Chapter 121 (1/2)

Heavenly Beasts: long before ancient times, there was a powerful race that served the dragons.

Its appearance is very similar to that of the Beastkin tribe, and at first glance, it is difficult to distinguish them from each other.

However, their power is incomparable, and they seem to be recognized as a unique existence because they are both powerful and unmatched.

”This book says so, but do heavenly beasts really exist?”

”I haven't actually seen them with my own eyes, but there are references in the literature that separate heavenly beasts from the beastkin tribe, so it seems that at least one such being existed a long time ago.”

”And what do you expect me to do with this information? Do you want me to go out and find one and ask them about my mother...?”

”That's exactly what I'm saying. It's very likely that a heavenly beast has been in contact with Kuon. It may even know where she came from.”

You want me to go meet a species whose location I don't even know? This is insane. It's also a very bad idea.

”Of course, the problem lies in the fact that we don't know where to find them. That's why you'll have to go to the Spirit King.”

”The spirit king?”

”As the name implies, he is the pinnacle of spirits. He may know the whereabouts of the heavenly beasts' location.”

I see. If we can meet the Spirit King, we can find out where the Heavenly Beasts are.

I can finally see the way.

Suddenly, I turned my attention to Kaede and saw that she was looking at the page on which the Heavenly Beasts appeared.

I can't blame her for being so curious. The picture does bear a strong resemblance to Kaede.

If you put Kaede next to one of these beasts, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

It would be helpful if they at least had something to differentiate them.

”Hey, where is that Spirit King?”

”We elves have a sacred land that has long been the object of our worship. The Spirit King is still being held there.”

”Wait a minute, you mean he's being held by something?”

”The evil dragon Nodom. It's a monster that suddenly appeared before us two hundred years ago and took the sacred land.”

Yabai said, ”Forget what I just said, it is impossible for you to ever meet the spirit king.” And he set out to continue the story.

He was about to pick up the cup when the maid quickly moved it to the side

”Hey, what are you doing?”

”Don't finish your story without permission, you bastard.”

”Do you enjoy making fun of me like this? It must feel good to tease me like that, you piece of shit.”

”Certainly. It is this machine's prerogative to make fun of its Master just because its Master is depressed.”

”I'll dismantle you right now!”

”If you think you can do it, then I'd like to see you try, old man.”

The quarreling begins again.

I wonder how my Mother could resurrect such a twisted golem.

”Just tell me where that sacred place is.”

Instantly, Yabai stops moving.

”Are you really planning to go there? The evil dragon residing in the shrine is an opponent that even tens of thousands of elves can't defeat.”

”I don't like complicated things. I just know that I have to face that dragon, slay it, and talk to the spirit king.”

”You're a bit of an idiot.”

”I think so too.”

There's nothing wrong with being stupid.

As long as you know what you should aim for and know what you should do, you can get ahead unexpectedly.

I'm also quite interested in how strong the evil dragon is.

And it will be even better if it's a monster that I can use all my strength on.

Yabai grabbed a pen as he said; ”I guess it's inevitable.” and started writing a letter.

He then stuffed the sheet into an envelope and handed it to me.

”No ordinary person can enter the sacred land. You will need the Queen's permission.

”Sorry for all the trouble.”

”That's all right. Kuon had a curious attitude and didn't speak much at all, but she's given me quite a capable maid here, so it's okay if I consider it a small favor.”


”Hmmhmm, it's hard to live alone when you're old. Hey, weren't you casually teasing me, don't shut up, say something.”

When the fight resumes, I wake Jessica up and we leave the place.

”You guys are going to do what?!”

”It's exactly as you heard. We're going to the holy land to kill the evil dragon.”


Kaede smiles bitterly at Jessica who looks up at her.

She's been asleep the whole time, so she doesn't know what we're talking about.

”Uh, Master!”


Kaede calls out with a serious expression.


Her face looks red.

”What's wro-...?”

Kaede sat down on the floor.

What's wrong?

Are you not feeling well?

She's got a blank look on her face.

Frau quickly touched her forehead to check.

”Hot, you're burning up!”


”That's right. We'd better get her to a doctor quickly.”

”Kyu! Kyui!”

I hoisted Kaede onto my back, and headed to the hospital with Jessica's guidance.

Kaede sleeps peacefully in bed.

Seeing her, I suddenly let out the breath I had been holding in.

I felt relieved.

The doctor said it was just a cold, so it wasn't a recurrence of a previous illness.

Come to think of it, Kaede was strangely calm today.

She didn't say much, and I think her breathing was a little more agitated than usual.

How didn't I notice this?

”Is a cold really that dangerous?”


”Hm? Haven't you ever had a cold?”

”No, because when the rest of the family got sick, Frau was the only one who was well.”