Chapter 165 (2/2)


His Majesty smiled at me.

When we arrived at Galbaran's palace, we greeted the king.

”I have heard all from Elohim, they are working to defeat the Demon King Rudra.”

”That's right, Petardaus and Jornen have agreed to send troops and right now there are troops marching towards their destination. Please, we request your assistance.”

”Please, Your Majesty. Help us defend the Manyu Brigade.”

”That adventurer...”

His Majesty casts his gaze at the person next to him.

”Is it in our best interest to help the Manyu Brigade?”

”Yes. I'm sure he's an SS rank class. Maybe it's even higher than that. In my opinion, your majesty. If we don't help him, this could spell the death of this country.”

”General, I never thought you would say something like that... Hmm.”

As I looked at the man the king was talking to, I noticed something very curious.

On his cloak was embroidered the phrase ”Love,Kaede” on the inside.

Kaede-San... What have you done?

”I don't like the idea of having to fight a race like the elves, but Rudra is even more annoying. He has caused a lot of chaos in my country, he has even planned to assassinate me. And the Spirit King was talking about strengthening the ties between the nations...”

”Yes, Elohim-Sama proposes that we strengthen the ties between the nations and share information to better protect our lands.”

”Including this country in that framework... Umm, I've changed my mind a bit after this incident. No matter how big a country is, it will inevitably be defeated if we are attacked by the sword. I think sharing information will be a good thing.”

Monica-San and I were smiling. Apparently the king had already made up his mind.

By the way, I mentioned earlier that Elohim-Sama suggested it, but I was really the one who came up with the idea for this.

I remembered the Round Table meetings, so I thought it would be better to suggest that each country should cooperate to fight the Demon King.

Rather, I can't help but wonder what they were doing so far.

Has peace managed to be kept around here on their own?

”Are you ready to go to war?”


”Strike with your hammer upon the Demon King! And make victory belong to the beasts!”

”I will! For His Majesty the king and for my country!”

The general bowed his head to the king.

Our next destination was the Land of Ainowa.

The Spirit King had said it was the land of the fairies.

At this point we had encountered a big problem in meeting Toru-Sama.

And that was the Great Forest.

There were many routes that could divert us from the road, and that represents a big problem. A large shortcut was required to allow the armies of the various countries to pass through.

Monica-San and I arrived at the entrance to the Great Forest.

”You're too late, I've been waiting here for a long time!”

”You are the guide?”

”Yes, my name is Naomin, nice to meet you.”

We were greeted by a lovely fairy.

I guess the Spirit King has already told her what is going on.

That's why she has been waiting for us here.

But could the faeries clear a path for us through the vast Great Forest?   Or will they let us use the road they use?

”We've talked among ourselves, and we agree that it's time for the faeries to start interacting with other races. But we can't do it all at once. So to show our support, we will begin this first step with you.”

We listened in silence.

”This could certainly bring more knowledge about other races among the fairies. But also that may open a door that will bring more enemies to us, although, that doesn't mean that it may also bring more allies. right? For the future of our race, we will seize this opportunity.”

”You've made up your mind, haven't you?”

”No. On the contrary, we will show the world how dangerous fairies can be.”

Zuzun Zuzun

The ground begins to shake.

A mountain in the distance begins to move.

No.. Wait. It's not a mountain, it's a giant monster.

”Behold our guardian, Roswell! It's your turn, Rozsuchi, make way for them!”

”Roger that, little flat-chested friend.”

So he is the former Demon King Roswell.

I've only heard of him from the Spirit King, but I never thought there was anyone as great as him.”

This continent seems to be a place that is beyond our common sense.

Just by Roswell walking, the trees broke down making a path between us.

In addition, the fairies were removing any trash that might be an obstacle.

At this rate, we should be able to get through the Great Forest in no time.

Toru-Sama, please be strong a little longer.

I will soon be by your side.

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