Chapter 2 (2/2)
”I want to see the others.”
I only have a budget of 1.5 million.
It's not a huge amount, and I can't afford it.
He placed his hand in the cage, and raised the face of an elf by placing his finger on her chin.
”This elf has no combat experience yet, but I'm sure she'll be good company at night. She has an enormous amount of magic, so if you raise her as a magician, she should be able to serve you very well in the long run.
”And what's the price?”
”Twenty-five million.”
It's still very expensive, I think I came to this place at a bad time.
I should have asked about the slave's cost at the market before I came here.
The old man turns to see me squinting.
”May I ask what your budget is?”
”One and a half million.”
”Hmm, that would make the quality of the slave much lower, but I can introduce you to someone in that price range.”
”Thank you.”
We walk a little further back until we reach a curtain.
A very strong stench invades my nose.
It is an odor produced by feces, urine and sweat.
In that place there were countless small cages.
Inside were beasts of all sizes, and even human children.
”Most of the slaves here are worth less than a million.
”Why are they so cheap?
”They are weak, ugly, sick, have no training whatsoever, and are unreliable. They are useless at the moment, but, there is a great possibility that they are good for something else.”
I am disgusted by slaveholders who talk about people as if they were property.
However, that also includes me, since I'm trying to buy one.
I kept looking around for a slave to capture my interest.
And there, In a small cage located in a corner of this space.
There was a very dirty little girl with white hair.
I approached her for a closer look.
The girl was very thin, and out of breath.
Her long bangs covered her eyes, so I couldn't see her face very well.
Her clothes were so worn out that I hesitated to look at her directly.
I could feel that girl looking at me, with dead eyes through her hair hiding her face.
”Huh, 300?!”
The girl fled to the corner of the cage.
I have no doubt that this girl was able to see my stats.
Could this girl have the [appraisal] ability? She is very rare.
It's just something I'm guessing.
And it's not like people can tell my level just by looking at me.
”How much for that girl?”
”110,000, sir.”
”Isn't that too low a price?”
”No sir, it's a fair price. After all, she is very ill, and weak, and is a poor slave who cannot be used, unless she is boiled or roasted.”
The girl coughed violently.
He was right, her physical condition was quite bad.
No matter how rare the skills, if they are too weak, it may be inevitable that they will come at too low a price.
Or do they not realize that slavers are appraisers?
I'm not sure that's true. But if I think about it properly, I could get a doctor to examine you.
”What is your name?”
”Hey! Answer the customer”
The slaveholder hit the cage with his cane.
Kaede. I like her name.
And there was something about this girl that caught my attention.
I guess you could call it intuition. I can't explain what attracted me to her, but in a way, I thought she was good.
”I'll buy this girl.”
”Thank you for your purchase!”
The slaveholder bowed, while having a big smile on his face.
”After the transaction, the customer must make a master-slave contract.”
”One question, do I have to reveal my status?”
”No, no, no, no. All you have to do is shed a little blood.”
”Alright then.”
I was reassured when he told me I didn't have to reveal my status.
He seems to be a very discreet man, but anyway, I didn't want anyone to know.
Kaede was looking at me with anxious eyes.