Chapter 55 - The Spanish Fly (1/2)
”Did you really buy that coffee place, just like that?”
Claire could still not believe it.
They're in Gabriel's car, on the way back to the Residence.
”Why not?” Gabriel says. ”I've been a patron of that place for years. I should have bought it ages ago, just to control the source of my coffee. Now everyone at that place is at my beck and call.”
Claire says nothing. She's totally conflicted. On one hand, she's impressed at how powerful Gabriel really is when he's ticked; on the other hand, she's worried about the people working at that coffee place. Are they going to be fine? Won't Gabriel look at them as targets of his revenge, just to get even with Mike the Manager? ”What about the café's employees? Would they be fine?”
Gabriel looks at her and smiles. ”What were you thinking? Of course, they'd be fine. I'm actually improving their employee benefits and perks. I noticed some of the people there have been working there for years. I'll make sure they'd be fine even in the years to come, with good retirement benefits.”
”Even the manager?”
”Yes, even the manager,” Gabriel says. ”I'm not a small-minded person, Claire.”
Oh, that's rich coming from you, Claire thinks. Isn't hiring me to get back at your ex-fiancée the very hallmark of small-mindedness? But Claire keeps her mouth shut.
”I understand human tendencies,” Gabriel continues. ”Maybe Mike was acting that way because the pay isn't so good.”
”Or maybe he's just corrupt,” Claire says.
”Maybe,” Gabriel shrugs. ”But that's beside the point.”
”You could have just paid the nine hundred bucks and be done with it,” she says.
”Sure,” he says. ”I could have paid that, or I could have paid ten thousand. It doesn't matter. But I made that split-second decision not only to put that man in his place, but also maybe have direct control over something that has delighted me over the years. Call me sentimental, but I feel the coffee I get from that particular Starbucks is special.”
I know how special their coffee is to you, Claire almost says. Remember how I made the mistake of buying black coffee and you smashed it against the wall? Fond memories, Claire thinks.
As they sit in traffic, a man raps on the car window. Gabriel rolls it down.
”Hi, sir, would you like to buy flowers for the pretty lady?”
The man has several long-stemmed roses, which he holds aloft. It's obvious that sales have not been spectacular, as most of the flowers show signs of wilting.
”I'm sorry, but…” Gabriel starts to speak, but he stops and turns to Claire, who is looking out the other window, deep in thought. He looks at the man for a moment. ”How much is everything?”
The man's face lights up. ”Are you sure, sir?”
”Yes, the whole thing.”
The man makes quick calculations, then breathlessly tells Gabriel the total price. Without batting an eyelash, Gabriel pays the man triple of what he asked for.
”What are you doing?” Claire asks just as Gabriel takes the flowers.
”Well, uhh, these are all for you.” He presents to her the roses, as though it has been planned. ”Thank you for everything.”
”Are you serious?”
”Claire, you've been a good sport through everything.” On Gabriel's mind, Claire doesn't yet know the impending trouble with Jake Magno, nor what his mother Matilde can do when she finally is able to fly down. ”So I hope this little gesture will remind you of my word. That whatever is stated in the Red Contract, I'll do more.”
”Are we talking about money? Because I don't…”