Chapter 65: Exclusive Chosen Bulletin Board JPN [No.1000 Kurose Hikaru] 3000th (1/2)

-675: Anonymous from Earth

That feeling of Rifreya-sama wanting to be together with him as much as possible reached even me. So cute.

Or more like, Hikaru is beginning to look like a brusque boyfriend.

-676: Anonymous from Earth

The shortsword is so cool!

-677: Anonymous from Earth

Black bladed knives can be seen often, but there might not be that many that are forged.

-678: Anonymous from Earth

Japanese swords normally are just the same color as the metal, so they don’t become black.

-679: Anonymous from Earth

In other words…it is cool.

-680: Anonymous from Earth

The new weapon is nice.

I would like to sell my own weapons in an isekai.

-681: Anonymous from Earth

Black clothing and a ninja sword; that’s completely a ninja.

-682: Anonymous from Earth

He is super popular with the foreigners.

So ninjas did exist in Japan!

-683: Anonymous from Earth

The handle is on the long side.

-684: Anonymous from Earth

They said it doesn’t get dirty in the dungeon. What does that mean?

-685: Anonymous from Earth

The Millietas Great Dark Church is where those twins are?

-686: Anonymous from Earth

The defeated monsters become Spirit Stones and their bodies disappear.

Of course the things sticking to the blade will also disappear, so there’s no need to wipe it.

-687: Anonymous from Earth

What’s the business that Hikaru has? Even though he has to get as many viewers as possible.

-688: Anonymous from Earth


The place where the twins (evil) are, yeah.

It is pretty far away in terms of distance, but they are well known…

-689: Anonymous from Earth

Maybe he is aiming to increase his number of viewers by fighting solo?

-690: Anonymous from Earth

If he were that narcissistic, he wouldn’t be having this tough of a time.

-691: Anonymous from Earth

He even has his own personal weapon. Hikaru-kun is finally looking like an explorer.

-692: Anonymous from Earth

If he were blessed with party members, he would be able to live off being an explorer using his Dark Spirit Abilities as much as he wanted.

-693: Anonymous from Earth

With the power of Hikaru, can’t he even be scouted by the number one party of the city?

He can even double as a porter.

Wouldn’t that route be better in terms of increasing viewers?

-694: Anonymous from Earth

It is a world where magic tools can provide the same effect as a Shadow Bag, so I don’t know about that.

-695: Anonymous from Earth

Hmmm? Is he seriously going to be acting separately from Rifreya-san?

-696: Anonymous from Earth

The sad face of Rifreya-san!

-697: Anonymous from Earth

I feel bad for Rifreya-sama.


What did you smoke to think that Hikaru has that level of communication capability…?

He even looks like he has his hands full with Rifreya.

-698: Anonymous from Earth

Is he maybe going to the guild to gather information?

-699: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t this the first time he has bought a potion in the conventional way?

-700: Anonymous from Earth

He didn’t have the leeway in money at the beginning after all.

-701: Anonymous from Earth

Alex is properly using the guild often, and most if not all the information of the dungeon has been displayed. They are called dungeon explorers, but the reality is that almost all of the floors up to the 5th Floor have been completely explored.

The real explorers are diving the 6th Floor or lower, and they are apparently a real low percent.

-702: Anonymous from Earth

Most of the explorers are more like just monster hunters rather than explorers.

Or more like, is Hikaru going to be dungeon diving? Now?

-703: Anonymous from Earth

Also, since you become stronger by fighting monsters, there’s benefits in the future.

You can switch to being a bodyguard or a mercenary, and you can go as high as a templar.

-704: Anonymous from Earth

“I knew it…” “Onii, you idiot.”

Is what they said, but why is Hikaru being insulted?

-705: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t it simply because he is trying to dive alone? The fact that he is keeping it a secret from Rifreya must mean that he is most likely going to be doing something unreasonable.

-706: Anonymous from Earth

When he uses Darkness Fog on the 2nd floor, I really can’t tell where Hikaru is on the screen.

-707: Anonymous from Earth

Commentary! So awkward!

-708: Anonymous from Earth

3rd Floor! On his own??

Isn’t Hikaru still a 3rd Floor virgin?

-709: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t this dangerous? The 3rd Floor isn’t a darkness stage, so it won’t go as smoothly as the 2nd Floor.

This ain’t a game.

-710: Anonymous from Earth

Even Alex in a party of 3 is having decent difficulties with it.

Both of them are Chosen, so I don’t think there’s that much of a gap between the strength of Alex and Hikaru.

-711: Anonymous from Earth

He may be the Great Dark Mage, but there’s limits.

He might be okay if he stays hidden in the darkness the whole time though.

But in terms of viewers, that’s not so fun to watch.

-712: Anonymous from Earth

Moreover, what’s dangerous is that he hasn’t investigated beforehand.

There’s the Treant that camouflages ingeniously or the Gremlin that can use Spirit Abilities.

There’s even Ghouls that can paralyze you if you get bitten.

-713: Anonymous from Earth

Paralysis is really bad news.

If you get hit by that when alone, it is without doubt game over.

-714: Anonymous from Earth

If he were to encounter 2 Trolls, he would no doubt die.

No matter how you think about it, he won’t be able to defeat them with just your Summon: Night Bug.

-715: Anonymous from Earth

He does have his trump card that is Create Undead, and that’s actually super strong.

If I remember correctly, he still has the stone of the Mantis, so when push comes to shove, maybe he plans on resolving it with that?

-716: Anonymous from Earth

He obviously is strong if he were to call the Mantis, but just because you manage to overcome one battle…

-717: Anonymous from Earth

He may be able to use Dark Spirit Abilities on a high level, his weapon is that shortsword, right?

There’s a reason why Rifreya-sama uses that obscenely big weapon. Using a shortsword on goblins and orcs would be one thing, but it would be plain reckless in the 3rd Floor.

-718: Anonymous from Earth

If a Garden Panther shows up, he is definitely dying…

Alex and his party encountered it once, and barely managed to come out of that with their lives by throwing dried meat at it…

-719: Anonymous from Earth

Damn, you guys are actually worrying here? So kind.

Here I am, excited about what’s to come.

-720: Anonymous from Earth

It is because there’s people like you that Hikaru is trying to be reckless here.

He doesn’t open his messages, so no matter how many messages we send, it is just wasted.

This is seriously bad.

-721: Anonymous from Earth

He can use Shadow Storage now, so isn’t he basically already the ultimate form of a porter?

He could enter any party he wants.

-722: Anonymous from Earth

If he comes back alive, that is…

-723: Anonymous from Earth

Phantom Warrior is so damn good!

-724: Anonymous from Earth

Even an Ogre with a weapon is instantly killed.


-725: Anonymous from Earth

※An Ogre with a weapon is a monster that even a full party of explorers avoids depending on the situation.

-726: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t that impressive?

He just now defeated that as if nothing without Shadow Bind.

Isn’t he stronger than Jeanne-chan on a 1v1???

-727: Anonymous from Earth

No, at first, I thought this ability would be pretty strong against humans, but maybe it would instead be seen through?

It is unnaturally dark, or other stuff like that.

-728: Anonymous from Earth

Don’t know. Let’s have him use it on Alex and check.

-729: Anonymous from Earth

Alex is a real scaredy-cat despite his looks, so please don’t.

-730: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru is so kind that it would be suicidal to fight against Jeanne-chan.

In the time he is hesitating, he would get instantly killed.

-731: Anonymous from Earth

Is Jeanne-chan a killing machine or something???

-732: Anonymous from Earth

No idea. The person herself says: “I am simply a gamer”.

-733: Anonymous from Earth

Maybe only Jeanne-chan got transported to a game world?

-734: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru really is going to be going down to the 3rd Floor…

-735: Anonymous from Earth

This isekai was a game that Jeanne-chan had played in the past!!

-736: Anonymous from Earth

I understand now that Hikaru is strong.

But even with that, exploring the 3rd Floor is bad news.

It is on a completely different level from the time when he was spamming the 2nd Floor.

-737: Anonymous from Earth

Celica and Karen are barely talking now, so it really does seem like he is pushing himself here.

-738: Anonymous from Earth


I am happy for the commentary and all, but your voice is trembling…

-739: Anonymous from Earth

That’s the brother of Celica and Karen for ya.

Even if you’ve got the objective of reviving Nanami-chan on your back, you normally wouldn’t be able to act this firmly.

-740: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru barely has any Points, right?

If I remember correctly, he’s got no Barrier Stones.

-741: Anonymous from Earth

Even if we send him messages, he doesn’t read them.

He is getting all cornered by himself…

The Chosen that have been dying have decreased by quite a lot, but is the count going to increase…today?

-742: Anonymous from Earth

I am sure he is just gonna hide in the darkness and check the place around.

Well, that in itself is still pretty reckless. Just hope the viewer count doesn’t endorse this act of his.

Darkness doesn’t show well on the screen, so I guess it should be okay.

-743: Anonymous from Earth

“Onii-chan thinks that he is being hated, so he thinks that the ones who hate him will be happy if he were to be reckless… And that’s why he is doing something like this…”

“Even though we are all worrying here…”

The two should think of a way for Hikaru to open the messages as soon as possible.

-744: Anonymous from Earth

So Hikaru thinks that if he were to push himself, there will be people watching in joy and saying: ‘can’t he just die already?’.

The vast majority will be watching in worry and saying ‘treat your life with more care’ though.

-745: Anonymous from Earth

Have Alex bring him our message…

There’s still more than 10 days left in the Viewer Count Race. At this rate, Hikaru is going to die.

-746: Anonymous from Earth

Is he seriously going in without any prior knowledge?

-747: Anonymous from Earth


As someone who has been watching Hikaru the whole time he has been awake, I will tell you there’s no doubt about that.

-748: Anonymous from Earth

Is your life okay…?

-749: Anonymous from Earth

He sucks at commentating, but that in turn makes it feel more real and pitiful.

Seriously, don’t push yourself…

-750: Anonymous from Earth

Darkness Fog really does have bad compatibility with this place.

The 3rd Floor is mostly whitish, so it stands out like crazy.

It is nice to be able to tell where he is for a change, but that in turn means that the monsters can also tell.

-751: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru suddenly encounters a Troll.

Moreover, one with a weapon.

-752: Anonymous from Earth

I want to be that one guy that’s sticking on the wall and saying ‘Turn back…’ ‘Turn back and leave…’.

-753: Anonymous from Earth

He obviously will avoid it.

A Troll with a club is the 2nd strongest monster in the 3rd Floor, right?

-754: Anonymous from Earth


He intends to fight it?

-755: Anonymous from Earth

A comrade of Alex has been left in a critical state because of the club swinging of a Troll.

-756: Anonymous from Earth

The incident where Crabbell was foaming on his mouth and had become a crab…

-757: Anonymous from Earth

Instant Kill!

-758: Anonymous from Earth


-759: Anonymous from Earth


-760: Anonymous from Earth

You gotta be kidding me.

-761: Anonymous from Earth


-762: Anonymous from Earth

His courage is impressive.

With that shortsword, you would have to be practically sticking to your enemy to defeat them.

-763: Anonymous from Earth

It could also be the other way around. The reach is short, and that’s why he managed to defeat an enemy with a long club.

A barehanded Troll would go for a fast slap or something.

-764: Anonymous from Earth

Why can’t we see inside the darkness? Do your damn job, management.

-765: Anonymous from Earth

Humans can’t see inside the darkness…

-766: Anonymous from Earth

I hear sobbing from my speakers.

-767: Anonymous from Earth

T-They are…They are crying…

Don’t cry Celica, Karen…

-768: Anonymous from Earth

“Uuuuu~~h. Why are you being this reckless. Onii-chan, you idiot…”

“Everything will be over if you die… Him being unable to calculate on those fronts is clumsy and cute though… But this really is just pushing it…”

-769: Anonymous from Earth

I am sorry to admit that I thought that was cute.

-770: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru is indeed an idiot.

However, there’s times when a man has to do it even when knowing it is foolish, Celica…Karen…

-771: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru isn’t showing any signs of leaving.

He has already encountered Hobgoblins and Gremlins…

-772: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru is defeating 2nd Floor level monsters without any difficulty.

-773: Anonymous from Earth