Chapter 143: Sister’s feelings or Chosen List ※Celica’s POV (1/2)

“Hey, Celica-chan, with this, I can be together with Hi-chan again, right?” (Nanami)

Nanami-neesan looked intently at the geometrical pattern that is moving on her palm as she said this.

Those passionate eyes of hers were not something as soft as that of a maiden in love.

It may be because this is just after she watched the videos of Brother, but she might be thinking ‘with this, I should be able to get him back from those women’.

I don’t think she is that much of an idiot though…

I should return her to reality a little bit here.

“Nee-san, I think you already understand this, but that world is vast, you know? I think it is fine to make reuniting with Onii-chan your ultimate goal, but what’s most important is to survive… Putting it bluntly here, I think you should forget about Onii-chan for the time being.” (Celica)

“Forget…? And then what? Are you telling me to live there to a degree where I don’t die?” (Nanami)

“Don’t take it in a weird way. Then, Nee-san, what’s going to happen if you were to reunite with Onii-chan as it is now? In the time when everyone is adventuring in the dungeon, will you be staying at home alone? Do you think you can put up a fight against the isekai beauty Rifreya-san and the model level beauty Jeanne-san with that?” (Celica)

“…What is it you are trying to say?” (Nanami)

There’s fire in the eyes of Nee-san.

This may end up as if I am provoking her here, but it is important here to make matters clear for Nanami-neesan. If I don’t, it won’t transmit to the stubborn Nee-san.

“It means that you have to become stronger, or it will simply grow worse for you. Onii-chan is kind, so I think he would protect you dearly if you were to show up, Nee-san. But…that’s all there’s to it. Standing side by side and fighting, strengthening their bonds; that’s Rifreya-san and Jeanne-san. There’s no doubt you would become someone he would be troubled in what he should be doing with you. Even though you are not strong, only your jealousy is stronger than anyone else’s.” (Celica)

“Celica-chan, you…” (Nanami)

“Am I wrong?” (Celica)

I might be a bit too harsh here.

Nee-san bit her lips and was searching for counterarguments.

But this is the truth.

Nee-san should be able to imagine that scenario with a little bit of thought.

…In the first place, Nanami-neesan…and of course, me and Karen… Brother doesn’t see us as women.

We are the closest to what he considers family.

But that’s all there is to it.

It is by no means him seeing us as women.

Nee-san should be aware of that too.

Aware that Brother is conscious of Rifreya-san as a woman, but she is just a childhood friend for him.

That she is already a few lengths away in the race.

“Also…you lose completely in terms of appearance. A beauty on the level of Rifreya-san, you would find it hard to find one even if you were to search all of Earth.” (Celica)

“Kuh…! Hitting where it hurts… But Hi-chan isn’t the type to choose by appearances.” (Nanami)

“Naive! Too naive, Nee-san! Onii-chan was raised without the love of parents, so he is extremely weak towards women with overflowing maternal aura! He might not swerve to Jeanne-san much, but he would fall instantly to Rifreya-san…no, you should already consider that you can’t win against her when you are making your plan…” (Celica)

The reason Karen and I were doing our best in bust exercises was because we already knew the weakness of Brother since we were elementary schoolers.

Thanks to that, or maybe because of our blood, they have grown to a decent degree, but we are far from being able to compete with the natural Rifreya-san.

Those are already on the level of deadly weapons.

“Then, what are you telling me to do? Live my life all lonely in that world without reuniting with Hi-chan?” (Nanami)

“That’s not it. I have already contacted the training facility, so I will have you train as if your life depended on it for 20 days. Anyways, forget about the lifestyle you’ve had until now. Consider it as if you have time slipped from the modern era. If not…you will really be dying, or face an even worse fate, you know? You are a young woman, so you have to be several times more careful than men. For the sake of that, you really need to get stronger.” (Celica)

“I see… Right… Thanks, Celica-chan.” (Nanami)

“No, rather, I regretted the fact that I didn’t make preparations for that at the time when you were selected. I myself didn’t understand well what an isekai transfer was, you see.” (Celica)

Looks like Nee-san has at least understood this.

If she were to go with such a flimsy hope like wanting to meet up with Brother in the isekai, I can easily see her facing tragedy.

That God is normally impartial, however, 300 people died in just 1 month.

There’s also a decent amount of people whose hearts broke from this.

It is impartial and cruel. You could even call it simpleminded.

Anyways, I don’t want Nee-san to suffer that.

“…Celica-chan, but I have died once, you know? That’s probably why I might not be too scared of death.” (Nanami)

She really doesn’t understand.

She is one hopeless Sis.

“Please be scared. For the sake of me and Karen, please be scared.” (Celica)

“Muh, what hopeless little sisters…” (Nanami)

‘Those are my words’, is what I swallowed, and mailed the private military affairs company an additional mail.

There’s the need for Nee-san to train her body but also her heart at the same time.