Chapter 60 - Heroes Across Time Pt1 (1/2)
”This is your room now Eri...”
Holding her hand, Naruto walked her down the girl's dorms and showed her, her very own room in the dorms. He had tried his hardest to pick out good furniture that she would be able to appreciate, but it was a little hard for him. Since Shark was going to be staying with her, as her comfort animal and bodyguard, he even placed an overly large dog bed in the corner of the room. At this point, Shark was more dog when it came to personality than real shark, with a touch of bear personality mixed in. He got some pretty normal furniture to be honest, but he had made sure to pick out a light pink color for the sheets and pillows, with apples on them for designs since she liked that food the most. Now, he wasn't one to judge her, but he kind of wished she would love ramen a little more... again, he wasn't going to push his favorite on her.
He was him, and she was she.
”... I don't stay with you?” Eri asked with a noticeably sad tone to her voice.
”I'll be just down the hall in the boy's dorms if you need me for anything. Don't worry, I'll never be far away. If anything worries you, or makes you scared to be alone, I'll be right there to make you all better.” Naruto rubbed the top of her head. Being the first back before the others had a few perks, since he needed to introduce Eri to everyone eventually. He had gotten the chance to let Eri get used to her own room, that wasn't a reminder of her horrible past, in a way that would feel natural for her. This would give him the time to come up with an excuse for why he hadn't visited his girlfriend (despite them living in the same building) all week long. He would also be able to investigate why everyone seemed to be hiding some kind of secret from him, and whispering to each other in secrecy in general.
He hated being left out on secrets.
”You'll make me all better?” Eri whispered as she was walked into the room, and Naruto sat on her bed, and motioned for her to join him.
”Now, I do want to go over what you'll be doing during the days from now on.” Naruto started off.
Eri wasn't just going to be sitting around, doing nothing either. She was 6 years old, that was old enough for her to attend school herself. She couldn't do that of course, but this was a school. There existed teachers that could give her an education until it was safe for her to go to a school for kid's her age. He wasn't exactly the greatest teacher, so it was the one thing he would really, truly, need help with when it came to her.
He didn't want the girl to turn into an idiot, all because he wasn't able to teach her properly.
If she became an idiot, then he wanted it to be because that was what she chose to be.
-In Mina's Room-
”Oh my god!... That week was boring...” Mina yawned, tired from the sheer lack of anything that happened. All she did, much to her annoyance, was go on patrols with her hero. She didn't even see her hero fight or anything, just patrols and lectures, and more patrols. Yet, Naruto, Todoroki, Tsuyu, and even Kyoka all had villain encounters that made it to the news.
Mina smiled to herself.
It wasn't a total waste though, she patrolled in the mall too, which gave her the chance to buy something for herself that she just found so adorable. The cutest, most adorable, fox plushie of her boyfriend that she had found. It was a 2 foot tall chibi plushie of Naruto as All Right, including a cute little cape and everything. In this fast pace world of heroes, where popularity is always changing, malls and toy companies learned to rather instantly market the toys of any rising star hero that they could find in the news. Usually, it wouldn't even be a few days before the popular new heroes had plush toy lines or posters made of them. Since Naruto was already super popular as Fox-Man, officially coming out as All Right had reignited his popularity, and even raised it further when people compared ”All Right” to All Might and found their similarities.
Mina closed her eyes, and allowed her hand to drift down her stomach-
”Hey Mina-”
”-Nothing! Hey Kyoka, whatcha need, hahahaha!?” Mina shouted with a forced grin on her face. She removed her hand from her stomach as quickly as she could, sitting straight up in her bed, a nervous sweat on her face. She looked at her open door, and realized that she had forgotten to close it behind her when she entered the room. What was worse, was the fact that she knew that Kyoka didn't do anything wrong. She had not been paying attention, and had almost gotten caught taking care of her human needs herself.
Kyoka, thankfully, didn't notice what she had been about to do, and just waved a hand at her.
”Some of us are getting together, to thank Naruto, for helping us get really good internships. We were thinking of putting together a small party, before we go back to class tomorrow. He's been running himself ragged for us, so it would be really nice if we could get your help.” Kyoka put her hands together. It was all she could think to do to thank Naruto, gather all of the students in their class who had been helped in one way or another by Naruto, and just throw a small party to show their appreciation for all the work he put into helping all of them.
Mina blinked and tilted her head.
”I'm okay with helping and it sounds like fun, but Naruto wouldn't want you to thank him. He is happy to help his friends.” Mina pointed out as she stood up.
Kirishima came into the room.
”Oh, I told her, but honestly, the guy has been really stressed out. Naruto is your boyfriend, he helped me and Kyoka train, he started getting up early and running with Tsuyu, he gives Deku tips, he's been working out with Ojiro with his tail, and he still makes sure to study with Yaoyorozu 2 or 3 nights a week, and now he has even more stress in his life... dude really needs this party to lighten up. He's nearly died a few times this year as well.” Kirishima pointed out as he walked next to Kyoka. ”I got permission from Midnight to use the pool, and set up a grill... she said it was fine as long as we didn't do anything she wouldn't do.” Kirishima pointed out, then he shivered.
Midnight didn't exactly have the best reputation, as the 18+ Rated Hero, so ”what she wouldn't do” wasn't exactly the best indicator for what she didn't want them doing.
For all he knew, she would be fine with a giant Class A orgy happening.
”Sounds awesome... but honestly, he might not even show up... right now, he must be really tired from the internship. Knowing him, he is going to be ignoring how tired he is, and training right now.” Mina pointed out a big flaw in their plan. ”What are we going to do at the party anyway?” Mina wanted to know what she was signing up for.