Chapter 180: Bridge to Hell but Wait for a bit before journeying off ※Nanamis POV (1/2)


“That said, we should try going up there at least once.” (Nanami)

The stairs are pretty steep and narrow, so I held hands with Ai-chan as I walked one step at a time.

Ai-chan is a far superior life form than me, so the reliability was transmitted to me from holding hands. Its appearance is like that of a healing character, but this child is a bonafide Monstrosity.

That’s why I have to take responsibility for bringing it outside, and I have to protect this child too.

(Even so…I have done a whole ton of simulations for when I get a pet, but to think that it would be fulfilled in this way…) (Nanami)

My parents were not fond of animals, so I couldn’t have a pet at home. No, my parents said ‘you can have one’, but with how the dog was thrown away once, I couldn’t bring myself to trust my parents anymore.

I was inflating my dream more and more thinking about how I will keep as many pets as I want once I graduated high school and got out of that house. My dream…my life plan was destroyed when I was chosen to be transferred to an isekai though.

Is what I thought, but you can keep living things as pets too. With Communication, the difficulty of taming them has decreased, so there’s probably no need to think too deeply about it.

And I will be able to reunite with Hi-chan.

By the way, it is not like ‘everything is laid bare’ with Communication.

It is only ‘what you want to tell and strong emotions’ that will be transmitted to the other party, so it is not like everything you are thinking is exposed.

However, your emotions are transmitted a little bit. Stuff like: I am hungry, happy, having fun, displeased, or angered.

It seems like Ai-chan likes it when I pet its body. The feelings of happiness get transmitted to me, and it makes me happy too.

I don’t know the way of life of an Evil Eyeball, but despite not giving out that feeling of being a social creature, it seems to be attached to me.

It might be seeing me as a mate.

I don’t know if Ai-chan is male or female though.

Then, does it feel anger when I suddenly get attacked? No, there’s no emotion like that at all.

It thinks ‘prey prey’ just like that giant eagle… Well, it is not as far as that, but it is close.

For this child, other creatures are simply food, so that’s natural though.

I was thinking that while walking up the stairs.

It is already incredibly high up. If I had a fear of heights, this is a sight that would make my legs buckle and I would be rendered unable to move. I think this easily goes over several hundreds of meters.

Moreover, there’s still quite a good distance before reaching the top.

“A-Ai-chan, are you okay? Aren’t you scared?” (Nanami)

—It is high and pretty.


Ai-chan was blinking and enjoying the view.

This child really is very intelligent.

To think it would have the spirit to enjoy the view.

4 hours of going up.

We finally reached all the way to the top.

“This really is…one…im-…impressive sight…” (Nanami)

A breathtaking view.

It reminds me of the Grand Canyon view I saw on the TV.

There’s even the chance that this is being used as a tourist spot for its superb view.

I went all the way to the top of the stairs, but the stage-like thing jutting out that was blocking the way, so I could not proceed any further.

The stage is 20 meters in width and around 3 meters in height.

I thought that maybe there would be a small exit somewhere, but there’s nothing like that.

“This is troubling. So there’s no choice but to have Ai-chan carry me, huh. Ai-chan, do you think you can carry me above this slab?” (Nanami)


—Get on.

The floating Ai-chan is the size of a balance ball.

I lay face down on top of Ai-chan, and its two ear-like tentacles held my body properly in place.

Just like that, we took off from the stairs and to the top of the cliff…

(Hiiiih! This is scary! It is scary, but it feels good!) (Nanami)

It is a new sensation. It is so high it can induce screams, but because Ai-chan is properly keeping me in place, there’s a sense of safety to it, and we finally got to the top of the cliff.

The lid that was jutting out like a stage seems like it was being kept up like a drawbridge. At the end of the 2 sturdy chains was a stone fortress-like place.

“Is there anyone there?” (Nanami)

—Probably no one.

Looks like this was prepared solely for the sake of this drawbridge, so it is not like there’s a city or a castle here.

I don’t know for what reason a thing like this was prepared, but I didn’t want to meet people just yet, so this is good. I investigated the building for a bit, but there’s simply one small room that seems like a waiting room, and there was no presence of people. Judging from the way the dust is accumulating, it doesn’t seem to be used often.

I bring out the world map and confirm my current location.

“Ringpill Continent: Prosjen Hill, Bridge to Hell.” (Nanami)