23 Bad Wolf (1/2)

A minute passed with Theodore quickly filling 12 pages of his new sketchbook with drawings that would later be titled as Iconic.

He opens his sketchbook and showed the first page that had a beautiful and flowy style title.

Below the title was the drawing of a little girl with a cape-like red hood covering her head and body appearing to skip through a forest on a dirt path.

Around her was the vast and beautiful forest with two gold eyes keenly watching from afar.

Theodore went with colours this time its key feature to books that appeals to kids with a similar age as Rose.

Even though his master level Speed Drawing does not apply to colour's he can at least rely on the knowledge of shading to help especially he's using pencil colours.

It's not the best colouring but it works to compliment his unnecessary in-depth portrayal of the story.

Theodore put his finger below the title as he slowly read it to Rose and The chat \”Li-ttle Red Ri-ding Hoo-d\”

\”Li-lil Red Ree-ding Hoo-d\” Said Rose with some difficulty.

\”Good try, Rose,\” Said Theodore with a sincere and proud smile

\”Heheh~ book hurry,\” Said Rose excitedly while giggling.

\”Okay, Okay,\” Said Theodore before flipping the page which had thick black righting in the corner.

The writing was thankfully decent as he writes it with a thick black felt tip pen.

The picture was the girl in red running through her village while the vague outlines of villagers called out to her.

*Cough, Ahem* \”Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a village near the forest.  Whenever she went out, the little girl wore a red riding cloak, so everyone in the village called her Little Red Riding Hood\” Said Theodore with a calm and enchanting voice.

He moved to the other page that had the girl in her cute little village house with her dad.

\”One morning, Little Red Riding Hood asked her mother if she could go to visit her grandmother as it had been a while since they'd seen each other. 'That's a good idea' her father said. So they packed a nice basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother.\” Said Theodore while doing his best attempt at a girls voice which made Rose and Chat giggle.

Due to how important the next page was he put a lot more effort into with the writing being twice as big and the father's facial expression being very serious.

He made the necessary change from the original mom to the dad as to not remind Rose of her not so caring mother.

Theodore made sure to point at every word while emphasising \”Remember, go straight to Grandma's house,\” her father cautioned.  \”Don't dawdle along the way and please don't talk to strangers!  The woods are dangerous.\”

The story continued as the villain made his appearance which caused Rose to angrily pout at how Little Red Riding Hood did not listen to her dad but gladly talked to the strange wolf

Rose was truthfully scared when she saw the wolf eat the grandmother in one fell swoop.

The chat was entertained with the wolf's unnecessary action to dress up as the grandmother but Rose, on the other hand, was not she was repeating \”Bad wolf, bad!\”



[PhatPuss]: ????????

[LoneWolfx69]: I'm feeling personally attacked is this how you treat a new viewer ???? Jk love it

[RicherThanYou]: Wolves are bad????

[Aqua-Sift]: This took an odd turn ????

[Just1Toast]: Such a great father n daughter pair makes you wonder why the mother left????

[Lost-Aggresssion]: This is has gained my interest ????


Rose saw that Little Red Riding Hood entered and sat at the stool next to the bed with the wolf dressed as the grandmother with the bed covers over his body.

\”No, Run Reed-ing hood,\” Said Rose with a pleading voice

\”Oh, I just have a touch of a cold,\” squeaked the wolf adding a cough at the end to prove the point.

Rose was then happy to see that little Red Riding Hood had caught on and asked questions that pointed out the \”Grandmothers\” changers.