Chapter 28 - WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 2 (1/1)

A reporter went to the front of Lucinda and Philip ” Miss Lucinda who his he to you, Your date or something else”. Another one asked ” Miss Lucinda your fiance is here and you bought another man are you trying to say that you aren't engage again”.

The bodyguards by the entrance blocked them from touching Lucinda and Philip. Lucinda only smiled and went straight to her parents. ”Are you mad, who the fuċk is this and why did you bring him here, don't you know that your husband-to-be is here”. Aaron shouted angrily ” Calm down, you did not bother to greet them you first insulted my daughter, did you ever like her”.

Magret cut in she turned to Lucinda and Philip ”Lussy dear who is this handsome man, never knew you had such an handsome man next to you”.

Lucinda replied ” Mom this is my husband, his name is Philip Jones and we got married two days ago. You were not around so we came today for introduction”.

” Lucinda this wasn't our agreement, you promised you will marry Cole if I help you to look for Max Lee, are you going back on your word”. Aaron said annoyed.

Lucinda only looked at him and didn't bother to say anything turning to look at the people on the high table she saw Cole, her cousin Tazanna and Cole's father. After looking at them she said ” Mom where is Mike, I would like him to meet Philip”.

Magret smiled then replied ” Ignore Mike. Handsome can't you talk I want you to sit with me”. Pushing Cole who sat near her she tapped the sit for him to sit. Philip said ” Mom thanks and happy thirty anniversary sorry I couldn't get a gift”.

Magret looked at Lucinda ” Lucy this ain't good, his voice is has sėxy and handsome has he is, Philip why did you not come to me before I got married you are to handsome”.

Philip smiled at Magret which all the people at the table both men and women turned their head to look ” Magret said Philip can you divorce Lucinda and marry me I will also divorce my husband, and also don't worry about the anniversary gift looking at your handsome face I don't want to eat again”.

Everybody was totally ignored by Magret she only paid attention to him. Cole who is trying to make Magret to take a liking in him was disregarded because of just a handsome face. He who is rich was ignored, he couldn't bear it he has to find a way that Magret will hate Philip .