Chapter 51 (1/2)

… It had been three months since the professors’ promotion evaluation began, and the Imperial University Tower was still buzzing with discourse about who would become the Head Professor.

In addition to his unique ability to create, analyze, and understand formulas and theoretical frameworks, Deculein had the Yukline family behind him. Based on overall capabilities, however, Louina was superior to Deculein, and above all, Louina was better due to the differences in their personality. The majority held that opinion. Even now, Deculein was close to being audacious.

The other professors also supported her for fear of what it would be like if he became the Head Professor.

In addition, the evaluation of the University Tower’s criteria were not based on family or status but one’s own values ​​and achievements. Even Adrienne, the current chairman, was from a negligible aristocratic family.

Therefore, believing in the legitimacy of the selection process for the Head Professor, Louina fought.

She refused to surrender despite the numerous external pressures and threats from the Yukline Family, never allowing them to stop her even if it meant at the cost of death.

But… today.

“If that position is not more important than your family, then give up now.

Your voice used to always be strong. Now, it is weak and withered!” Her father’s words broke her.

The Yuklines’ immense pressure affected not only Louina herself but also her entire family.

McQueen originally belonged to the 12 Traditional Families, but they were eliminated from the Bercht Conference 10 years ago. Things had gone awry since then.

Her father suffered a serious injury and lost his magical capabilities, causing the McQueen family to lose its prestige.

They now had no strength to fight the Yukline.

It wasn’t something that could be resolved if she endured and persevered on her own.

She realized later that their situation had become much more serious than expected. Her father, mother, younger brother, their vassals, household members, and entire family estate collapsed.

Drip, drip…

Rain poured the day Louina visited Deculein, her sense of helplessness drowning her more than the stream of water that soaked her whole body.

“That’s impossible.”

At the outer gate of the Yukline residence, one of the best mansions on the continent, a guard stood in front of her, blocking her path.

“I have something to tell him.”

“Not without a prior appointment.”

“I know, I know. But I need to let him know!”

“I can’t let you through.”

“Get out of my way! If you tell him Louina’s come to talk to him, Deculein will—”

More guards stopped her, pushing her away. Regardless, she argued with them ceaselessly until a familiar voice stopped the commotion.

“What’s going on?”


He looked at her over the gate, standing under his servant’s umbrella. Louina hated that contemptuous gaze of his so much.

“It’s you again, Louina.”

Deculein’s eyebrows twitched. Louina pushed a guard away and dusted her clothes off.


Her lips moved as she glared at him, but her words refused to come out. Regardless, she knew she had no other choice but to declare her surrender.

“… I give up.”

“Give up?”


Deculein looked down at her like he was looking at a stray dog.

“I give up. It’s time to put an end to all of this.”

Her voice trembled.

“Let’s stop here.”

“… Stop?”

A mocking tone leaked from Deculein’s twisted lips.

His next words disgusted her.

“Stop what?”

“… What?”

Deculein pushed her entire family to a cliff. The terms of their bills were absurdly shortened, and their family check became a piece of toilet paper.

The whole estate was on the verge of bankruptcy.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Louina, but…”

Deculein walked slowly, every step of his echoing in her ears. Cold contempt rested in his pupils.

“If you’re here to apologize…”


His words were nonsensical.

“Then you must display the right attitude for it.”

Under his umbrella’s shade, Deculein’s blue eyes gleamed.

“You’re too unyielding right now.”

Louina bit her lip hard enough for her teeth to pierce her flesh, causing blood to gush out.

“… Apologize?”

“Yes. After your family was eliminated from Bercht, the Yukline began to support you, thanks to which your collapse was prevented. Our family forgave the McQueens’ arrogant behaviors, like not even expressing gratitude for what we did. However, your entire bloodline is now acting like a dog unable to forget its old habits. Naturally, I deserve an apology.”

Deculein’s tone was calm and aristocratic. The moment Louina clenched her fist and looked at him, he squinted at her.

“… A tree that’s rotten down to its roots will never survive. Just wait and see. Your family will sooner or later wither.” He turned his back on her.

At that moment, she felt like the world itself had gone crazy, like the sky itself had fallen.

She wanted to disappear right there and then, but for the sake of her family, she didn’t run away.

As he moved further and further away, she shouted.


Deculein stopped, looking back at her over his shoulder.

“I’ll do it.” Louina slowly fell to her knees, her lips dripping blood onto the ground.


Mud and rainwater dug into her clothes.


Deculein seemed a little surprised.

“… I’m sorry. I apologize…” Louina bowed her head as she shed tears, though they remained camouflaged among the downpour.

In reply, he sneered in a tone of contempt.

“Tsk. You’re ignorant and pathetic.” Deculein came closer. The rain grew stronger.

“Your family is less than 100 years old, no roots, no history. You’re no more than damn garbage.”

His heels landed on her knees.

“You were so full of yourself, refusing to acknowledge your place just to protect your pride.” He lightly stepped on her as if blemishing a brand, causing her to feel so much more emotional pain than physical she thought her heart was being torn apart. “You are disgusting and dirty to see.”


His heels hit her knees again, ripping open her skin and flesh, rupturing her ligaments, and spilling her blood.

She desperately held back her groans.

“Disappear. If you want to keep your family alive, don’t ever show your damn face before me.”

Louina stayed in her place.

The guards barred the gate again, and heavy rain covered her body. Her blood, gushing out, mixed with the flowing rainwater.

After asking for forgiveness until the rain stopped, Louina submitted her resignation letter at the Imperial University Tower the very next day. Two days later, she left the empire, and after a week, everything returned to normal.

However, Louina hadn’t forgotten the humiliation she felt that day.

She never stopped striving and working hard.

As the Head Professor of a kingdom’s tower, she wrote several theses, developed magic, earned money to rebuild her family, and gained the respect of the kingdom’s people.

All of her efforts resulted in her return to the imperial palace.

Louina stood in it, feeling as if she was in the middle of the battlefield. When she presented her identity to the guard, he opened the door with a salute.

It took 40 minutes to get to the imperial palace from the entrance due to several checkpoints and a change in carriages halfway through.

Not long after, they reached the ‘road of modesty’ that led to the highly defended imperial palace.

“Louina von Schlott McQueen!”

When the emperor called out her name, Louina felt so moved by the favor she showed her that she felt as if she owned the whole world.

However, the very next moment…

“Deculein von Grahan Yukline!”

Upon hearing his name, she looked at him immediately.


Louina vowed once more.

She wouldn’t lose this time.

No, she would pay him back double, even triple, the humiliation he brought her in the past.

Sharpening the blade in her heart, she quietly walked down the ‘road of modesty.’

* * *

I looked at Louina while we were at the hall of the imperial palace. She seemed difficult to deal with, based on her appearance alone.

“Don’t look.”

In fact, there was a distinct edge to her voice. I looked away instead of arguing with her.

“You’ve endured for quite a while. I heard that your ‘brain’ committed suicide three years ago.”

This time, Louina spoke first.

I replied, “Don’t talk to me.”


I didn’t find any need to be nice to people who were hostile to me. Pretending to be congenial in situations where I didn’t know anything would only cause a detrimental effect anyway.

This was a simple fact that I realized while living as Deculein for almost half a year.

“We will conduct a light body search.”

The maids then came.

Louina took off her coat and was searched first. The handmaiden looked at her bag, filled with items, and asked. “What are these?”

“A present and teaching materials to present to Her Majesty.”

At a glance, I noticed a magic book and a bunch of educational items. The imperial court wizard next to her inspected their magical properties.

“I see. You may pass. Now, Deculein?”

Upon being called, I calmly stood before the maids. They spent an exceptionally long time searching my body.

They then looked at the items in my velvet bag.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a well-thought present for Her Majesty.”

She took the item out of the bag, revealing a 33-year-old wine, considered one of the finest on the continent.

“… Alcoholic beverages require a more detailed clearance process, so we’ll have to do a thorough inspection before providing you with the result.”


“Tsk. We’re here to teach, not to have drinking parties.”

I didn’t answer Louina’s words.

After the search was over, we followed the maid up the stairs, leading us to the room where the emperor took classes, which they separated from other rooms due to its nature being a ‘place of learning.’

In front of the door with a golden lion carving, the maid knocked first.

Knock, knock—

“Your Majesty, your magic educators are here.”

“Come in.”


The maid closed her eyes, opened the door, and bent her body forward. The emperor was revealed sitting in a chair, staring at us.

I took a step into the room and paid my respects.

“I, Deculein von Grahan Yukline, see you, glorious emperor.”

“I, Louina von Schlott McQueen, see you, glorious emperor.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Keiron, the emperor’s escort and knight, stood behind her like a statue.

I heard the maid close the door.

We moved a little closer to the emperor as she raised a question.