Chapter 29 - 29 - Call she here. (1/2)

When Sona and Andy entered the Versace store, the look Andy kept on his face was quite indifferent, since he was used to expensive things. The attendants looked at him and soon saw that he was a second-generation rich man who came to buy something for his new girlfriend.

Usually, when this happened, the girlfriends of these young masters were always very happy and thanked them very much to make up for the present, but when the employees looked at the girlfriend of this young master, there was something they didn't like.

First, this girl who was accompanying him was very beautiful, very beautiful indeed. The aura she exhaled enhanced her beauty even more.

Second of all, this girl didn't seem interested in anything from the store. Whenever the girls entered this store, they were crazy about things, liking a lot and wanting the young master to buy many things, but not this girl with blue hair. She looked at every product in the store like it was something very common.

This point by itself was not uncommon to happen, but the attendants looked at this girl's clothes and saw that the clothes were clearly old and cheap. If she were rich, she wouldn't wear that kind of outfit ever.

So there was only the following hypothesis left, this girl was wanting to do an act as if she didn't like things just to please this young master.

Seeing this made the attendants angry, since they had always dreamed of having some rich boy who wanted to play them, now had this poor girl who wanted to pretend not to care to try to attract this boy even more.

But as they worked there, and their duty was to attend, one of the attendants went towards them and asked. ”Welcome, are you looking for something specific?”

Andy casually replied, ”I want a dress for her, show me the best.”

Hearing this the attendant was not surprised, the young masters always liked to show their girlfriends, but it is worth noting that the best dresses there cost around £1,000.00. Most of the young masters gave up buying the dresses there when they saw the price. ”Are you sure, sir?”

”Yeah, show us right away.” Andy responded by becoming impatient. He just wanted to buy a dress to impress Sona's parents.

Arriving at the dresses session, Andy saw some who thought they were very handsome, but when he saw the indifferent look on Sona's face he asked. ”Didn't you like those?”

When she heard Andy say that she wanted to see the best dresses, she had a high expectation, but when she saw that these dresses didn't look like much when compared to the clothes she wore in her old life, she was very disappointed.

But hearing Andy ask if she hadn't liked these dresses, she remembered that everyone here was mortal. It would be difficult for them to produce clothes as good as the ones she wore in her old world. 'Maybe... that's a good thing to make money here... if I can convert a little of the usefulness of the clothes I had in my palace, some people might want to buy them. She thought.

”Actually, that one over there is kind of cute.” Sona said as he pointed to a gold and blue dress showing a little interest. The dress was very tight, so with her body, which has already started to develop more attractive curves, would look very beautiful.

Andy didn't think twice and ordered it. ”Then wrap that one up for me.”

”Sir, that dress costs £2,040.00.” The attendant said seeking his confirmation if he would really want to spend more than two thousand pounds on a dress for a poor girl like that.