26 Fall of Summerwyn (1/2)

-- Late Autumn of 1454 --

Autumn, the season where the leaves of the trees changes its color and fall from its branches. The Autumn season of the year 1454 is one of the worst for the Crown of Sienna. The Imperial Army, with its superior firepower invaded through the Grand Duchy and successfully passed the Royal Army in the Sommen Pass. Besieging Sienna by mid-Autumn and capturing it later.

Despite of the huge casualties the Imperial Army had received on the later parts of the campaign, in which kind of became controversial for the Emperor as he thought that the Imperial Army was not going to take much casualties. But nevertheless, the Holy Emperor began to prepare his efforts of crowning himself the Emperor of the Continent and set his sights on Italica.

-- Reńe Palace --

It has been a day now after the fall of the most serene city of Sienna, the Imperial Army mostly the higher-ranking officers and the defected nobles from Summerwyn joined in on the Palace and planned the eventual take-over of the whole of Summerwyn.

”Sir! more and more towns and cities surrendered to the Imperial Army and accepted our ultimatum!”

”Very good, make sure to send the Imperial Army immediately in those areas to administrate the area immediately”

”General!” one young soldier called the General while walking,

”What is it?” General Clause replied,

”The Imperial General Staff wants to talk with you through the magic telegram”

”Ok, very well”

General Clause immediately went to a nearby salon in the Palace and locked the doors. He opened his magic telegram to start his conversation with the Imperial General Staff,

They exchanged formalities with the Imperial General Staff until proceeding into formal matters,

”Nice to meet you again, the Great Five Generals”

”It's a pleasure to work with you again, Honorable-General Clause of the Imperial Army”

”It is an honor to meet you again, may i know the intent of this telegram?”

”We are here to discuss the final tactical plan to wrestle total Imperial control all over the continent”

”Oh i see...”

”So, the remaining areas that are not yet subjugated by the Imperial Army are, numerous towns and cities notably Lincliff in Summerwyn, and most famously the Republic of Italica”

”The Italican Navy sure is troublesome, any news about the Italican Wyvern Force though?”

”None yet, but it's possible that they got more through from the east”

”Though wasn't the Imperial plan to spread fear and hamper the Italican war effort? How come Italica didn't surrendered yet?”

”Italica didn't give up as the Empire planned, that is why we are going to infiltrate the Republic inside”

”Hmmm, i see. Goodluck in Italica though, so what should we do with the deserters in Lincliff?”

”We would more reinforcements when spring comes, after winter ends early next year. The Imperial Army would send more forces. Almost a third of the Imperial Army would be sent there in Sienna to assist in capturing Lincliff and defeating the coalition force there, apparently the country called United Kingdom warned us a few days ago about this war and decided to declared war on us though...”

”Wait what? a country called United what? Excuse me but i haven't heard of that before”

”Yeah it's natural that you wouldn't have heard of it before yet, because their visit here a few days ago in the Holy Emperor's court was really sudden and they just suddenly demanded to the Empire that we give up our recent gains in which we obviously wouldn't give up on such a whim”

”But what did they do? they just demanded or what?”

”As we had said earlier, they arrived in the Imperial Palace after an advanced diplomat came first. Before informing us that their head of state is visiting in the next few days. Which shocked us since a head of state was about to visit us, but it's natural since the Holy Emperor is so powerful everyone would want to see him. However, what we did not expect was the sudden declaration and demands of the country. There was two state of heads to be exact who visited the Throne room, among there was the Queen and a so-called Prime Minister which supposedly runs their government in their country. The two after formal greetings immediately demanded that the Empire to stop our so-called ”Unjust Occupations” on the territories we got from our neighbors. They then demanded more outrageous demands from the Empire and they would declare war on us if we refused, in which we honorably refused. The United Kingdom then supposedly declared war on us....”

”Have there any instances though that the armies of the United Kingdom clashed with ours?”

”We believe that there weren't any instances yet that the United Kingdom had clashed with our armies, we don't even know where that country is located.”

General Clause was thinking deeply, thinking that something just isn't right. He then suddenly remembered the mysterious surprise night attack on Fort Rose and the short defense in Sienna.

”Wait.. I think i clashed with them before...”

”Eh?! really?! if you did kindly tell us!”

”What?! i don't think if you would like to hear it though...”

”We would like to!”

”To be honest... i think it will just let you down.. but fine if it's for the sake of the Empire.”

”Very well”

”So, after we had successfully passed the Sommen Pass and capture the general of the Royal Army, we had proceeded and besieged Fort Rose. Which immediately fell using the behemoth, after the fortress fell we threw a victory party and almost all of us become drunk. After the party almost everyone went to their tents and slept inside the fortress when, during the midnight which flying objects that appears to be metal birds flies through the skies, the metal birds dropped bombs from such a height and it's speed was too fast that the fireballs launched by the mages can't keep up. The bombs from the metal birds was devastating enough, enough that nearly seventy-five thousand men from the Imperial Army we're lost in an instant in just one night. And i think the United Kingdom has to play or at least partly responsible with that incident”

”Is that all?”

”Hmmm.. Oh! there was that time during the short siege on Sienna. There was one man who wielded such magic that he eliminated hundreds of our allies who attempted to enter the Inner districts of Sienna with ease. Then, a few seconds later we didn't realized that the metal birds earlier had made the behemoth their target and proceeded to bomb and destroy it. The behemoth was no longer functional and succesfully destroyed by the enemy. After the behemoth was also bombed by the same metal birds that we saw earlier, the man began to retreat with some a much larger force too from the city. In which he said and quoted ”United Continental Alliance” and he said it's an alliance and it's clear aim is to fight us. I believe that is all i could remember”

”Oh that was fine, anyways if this 'United Kingdom' has knowledge and possesses some kind of military technology. It would been great if we hadn't angered them though”

”Yeah i agree, I'm just hoping that the next battles that we might encounter, we must not encounter the army of the United Kingdom”

”But, anyways so what are we going to do now?” the General asked,