it is completely different from Earth after all…

-545: Anonymous from Earth

Monsters inhabit the dungeon with just Spirit Energy alone.