Chapter 77 - The Stalker (2/2)
”Well, what are you doing here? Where's your ȧssistant? Are you walking on the sidewalk without a bodyguard like a normal person?” The man laughs. ”Or are you up to something?”
”Oh, no. I'm just…” Claire and Miguel have disappeared, and Gabriel sort of panics. He glances at his phone, but the blue dot that represents Claire has stopped moving. He looks up and realizes some of these buildings may be equipped with a signal jammer of some kind that interferes with his GPS. ”I'm just strolling, enjoying the early evening air, you know.”
”Still a funny kid, huh,” the man says, tapping him on the arm. ”Trying to get some fresh air in the middle of this city is like shoving ash into your lungs. You should try the park, by the boardwalk. At least the sea breeze cleanses the air. You'd enjoy it there.”
Gabriel looks at Uncle Leo upon mention of the park. Yes, that's right. That's why Miguel and Claire are walking. They're not going to some fancy place. Miguel's trying to level with Claire. He's bringing her to the park. Hence the stroll along the sidewalk, the hotdog stand. And if he knows his brother well, then the next destination would be…
”Cat got your tongue, kid?” Uncle Leo says, his eyes nestled in deep wrinkled furrows.
”Sorry, Uncle Leo, I need to run along. There's something I must…” He never finishes his words as he starts walking and half-running toward the general direction of the park.
”Hey, Gabriel, please say hi to your mom,” Uncle Leo yells from behind, but his voice is immediately drowned out by the growing evening noise of a city that is starting to wake up in the deepening darkness.
Gabriel looks at his phone—the blue dot stays unmoving. That's when he realizes there's actually no data signal in this area. He's not worried; Gabriel knows the area pretty well. This is near the place where he and Miguel grew up. He knows that beyond this tree-lined avenue is a place that's dear to their heart; a place that holds a lot of his cherished memories with his brother and mother. He tries to catch his breath as he half-sprints, making a mental note of how he must resume his cardio work-outs soon. But perhaps because of the uneven lighting in the place, and the rush of the early evening crowd, Gabriel's foot trips again over something on the ground. He stumbles, and in trying to regain his balance, he unintentionally hurls his body forward—and directly upon the back of a man walking ahead of him. The force of the impact makes them both fall on the ground. The man curses, and in a mad moment, the man grabs Gabriel on the collar—but he stops.
”Gabriel? What are you doing here?”
It's Miguel, holding back his fist.
Gabriel is so stunned. He tries to speak, but nothing comes out of his mouth. He looks up, and sees Claire standing there, her mouth slightly open in surprise. And in Gabriel's mind, he thinks: Was that delight, was that happiness on Claire's face upon seeing him?