Chapter 379 (1/2)

A large object was moving through the air while receiving damage from massive amounts of spirit-filled attacks. Even though it was getting pelted from all sides it continued to fire back.

Finally, its outer shell was blasted apart and there was nothing left from the large castle that it once was. What greeted the attackers was a strange-looking shiny metallic sphere with many cannons sticking out of it.

The attackers from the Soaring Dragon Sect were doing their utmost to continue with their attacks on the giant mechanical thing and they were slowly whittling it down. It had thick armor plating that was posing a problem and the longer it took for them to pierce through the more damage did their own ships suffer.

They had gone into a trap, the whole city and part of the sky above was encased in a dome through which they could not leave. Soon after they felt a massive spike in their opponents' cultivation level, it was as if they were holding back and only now showed their true might.

Elder Tong, their best fighter at this moment, was engaged in a brutal confrontation with a man that looked to be made out of strange fire. Both of them were not riding on their soul beasts that were clashing with each other.

Huo Qiang was standing on the top of his Ifrit's head that had gone through a size increase. Up against him was an eastern-style dragon with an emerald coat of scales. While the length of the dragon was about four times of the ifrit, it wasn't as wide.

As the emerald dragon tried coiling itself around his opponent it received an uppercut to its head which sent it tumbling back. It released emerald bolts of lightning which were somehow absorbed by this creature that was actually made out of plasma and not fire.

”Is that all you have, great elder from the Soaring Dragon Sect?”


Huo Qiang gave out a laugh while pushing himself towards his opponent. Both of them started crashing through the entire city and the residual shockwaves caused the buildings to crumble.

While this battle was happening the other elders from the United Element's sect were trying to engage the other ten nascent soul elders. While they weren't as strong, they were strong enough to cause them damage.

They weren't alone, many of the lesser cultivators that were still at the core formation level banded together to form battle formations. These beasts made from condensed spiritual energy were as powerful as the people going against them.

Argonaut 1 the sect's flagship was already charging its main cannon to deliver a devastating blow to the enemy's huge flying vessel. While it started off bleak and with no hope, it looked like the defensive capabilities of the United Element Sect were enormous.

It was far larger than what a regular middle-sized sect should be able to produce. The longer the battle continued the more the people from the Soaring Dragon Sect realized this. They were ȧssured of their victory when they charged in, now on the other hand they were not sure if they would be able to make it out alive.

”What are you doing? Just kill them all!”

Wang Long shouted out while using a sword to counter a peculiar-looking cultivator.

”You're annoying, just die!”

His sword was met with another peculiar-looking one. While it was thinner and longer than the Jian it looked to be quite sharp.

This was Zhang Zhi from the United Element's Sect that had picked out his opponent from all of the chaos. While Huo Qiang was keeping Tong busy the young master was unprotected which made it a good chance for him to capture the second biggest threat.

”Isn't that a dai-katana?”

Wang Long called out as he was confused about seeing this type of weapon in the hand of a cultivator. He was facing off against a man that would be more fit to be in a world filled with ancient samurai.

The man didn't reply while slicking forward. His blade started glowing and Wang Long quickly dodged to the side. The energy from the blade that was one long line started splitting apart into a thousand.


Instead of evading them, the young master used his own sword to defend himself. His Qi was gathered onto the blade, the previously white blade turned purple and bolts of lightning started shooting out from it. He performed a sideways swipe which caused the sword energies to collide with the other which in term canceled each other out.

”Stop moving around!”

The exchange continued for a moment and it was clear that the samurai was below the young master's level in terms of power. Even then, the young man found it hard to land a clean blow as the member from the United Element sect was finding ways to dodge at the exact right moment.

”Your strength is great but your lack of technique and experience is painfully obvious!”

”Hah? Do you think I haven't heard that before? What do I need technique for when I can kill anyone with just one shot? Now try dodging this!”

They traveled at an astonishing speed and were upon his opponent in a fraction of a second. The samurai used his sword energies to try to deflect this attack but as he tried he noticed that his attacks went right through these ghostly chains.

His next step was to quickly retreat but try if he might he wasn't able to shake these chains free. They followed him everywhere and even when he tried to get behind some cover they just went through it.

”Just give up, I spend so many spirit points to get that rare binding skill!”