Chapter 76: Exclusive Chosen Bulletin Board JPN [No.1000 – Kurose Hikaru] 3214th (1/2)

TLN: Heya guys, just a short note that I made a mistake last chapter!

The duration of the Mantis was 1 hour not 6! I forgot to double-check when I was editing and it led to me leaving it there. Sorry about that!


-689: Anonymous from Earth

He went to the guild alone again.

Is he really going to the 4th Floor?

-690: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t the 4th Floor where Alex and his party were so overconfident they went there, and ended up running away with their lives barely hanging?

-691: Anonymous from Earth

Right. This is where you can see that event: (video link).

-692: Anonymous from Earth

The legendary Crabbell vs Crab

-693: Anonymous from Earth

The Crab won.

-694: Anonymous from Earth

A guy that even Dora**e would have a decent hard time too.

-695: Anonymous from Earth

Crab so BIIIIIIG!!

-696: Anonymous from Earth

If it weren’t a monster, you could have a feast with that.

-697: Anonymous from Earth

In that world, there’s no border between monsters and living beings, so if they aren’t from the dungeon, you can actually eat them.

-698: Anonymous from Earth

The meat should be really tight and tasty.

No, it definitely is tasty.

-699: Anonymous from Earth

It is a relief that it isn’t an enemy that increases their defense with a spell, huh, Alex.

-700: Anonymous from Earth

When they saw the Lizardman from afar, they went ‘that’s bad’ ‘that’s bad’ ‘that’s bad’ and retreated.

And in reality, even when looking at a Lizardman from afar, they give that feeling of being super dangerous.

That’s practically a dragon.

-701: Anonymous from Earth

The Mantis are pretty dangerous themselves, but the Lizardmen go above that.

They even have a shield.

-702: Anonymous from Earth

The 4th Floor is bad news.

You can’t tell where the Slimes are, and if you don’t notice, they can fall on you from above.

Alex has a party of 3, so they somehow manage, but Hikaru is alone, right? This time for sure he is gonna die.

-703: Anonymous from Earth

If you get your mouth covered by a Slime, your Spirit Abilities are sealed…

-704: Anonymous from Earth

That’s death!

-705: Anonymous from Earth

The viewers are certainly increasing, but is this what we wanted…?

-706: Anonymous from Earth

Ah, it looks like, this time around, he is going to go there after properly confirming the information of the monsters and the map.

Good job, Hikaru.

-707: Anonymous from Earth

Diving to the 4th Floor alone is not praiseworthy at all…

This is the most rash action in recent history….

-708: Anonymous from Earth

There’s a special program about the incident of Nanami-chan.

They are also touching a bit about Hikaru.

-709: Anonymous from Earth

Seriously? What terrible timing! How many things should we watch at the same time?!

-710: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru missed Alex and his party that were in the 3rd Floor by a hair.

When explorers meet each other, they normally don’t get involved with each other, but Alex has gotten a good amount of messages regarding Hikaru, so I want him to tell Hikaru quickly already.

-711: Anonymous from Earth

Alex also has his hands pretty full right now with his own matters, so he doesn’t seem to have the leeway to think about others.

Most of it is him wanting a girlfriend though!

-712: Anonymous from Earth

Why are there only 3 in the party of Alex?

-713: Anonymous from Earth

Crab and Jal were originally friends, and Alex rolled in.

-714: Anonymous from Earth

They are 3 unpopular guys, but as explorers, they are the talk of the people as a group of 3 energetic rising explorers.

Heavy Warrior Crabbell! Spear Warrior Alex! Water Spirit User Jaldan!

Jaldan’s family is actually pretty loaded. There’s rumors that he is a noble

-715: Anonymous from Earth

Jaldan is strangely high performance.

Even though he looks scatterbrained, he can use 5 different abilities, and has a lot of uses.

-716: Anonymous from Earth

Rifreya-sama can use them 5 times a day, but Jaldan-kun can easily use 20.

There’s quite the difference in power despite being Spirit Ability Users.

-717: Anonymous from Earth

Rifreya-sama will grow from here on…

-718: Anonymous from Earth


-719: Anonymous from Earth

What are you doing, Celica?!

-720: Anonymous from Earth

What What?

-721: Anonymous from Earth

Celica is providing comments on the special TV program about Nanami-chan.

-722: Anonymous from Earth

If Onii-chan gets 1st place in this Viewer Count Race, he is definitely going to be bringing back Nanami-chan. In order for this incident to not weather, please bring my brother to 1st place!”

She says. I see, so she came out in order to raise the viewers as much as possible.

-723: Anonymous from Earth

It is a feed from overseas, so even if it is to make an appearance on TV, it doesn’t take much time.

You can say whatever you want, but the TV has its effectiveness.

-724: Anonymous from Earth

The culprit has still not been found yet?

Even though all the fingerprints and footprints are all left, they still don’t know? What is the police doing?

-725: Anonymous from Earth

There’s a lot of enquiry in that area as well, but if it is just as Hikaru says, the culprit is an underage person.

It is the custom to be decently careful when apprehending an underage person apparently.

-726: Anonymous from Earth

Well, it still hasn’t even been 1 month yet after all…

My sense of time has gone weird since the isekai transfer.

-727: Anonymous from Earth

Then, has the police already pinpointed a culprit?

-728: Anonymous from Earth

As if we would know.

-729: Anonymous from Earth

The house of Nanami-chan and the house of Hikaru are just standing there empty.

That’s the dark side of the isekai transfer.

-730: Anonymous from Earth

In the end, they didn’t get the fingerprints of all the students.

It was this big of an incident, so they should just push the full force of the law here.

-731: Anonymous from Earth

The police are stupid, so they are probably going ‘isn’t the culprit that guy Hikaru?’…

-732: Anonymous from Earth

The programs on TV normally go with the drift of ‘Is Kurose Hikaru the culprit…?’.

It may be to heat up the tv program, but what’s with that?

Doesn’t Celica snap at that?

-733: Anonymous from Earth

“That was the script I wrote and sent. I would say it wasn’t that bad.”

“You really are thorough in everything you do, Celica~.”

They said.

Eh? What’s Celica doing???

-734: Anonymous from Earth

Their work is way too expansive…

-735: Anonymous from Earth

A 12 year old with connections to TV stations…

-736: Anonymous from Earth

They have shown up on TV a number of times before, so they must have gotten the business card of a producer at that time.

Even so, I can only say as expected when it comes to making use of those connections…

-737: Anonymous from Earth

They said before that they have shown in overseas TV programs a good number of times too.

Having a mastery in many languages is strong at times like this.

-738: Anonymous from Earth

While we are going on about this, Hikaru reached the 3rd Floor, but this really is abnormal.

Him going through the 3rd Floor as if he is having a walk in the park, I can’t help but laugh.

-739: Anonymous from Earth

He has increased his skills even more in the 3 days of exploration…

It is also because he has defeated a good number of monsters and his Tier has increased though.

-740: Anonymous from Earth


-741: Anonymous from Earth

Look! The Trolls are like trash!

-742: Anonymous from Earth

No no no, Trolls are normally dangerous monsters, you know?

If you fight them upfront, they even block your attacks, and their attacks are fast, so it is hard to avoid them.

In the first place, in order to defeat them one-sidedly without getting hit at all requires quite the high skills or it would be impossible -Source: an influential person on TV.

-743: Anonymous from Earth

The TV programs where they bring karate masters or boxers to give their analysis are pretty nice.

-744: Anonymous from Earth

I feel like a sword fight champion would give a more accurate analysis though.

-745: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru-kyun walking at the very center of the path watching out for Treants is cute.

-746: Anonymous from Earth

Hope he doesn’t encounter a Garden Panther though…

That’s on a whole other level, right?

-747: Anonymous from Earth

He should be able to manage with dried meat, right?

-748: Anonymous from Earth

Gremlins, Hobgoblins, and Ghouls seriously don’t even put up a fight.

-749: Anonymous from Earth

Spirit Abilities are strong to begin with.

Rather than calling Hikaru strong, what’s abnormal is that he can use them as he wants without bothering about running out of uses.

-750: Anonymous from Earth

Even Gravel Mist would be crazy strong if you could spam it.

Same goes for Light and Fireball.

-751: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru really is good at defeating Trolls.

He is an artist at it.

-752: Anonymous from Earth

All the exp for himself!

-753: Anonymous from Earth

His ninja moves have completely taken shape now.

-754: Anonymous from Earth

Diving a dungeon solo is the art of a ninja after all.

-755: Anonymous from Earth

I would like the Divine Beast to give him a ‘? Weapon’.

-756: Anonymous from Earth

I don’t think a shuriken would be that strong.

-757: Anonymous from Earth

Shurikens are on the iffy side compared to a muramasa blade.

-758: Anonymous from Earth

Shadow walker~. Is the 4th Floor the stage where Hikaru shines?

-759: Anonymous from Earth

Even if he managed to dominate the 3rd Floor, the 4th Floor apparently spikes in difficulty…

-760: Anonymous from Earth

He managed to get to the stairs with almost no problem, but there’s also the return.

Too bad you can’t use Evac.

-761: Anonymous from Earth

It really is the 4th Floor, huh…

I am glad he didn’t say he is going to rush all the way to the 5th…

-762: Anonymous from Earth

The advertisement of Celica and Karen has increased the viewers by quite a bit after all.

His Total Ranking is 8th, but his Real Time Ranking is 4th.

He will probably go up to 2 or 3 in the Real Time one today.

-763: Anonymous from Earth

That means he would have been more reckless without the publicity of the twins?

That’s a good job then.

-764: Anonymous from Earth

The 5th Floor is a floor that no earthling has seen, so it is true that it would have attracted a lot of eyes.

-765: Anonymous from Earth

Doing that would be risking your life way too much…

-766: Anonymous from Earth

Going down to the 4th Floor solo is already courting death.

-767: Anonymous from Earth

Jeanne-chan is too strong.

She marched onto the hideout of a bandit group, slaughtered them all, and saved a village girl.

A mental fortitude that I wouldn’t believe comes from a person of the modern era.

-768: Anonymous from Earth

Jeanne-chan has perfected the one stay at the inn, one mission accomplished.

The type where the story begins once you say: “I am hungry *rumble*.”

-769: Anonymous from Earth

That sounds like a shonen jump protagonist…

-770: Anonymous from Earth

But Jeanne-chan has already finished the most attention grabbing moments.

She is already leaving the village, so Hikaru has an opportunity here.

Jeanne-chan doesn’t seem to have much interest in the Viewer Count Race.

-771: Anonymous from Earth

Honestly speaking, just training Rifreya has the potential to get him to 1st place.

He does have the bomb that is the promise too.

-772: Anonymous from Earth

There’s a layer of people that is dying in anticipation for that promise!

-773: Anonymous from Earth

Rifreya-chan is sexy after all.

-774: Anonymous from Earth

Karen has made an advertisement video, but there’s a Rifreya centric version and a Hikaru centric version. She really gets it.

-775: Anonymous from Earth

What about the Grapefull centric version???

-776: Anonymous from Earth


-777: Anonymous from Earth

As if they would make one…

-778: Anonymous from Earth

If they create too many, it would just scatter the audience.

-779: Anonymous from Earth

It hasn’t been that long since he has formed a party with Rifreya, but Hikaru is good at giving orders. Rifreya herself has said it before, but is it normal to be able to fight while giving orders like that?

-780: Anonymous from Earth

They talked about that in the celebration.

Now that I think about it, the twins also talked about that. What was Celica and Karen’s reaction at that time?

-781: Anonymous from Earth

That was a rare moment of them having a serious tone…

-782: Anonymous from Earth

There seems to be an unexpectedly complicated relationship hidden there, and it was a bit scary.

-783: Anonymous from Earth

Celica has been decently scary from the beginning.

-784: Anonymous from Earth

“It is true that we are talented, but if Onii-chan wasn’t there for us, I think we wouldn’t have ended up how we are now.”

“But that in turn ended up being shackles for Onii. We are idiots, so we were late in noticing that.”

“Just as Karen said, we are idiots. We were so concentrated in what we were interested in that we didn’t even know who was being sacrificed in the shadows for it… That’s why we will slowly pay back our due debt for the rest of our life. That’s what we pledged to do, and yet, the fact that we can only pay it back to him in this way is just so vexing…”

“But it is not like everything is over. God’s system has a tendency to function towards the ‘strength of a person’s emotions’, so there will definitely be a time when we will overthrow this situation. And then, we will get back both Onii and Nanamin.”

-785: Anonymous from Earth

What in the world happened…

-786: Anonymous from Earth

Their love is way too deep…

-787: Anonymous from Earth

I am going to check the VOD…

-788: Anonymous from Earth


You normally can’t do it. The VESSEL of a Shogun.

-789: Anonymous from Earth

Even Celica and Karen, if they didn’t have strong feelings, they wouldn’t be able to pull something like this off.

Being prodigies and having the deciveness to act in these kinds of situations are two different things after all.

-790: Anonymous from Earth

I was somewhat happy about knowing Karen likes crustaceans.

I would like to send her some hair crabs I got from my homeland.

-791: Anonymous from Earth


From a ninja to a daimyo?!

-792: Anonymous from Earth

He would at most be a foot soldier general.

-793: Anonymous from Earth

He is the elder brother, so he is good at putting in order the ones below him…probably.

A trait that the youngest child doesn’t have.

-794: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru really must have been pretty tossed about by the twins…

-795: Anonymous from Earth

He was naturally pulling Rifreya and Grapefull along after all.

-796: Anonymous from Earth

Isn’t Rifreya-sama an elder sister too?

-797: Anonymous from Earth

Rifreya was probably the leader in her previous party.

-798: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru is commentating again.

-799: Anonymous from Earth

This awkwardness does have its own charm.

-800: Anonymous from Earth

Right, Hikaru doesn’t have a way to learn about his level.

They should have added a function like that in the Status Board at least.

-801: Anonymous from Earth

Ah, so he properly got the information of the 4th Floor beforehand. That’s a relief.

Slimes are first-timer killers after all.

-802: Anonymous from Earth

What Hikaru is talking about is almost all known information though.

He doesn’t open his messages, so he doesn’t know how much information the viewers have…

He is explaining the monsters of the 4th Floor, but Alex has already done that too…

-803: Anonymous from Earth

A database has already been made after all.

Even so, Alex and his party have only fought the Crabs, Slimes, and Sahagins.

If he meets other monsters aside from those, it would be the first time.

-804: Anonymous from Earth

Lamias are worth shooting on camera…

-805: Anonymous from Earth

Scyllas as well. Lamias and Scyllas don’t show up unless you go pretty deep though.

-806: Anonymous from Earth

Scyllas are technically octopus women, right? No matter how you cut it, Hikaru is a pretty bad match against them.

Lamias are also dangerous.

-807: Anonymous from Earth

Hikaru finishing after being constricted in the snake body of a Lamia.

-808: Anonymous from Earth

He is going to be finished in the true meaning of the word.

-809: Anonymous from Earth

Superb view!

-810: Anonymous from Earth

The 4th Floor is wondrous. I would like to see it in real life.

-811: Anonymous from Earth

I am watching it on a big screen, and it is the best.

-812: Anonymous from Earth

The more desperately Hikaru does his best, the worse I feel about enjoying it with snacks and juice at my house.

-813: Anonymous from Earth

God is at fault… God is… *munch munch*