Chapter 66 - Calm before the Maelstrom (1/2)

”So... everyone is expecting us to form a team now... we're Pro Heroes.”

Momo didn't know what to say to Naruto as the two of them sat together. Shrinking Ray, the Pro Hero who would be arriving at UA to help them with their mission, had his flight from Europe delayed due to some weird weather that had consumed one of the small cities. All of the flights in the country had been cancelled due to just how horrible the weather there was, meaning the hero they were suppose to meet with wasn't going to show until the flights were running again. They had some more time to say their goodbyes to everyone before they went on their first job as pro heroes, since they weren't going to be able to stay in the dorms with everyone.

”I think this is... I don't like this.” Momo figured out what to say.

She was achieving her dream of becoming a hero, she did it. That was all she wanted since she was a child, and she had been given it to her after she helped save the world. In all aspects, this was her just reward for her actions. She did something amazing, and that led to her being allowed to become a pro hero early. In retrospect, she should have seen this coming, but at the same time, she never thought achieving her dream would leave her feeling so bitter inside. She looked at Naruto's surprisingly calm face, and she reached out and grabbed his shoulder.


”You have an idea on how to get us out of this... right?” Momo wanted to graduate with everyone.

”The only way I can think, is to show everyone we aren't ready... that we need to come back to school.” Naruto did know of a way to return to being students, but he wasn't going to do it. ”That would mean having to show we're incompetent heroes... and people will get hurt if we don't do a good job. I don't like leaving me friends behind, but I'm just going to try and focus on the good I can do for my friends.” Naruto clenched and unclenched his fist.

Momo sat back down and looked like she was going to cry a little.

This wasn't what she wanted.

”Our friends are going to be heart broken. How are we going to tell them?” Momo couldn't think clearly, everything in her mind was just thrown out of order. The answers weren't coming to her.

Naruto sighed and sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a one armed hug.

”I'm going to try and make this better, I promise.”

”You promise?”

”I'm giving you the promise of a lifetime.” Naruto gave his word, honest and true in his convictions, and she leaned into his side, feeling calmer than before. She felt his warmth against her body, and his smell was just... relaxing to her as she felt safe next to him. Not safe in the physical sense, but she felt like he was guarding something more important with his presence... she felt her heart grow warmer.

She took a deep breath, and she closed her eyes, before she exhaled it all out again.

”To think... today started out so fun... then we met the future Naruto... and everything is just turning to chaos.” Momo didn't want to say it, but she felt like she knew a little of what happened. She looked at Naruto, before she leaned up towards him. It was a simple kiss, on his cheek, nothing romantic or intense. A quick, soft peck was all that she intended to give him. ”... Thank you Naruto. You've been supporting everyone, and we all want to thank you... you've been Class A's leader, our pillar of support, the one we look to for an example of what we want to be... you're my hero.” Momo ended her soft kiss, and wrapped both of her arms around him.

She was crying.

Naruto smiled.

'Mina... she's not going to take this well... this will break her heart... between being a pro hero, taking care of Eri, and improving myself... I can't...' Naruto's eyes grew softer, when he thought about what he was going to have to do.

His heart hurt.

While they were living at the school, Naruto was able to keep their relationship going on. It had been easy to balance school life with Mina, and while Eri had added a little stress to the relationship, it had been strong enough to take it. With him becoming a pro hero, and Mina being a student, they weren't going to have any time to be together anymore. Naruto's arm around Momo grew firmer, his own shoulders shaking as his dry eyes watered. He couldn't be together with Mina, be a pro hero, and take care of Eri while trying to balance his life with Mina's school life. It wasn't good for Mina, and it wouldn't be good for Eri either. He couldn't do that to either of them.

He had taken it upon himself to raise Eri, he needed to be there for her and support her. Mina had her own family, she was old enough to start growing on her own, and she was emotionally stable enough to realize what he was doing was for the best.

”Are you okay?” Momo looked up at him through her tears.

He smiled.

”I'll be all right, I've just got a difficult road ahead of me... we're leaving behind our friends, and... I've got too much on my plate now. I can't be together with Mina anymore... it's for both of our own good that we separate.” Naruto spoke with deep, calming breaths. The two teens separated, with Naruto wiping his tears away.