Chapter 169: 2nd Chosen Transfer Batch Discussion Bulletin Board 109th (1/2)

-11: Anonymous from Earth

In the end, where do you think would be the correct place to transfer to?

-12: Anonymous from Earth

Dividing it widely, it would be a choice between: the Roshesill Continent, Ringpill Continent, Lashimoza Continent, and the Alaura Continent. Thinking of it as a whole, the Roshesill Continent would be nice, but it is so big, it is hard to generalize it. If we are speaking of the climate alone, it would be Ringpill or Lashimoza.

-15: Anonymous from Earth

Thinking about the meeting of other Chosen, Roshesill is the most widespread. Ringpill is nice too, but it is kind of a countryside. Even the capital that’s the most developed, Stranoa, isn’t that big of a city.

-16: Anonymous from Earth

If you can choose, Gran Alismaris would be the best choice, I would say. That place is the biggest city of the world, and if you become a high rank explorer, there won’t be much danger even if you are discovered to be a Chosen.

-19: Anonymous from Earth

Is there a hunt for Chosen?

-21: Anonymous from Earth

It doesn’t seem like there’s any big ones, but I wonder about that.

I think it is dangerous depending on the area.

-22: Anonymous from Earth

The place with possible moves for Chosen hunts is in the eastern part of Roshesill?

-24: Anonymous from Earth

Yeah, but we only have information through the eyes of Chosen, so it is hard to say.

As of now, only 3 Chosen have been corralled.

-27: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t it plenty with 3 people…?

-30: Anonymous from Earth

The strength of Chosen is that, when push comes to shove, they can run away with Random Transfer after all.

The other day, a person who took the Affection of Spirits ran away with Random Transfer, right?

…They died after that though.

-32: Anonymous from Earth

It was a sad incident…

-34: Anonymous from Earth

I think increasing your combat power in order to be okay even when doing Random Transfer will become crazy important.

-35: Anonymous from Earth

No matter how strong you are in battle, depending on the place you get thrown to, you won’t be able to survive.

A snow mountain or a marshland would be impossible.

-37: Anonymous from Earth

If you manage the Points you get from Random Transfer wisely, you could get by somehow.

As long as you can at least deal with the foreign enemies.

-40: Anonymous from Earth

If you get transferred into an elf forest?

-42: Anonymous from Earth

It is impossible statistically speaking.

It is not like there are several elf forests out there, right?

-45: Anonymous from Earth

There aren’t several out there. According to the information the elf-loving Chosen got from the elf they got along with (don’t actually get along), it is a big city that’s a forest yet not a forest.

-48: Anonymous from Earth

A giant city forest!

-50: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t that just in the perception of elves?

-51: Anonymous from Earth

Also, elves really do hate outside races. If you were to suddenly get teleported into the elf forest, the chances of getting killed are high (excluding Loved Ones).

-55: Anonymous from Earth

Elves like Loved Ones?

-57: Anonymous from Earth

Apparently. It would be better to be sheltered in an elf village rather than be captured by the church. They will suck on you everyday.

-59: Anonymous from Earth

There’s a bonus like that…?

-60: Anonymous from Earth

If you get sucked by Great Spirits, you die, but you don’t die if elves do that…

By the way, I don’t know what they suck…

-61: Anonymous from Earth

You will get passed around regardless of men or women!

-64: Anonymous from Earth

The reputation of the elves is being destroyed here with baseless assumptions…

-68: Anonymous from Earth

Meaning that there’s captured Loved Ones in the elf villages???

-73: Anonymous from Earth

There’s none among the Chosen yet. We are solely talking from imagination!

-76: Anonymous from Earth

Different from Great Spirits, elves can’t detect you as a Loved One unless they are pretty close to you. There’s elves even in Meltia, but they haven’t approached Hikaru.

-78: Anonymous from Earth

It would be nice to be able to choose your race at the time when you transfer.

There must be many who would want to become elves.

-80: Anonymous from Earth

Be satisfied with just being able to tinker your age.

There’s several tens of people from the 2nd batch that have declared that they would make themselves younger.

-85: Anonymous from Earth

I don’t know about using Points to get younger…

According to the research team, it is a choice that shouldn’t be prioritized, right?

-88: Anonymous from Earth

The highest priority is Physical Strength Up after all.

Putting it in an extreme way, you could even put Points in only that.

-90: Anonymous from Earth

You can’t get social standing and a family register with Points after all.

You can only buy power anyways.

It is an advantage when doing physical work in the flophouse district too.

-91: Anonymous from Earth

The flophouse district, you say…

-92: Anonymous from Earth

What a harsh world…

-95: Anonymous from Earth

Even though you got the chance to transfer to an isekai, you get hired as a manual laborer, and are made to work in a workplace that doesn’t even have the concept of safety first…

-97: Anonymous from Earth

“Safety belt…? What’s that…?”

“By wrapping a safety belt like this, you can avoid fall accidents.”

“W-Wow! I never thought of that…!”

-100: Anonymous from Earth

But the reality is apparently that your boss punches you and shouts: “As if we can get work done if we put that on every single time!”

-103: Anonymous from Earth

There’s actual people like that in the modern era too after all…

-110: Anonymous from Earth

It is hard for Chosen, who don’t have pretty high communication skills, to even live.

-113: Anonymous from Earth

In the end, becoming an explorer is the best choice.

That work doesn’t ask for your birthplace, and as long as you can excavate Spirit Stones, you can even get social status from it.

If you want to do something, just do it after you have become silver rank or higher.

-118: Anonymous from Earth

I would say Sylvester rank would be lacking a bit.

If possible, go till Gnome Rank.

If you are Gnome Rank or higher, you can become a templar.

-122: Anonymous from Earth

Gnome is gold rank, right?

I have heard that going from silver to gold is pretty difficult.

-125: Anonymous from Earth

Silver is a rank pretty much anyone can get to.

That’s the same for the explorer guilds of any country.

Gold and higher are truly only for the advanced explorers.

-130: Anonymous from Earth

In Gran Alismaris, you would have to defeat a Rock Drake, right?

-131: Anonymous from Earth


Or more like, you can get to silver rank just from selling Spirit Stones, so your strength doesn’t really matter as much.

-134: Anonymous from Earth

Jeanne-chan did ask the guild staff member before on the Meltia side.

The condition to become gold rank is to subjugate a Scylla with a party.

-136: Anonymous from Earth

Doesn’t sound like it is possible to aim for gold rank.

Wouldn’t it be best to take Physical Strength Up and just plow the fields?

-140: Anonymous from Earth

I wouldn’t say it is not possible.

We have the God cheats here!

-145: Anonymous from Earth

If you think you can fight big monsters just by getting strong from cheats, I can only tell you you are one special person.

-147: Anonymous from Earth

Being a farmer isn’t a bad option though.

But the fun…

-148: Anonymous from Earth

Rock Drake?

Not a Lesser Dragon?

-150: Anonymous from Earth

Breeding the creatures on your journey might be fun. Also, the land is vast, so if you buy a horse or something, you might be able to live a lifestyle like that.

Fortunately, it seems like the food tastes good, so as long as you are not seeking some crazy entertainment, you can live a decently fun life.

-151: Anonymous from Earth

A world with no anime, movies, or manga is a bit rough for me…

-154: Anonymous from Earth

I did yearn for an isekai, but it would be impossible for me to stoically put my everything for battle like Jeanne-chan does.

-155: Anonymous from Earth

Lesser Dragons show up at even lower floors.

They apparently look similar though.

-157: Anonymous from Earth

Even if there’s a variety of things I would like to do in an isekai, it is a bit of a different story if I have to work and live for the rest of my life there…

-160: Anonymous from Earth

Despite that, I want to go to the isekai.

There being a lot of beauties is plenty enough reason for me.

Moreover, the chances of being popular are high if you are strong.

-162: Anonymous from Earth

Alex is supposed to be strong, yet he isn’t that popular…

-165: Anonymous from Earth

It is really a mystery why Alex and his party are not popular.

Maybe they lack achievements?

-166: Anonymous from Earth

Returning to the topic, in the end, where would it be best to be transferred to?

-170: Anonymous from Earth

West Roshesill is nice, but it might be disastrous if you land close to the desert region.

Or more like, can you even choose the location?

-172: Anonymous from Earth

You apparently can choose it if you use Points this time around.

-174: Anonymous from Earth


-177: Anonymous from Earth

Where will Ozawa choose to transfer to?

-178: Anonymous from Earth

That’s great news for Nanami-chan.

-181: Anonymous from Earth

Right now the messages are frozen, so this will make it harder for Ozawa to aim for Hikaru. The actions of Ozawa will be of great interest as the enemy of the whole world.

-185: Anonymous from Earth

It turned from a death sentence to isekai transfer, you know?

Thinking about it normally, you would forget about Hikaru and Nanami-chan, and just enjoy yourself, right?

-188: Anonymous from Earth

I am more scared of the Hikaru anti.

That guy said clearly that they would kill him.

-193: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t it just an act to get popularity?

-196: Anonymous from Earth

It is true that, rather than a half-baked diligent Chosen, a clear heel would be more popular.

At the very least, I would say the Ozawa channel will be gathering viewership.

-200: Anonymous from Earth

Bring the talk of Hikaru to his exclusive board.

-203: Anonymous from Earth

If you go for the long game, the Alaura Continent doesn’t have as many pains, making it a nice choice.

-206: Anonymous from Earth

Apologize to the Chosen who are in the Alaura Continent.

They are being made to pass really plain lifestyles, you know!

-210: Anonymous from Earth

It is not like there’s no shipments from the eastern Roshesill, but it is incredibly rough.

-214: Anonymous from Earth

Rather than giving the right to do Random Transfers to the Chosen, I would prefer if God were to give them the ability to teleport to other continents. It would be too pitiful if it ended up in a situation like: ‘I did hear it was an isekai, but I didn’t sign up for this!’.

-215: Anonymous from Earth

The ones who transferred close to the capitals were seriously lucky.

You could even go as far as saying even Hikaru was on the lucky side…

-219: Anonymous from Earth

The Chosen that transferred to the Kiou Country was suffering quite a lot from the culture difference.

Maybe because the dungeon city is the place where the most varied people gather, it is advanced culturally, or it is like, more liberal.

-222: Anonymous from Earth

In places like Kiou, the Lynxes are discriminated against straight on after all.

-226: Anonymous from Earth

Thinking about it, the longer a person has lived carefreely in an advanced country on Earth, the harder it will be to live in an isekai.

It would be difficult for a guy that hasn’t even killed a pig themselves to live in an isekai.

-230: Anonymous from Earth

Consuming lives in order to survive is the basics of life after all…

-231: Anonymous from Earth

But well, this time around, people who ‘want to do things there’ have been chosen, so it is better than the 1st group. They do have more information too.

-232: Anonymous from Earth

There were a lot of pitiful people within the 1st group after all… In that sense, Nanami-chan was lucky, I guess?

Hikaru ended up being the victim instead though.

-235: Anonymous from Earth

Her parents were killed, you know?

There’s nothing lucky here.