Chapter 176: Exclusive Chosen Bulletin Board JPN [No.1000 Souma Nanami] 402nd (1/2)

TLN: Sorry about posting in the wrong order.

Make sure you didn't miss the previous one!


-6: Anonymous from Earth

At this pace, won’t her bullets be running out first…?

Even if she defeats the eagles, isn’t this that infamous hell? Isn’t it impossible to get out…?

Just thinking about how she doesn’t even know it is a place with no exit and is desperately doing her best is so painful it makes me want to puke from the stress…

-9: Anonymous from Earth

Don’t say it.

Don’t say anything.

-12: Anonymous from Earth

The viewers that don’t know about that hell can cheer for her and tell her to do her best, but that’s impossible for me. It is so pitiful, I just can’t. I’m crying here.

-14: Anonymous from Earth

I will just listen to the result…

-15: Anonymous from Earth

The 1st group had 300 people dying after all… No matter how much preparation Celica and Karen do, the chances of surviving a situation like this are lower…

-20: Anonymous from Earth

Can’t you escape from an eagle by running?

-21: Anonymous from Earth

It is so big, I don’t think it would be possible.

If it grabs you, you are done for.

-26: Anonymous from Earth

It must be pretty stressful while it is chasing after you, and if it were to gather up with the other eagles, end of the line.

-30: Anonymous from Earth

If you get grabbed by those claws, THE END.

Humans die just from being dropped from a high place.

-31: Anonymous from Earth

I definitely don’t want to see Nanami-tan getting eaten by an eagle while still alive.

-35: Anonymous from Earth

She has the Barrier Stone, so she might be able to escape if she manages well, but I don’t know about the eagles. I do feel as if they would stay the whole time there until the barrier’s effect runs out. It is a bird of prey after all.

-40: Anonymous from Earth

It looks like there’s quite a lot of Chosen who have been thrown to weird places and are in a dangerous situation.

What’s with that darts transfer thing? Would you normally choose something like that…?

-43: Anonymous from Earth

The darts transfer gives you 5 points and, on top of that, if you hit the sea, you can retry.

-44: Anonymous from Earth

Even if so…

-47: Anonymous from Earth

In terms of distance, Nanami-chan is decently close to Hikaru. She was thrown almost in the very middle of the Ringpill Continent. Just that she had a bit of bad luck and fell into a high level danger zone…

-48: Anonymous from Earth

In the middle of the continent makes it sound nice, but there’s quite a lot of distance. Not only are the roads not properly maintained, she is going on foot, right? Even if she managed to get out of that hell, it would take 10 days or more.

-50: Anonymous from Earth

At worst, even Nanami-chan would bet everything in Random Transfer at least. She won’t get helplessly killed.

-52: Anonymous from Earth

Random Transfer, huh… Well, it is better than hell -as long as your luck doesn’t suck.

-54: Anonymous from Earth

Can’t you just spam Random Transfer until you get a good place?

-56: Anonymous from Earth

You can only do Random Transfer once per person.

-60: Anonymous from Earth

She can also do a point loan, so I want her to get out somehow.

-79: Anonymous from Earth

Wonder what the build of Nanami-chan is.

I feel like she put points in Physical Strength Up.

-82: Anonymous from Earth

If she were to open the tab in the Status Board, we would be able to tell, but it doesn’t look like she has the time to do something like that.

-85: Anonymous from Earth

It seems like her only equipment is those sneakers. The 15 crystal ones.

-90: Anonymous from Earth

How many places are considered hell?

-92: Anonymous from Earth

Don’t know. There shouldn’t be that many.

By the way, even if you manage to crawl out from it, there might not be any human settlements nearby.

-96: Anonymous from Earth

It is not like there’s Chosen who are investigating the hells after all. It is more of a place that you get introduced to as having a superb view.

-99: Anonymous from Earth

How about jumping out with a short teleport scroll? That teleports you horizontally, so there might be a chance with it.

-102: Anonymous from Earth

I see, I see. The short teleport scroll, huh.

I got teleported inside a rock!

-103: Anonymous from Earth

*One with a rock*

-105: Anonymous from Earth

No, it is not that hard of an item to use. If it were to teleport you inside a rock at every opportunity, it would be useless.

-108: Anonymous from Earth

Well, it is indeed scary, but it is worth trying it out. Or has there been someone who has tried?

-110: Anonymous from Earth

None. Or more like, wouldn’t it be better to just use the floating scroll?

-112: Anonymous from Earth

You can only float 10 meters at most with that.

-115: Anonymous from Earth

No choice but to get Physical Strength Up and go climbing.

-117: Anonymous from Earth

Whichever the case, her life is at risk. Think about it seriously here.

-120: Anonymous from Earth

More like, can she even reach a wall? Judging from the map, there’s several tens of kilometers before that’s possible.

-130: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t she done for here…?

-132: Anonymous from Earth

If she runs, she should be able to reach a wall. The problem is what to do from there.

-160: Anonymous from Earth

Encountered a pack of eagles!

-163: Anonymous from Earth

There’s even one that looks like a dinosaur.

-165: Anonymous from Earth

It is like the boss of saltwater crocodiles…

-169: Anonymous from Earth

Is there a reptile that big in the wilds?!

-170: Anonymous from Earth

Or more like, there’s a lot of giant creatures we haven’t seen in that region.

Is this a lost world?

-174: Anonymous from Earth

It is a region where the original ecosystem remains. If it were an RPG, it could be wrapped up with a half-assed explanation like being a region where the monsters are strong, but in our sense of values, it is like an endangered zone that ‘must be protected’.

Nanami-chan is rushing guns blazing, but those eagles might be an endangered species.

-176: Anonymous from Earth

I get your point, but this is not Earth. There’s different laws, different rights, and different logic.

-177: Anonymous from Earth

You only live once. She’s got no choice here.

-180: Anonymous from Earth

Giant lizard = Dinosaur.

It might not really be the case, but it really does look like a dinosaur.

I doubt it can be defeated with a gun.

-181: Anonymous from Earth

As a dinosaur lover, I am super excited here.

-185: Anonymous from Earth

Looks like she is taking a detour.

-188: Anonymous from Earth

Nope, look again.

-190: Anonymous from Earth


-194: Anonymous from Earth

She plans on fighting?!

-200: Anonymous from Earth

She is going in!

-202: Anonymous from Earth


-205: Anonymous from Earth

There was something at the place where the monsters were gathered. Something like a ball of fur.

-210: Anonymous from Earth

She is OP though.

-213: Anonymous from Earth

I saw a glimpse of a guy that looked like a duskin mob**.

-220: Anonymous from Earth

Nanami-tan instantly kills the birds that are not flying.

That in itself is super impressive, but I am worried about her remaining ammo…

Does she have the leeway to go OP protagonist here?

-224: Anonymous from Earth

I saw a glimpse of what looked like a rabbit. Is she trying to save that?

-227: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t that the kind of monster that straight up noms up your head?

-228: Anonymous from Earth

That kindness of hers will definitely be her demise.

-230: Anonymous from Earth

To think she managed to instantly kill 3 of them.

She has the talent to be a hunter. What kind of training did she get to improve this much?

-233: Anonymous from Earth

Shouldn’t she be putting all her resources into escaping rather than this?

What is she doing…?

-236: Anonymous from Earth

The people who are young apparently get more points, but God probably takes into account the decision making in situations like this. Each and every decision can cement whether you live or die -she doesn’t understand that at all.

-240: Anonymous from Earth

She is attacking so boldly.

-242: Anonymous from Earth

The lizard is fast! She missed!

-243: Anonymous from Earth

Speed that can’t be caught with the naked eye! Is its whole body made of muscles?!

-244: Anonymous from Earth

This is bad.

-246: Anonymous from Earth

Ah, Barrier Stone. That’s a relief.

-250: Anonymous from Earth

Nanami-chan is really damn quick-witted.

-252: Anonymous from Earth

The lizard is super cool.

Is this guy in the isekai creature database?

-255: Anonymous from Earth

It resembles the Rock Drake in Alimari though.

-257: Anonymous from Earth

If that were me, I would be so scared I would lose strength on my knees and would get munched that instant.

-260: Anonymous from Earth

Most of this world has not been explored by the Chosen yet. They end up living in the settlements so, in the end, they mostly live a life not that different from the natives.

That’s exactly why people ‘who want to do something’ were prioritized in the 2nd group.

-263: Anonymous from Earth

I was deceived by the plain appearance of Nanami-chan, but maybe she is really high spec…?

-267: Anonymous from Earth

By living with those trascendental twins, your concept of ‘normal’ just crumbles after all. There’s plenty of possibility you get pulled up by them and turn high spec.

-270: Anonymous from Earth

Hm? Is she going to shoot? Inside the barrier?

-274: Anonymous from Earth

She shot! Is that the legendary Vanishing Shot?!

-275: Anonymous from Earth


-278: Anonymous from Earth

So the Vanishing Shot still hasn’t been nerfed, huh.

-280: Anonymous from Earth


-281: Anonymous from Earth

Nerf gun plz.

-284: Anonymous from Earth

That ‘alright’ of Nanami-chan really gives off a strong vibe.

-285: Anonymous from Earth

Violence… Violence solves everything.

-290: Anonymous from Earth

Now then, in the end, just what was Nanami-tan trying to save here?

-293: Anonymous from Earth

Perimeter, clear!

Saving the mop!!

-295: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t it a rabbit?

-298: Anonymous from Earth

Rabbit… No, it ain’t no rabbit!

-300: Anonymous from Earth

This is…LMAO.

-301: Anonymous from Earth

A wilted eyeball!

-302: Anonymous from Earth

EOTB! ye of the Beholder!>

-304: Anonymous from Earth

Did Nanami-chan mistake it for a rabbit or something from afar?!

That’s a bonafide monster.

-305: Anonymous from Earth

Won’t she get shocked by that?

-306: Anonymous from Earth


-310: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t this monster the one that you shouldn’t say its name…?

-312: Anonymous from Earth

Eh? Are you talking about Ahriman? (Clueless)

-315: Anonymous from Earth

Aren’t they conversing?

-320: Anonymous from Earth


That’s definitely Communication!!!!

-323: Anonymous from Earth

To think she took Communication. That broke through every assumptions made.

-324: Anonymous from Earth


-327: Anonymous from Earth

That’s why she suddenly entered a rescue mission?

Communication lets you hear the voices of their heart, right?

-330: Anonymous from Earth

Nanami-chan must be shocked too.

‘I thought it was a rabbit, but it was an eyeball monster!’ -is definitely what she is thinking.

-332: Anonymous from Earth

Wasn’t Communication considered a questionable ability despite its heavy point cost?

-338: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t an eyeball monster a pretty powerful one?

-341: Anonymous from Earth

It looks weak though.

Don’t think anything and everything is going to be the same as the fantasy stories of Earth.

-345: Anonymous from Earth

Nanami-tan opened up the back of the eagles without hesitation. How to say it, she's got guts…

-350: Anonymous from Earth

It doesn’t have external wounds? Normally, you would use potions, right?

-352: Anonymous from Earth

She is giving it food. Giving a Spirit Stone as it is feels a bit too wild though…

-353: Anonymous from Earth

The creatures in that world apparently eat Spirit Stones pretty often.

-355: Anonymous from Earth

Hm? Does that mean it was on the verge of dying from starvation?


-359: Anonymous from Earth

Its appearance is totally that of a monstrosity.

-364: Anonymous from Earth