249 Chapter 249 (1/2)

A bald man shouted while holding a large saber in one of his hands. There was an arrow sticking out of his shoulder yet he was standing tall.

”No, father!”

He was standing in front of two women, one looked to be his wife while the other one was much younger, probably his daughter. He was staring at a group of people in shabby clothes. They had weapons in their hands and were slowly surrounding this family of three from all sides.

”Not so fast old man, those two are precious goods, we can't have them running off! Get them, boys!”

”Yes, senior brother!”

It looked like a group of small-time ruffians, there were five of them with the largest man being the leader. Due to the woman's hesitation, their escape route was cut off and it looked like it would be over for this small family of three.

”Don't blame us, blame yourself for coming to this place, fool!”

One of the men laughed while swinging his sword at the father. The man managed to receive the strike and even push the attack back. To his dismay, he wasn't able to react to the second bandit who managed to stab his unkempt blade into the father's side, blood was seen instantly.

”No! Father!”


The two females screamed out as they saw the father fall to one of his knees. He used the saber as a crutch to support himself but his vision started getting blurry.

”Leave my wife and daughter alone, you bastards!”

Two of the bandits quickly grabbed the unprepared girls and held them by their hands. They had to watch their family member getting his weapon taken away with a well-placed kick. It looked like it was over and that the criminals were on top.

”Hah, serves you right. Only an idiot takes their family through these lands, what were you trying to achieve, idiot?”

The bandit leader chucked menacingly while his men started pulling the two women away. The father tried to get up but another bandit instantly kicked him in the stomach.

”Let me go you bastard!”

The daughter cried out while biting the man on the hand that was holding her. This caused him to lose his grip, the girl tried using this chance to pull away but got held back by her hair.

”Damn slut!”

The angered man yanked her back and delivered a hard slap to her face. This caused her to groan out in pain while falling down to the ground.

”Hey be careful, don't damage her face, we won't be able to sell her like this.”

The leader barked out at the other man that shrunk back.

”You can have some fun with that old hag, this one belongs to me.”

The boss smirked while looking at the younger girl. He could see shock and indignation in her eyes. He was the type of man that loved to see the fear in his victim's eyes. He licked his lips while moving closer.

”Don't worry, this senior brother is really gentle. I'll teach you how a real man does things!”

He laughed while doing an obscene hip thrust, the young girl could only look with shock as the ugly bandit got closer. Her mother flailed around but she was far too weak to do anything, the father was already close to dying.

In her heart, she prayed for a miracle. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, her whole family wanted to leave this godforsaken land. They were so close, only a few more days and they would have been on the border at the promised land.

This land was supposed to be ruled by a just leader. Someone that actually cared about his subjects. There was enough food for everyone, the streets were clean and his forces patrolled the areas which kept bandits like these away.

In the time of her despair, something happened, there was a rumble. The earth started shaking as if a large earthquake was upon them. The bandit leader almost fell over as even he was affected by the earth's movement.

���What is that? an earthquake?... no… something is coming…”

The man looked to the side and could see the ground rising up about fifty meters from where he was standing. It burst open quite fast and he could see a man rising out from it. The man flew up into the air but there was not a speck of dirt on his dark robe.

The bandit leader dropped whatever he was doing as he knew that someone like this was far above him. The way that he was staying in the sky without a worry in the world showed that he was a master at the core formation level. This was someone that he could not offend.


This man was Zhang Dong, he had just reached the border that his sect and the Limitless Sword Society shared with one another. He had submerged himself underground and used his system map to evade detection. He didn't really have to do this but he wanted to be sure that no stray sentries detected his presence.

After traveling several kilometers from the initial entry point he finally decided to go outside. Traveling underground was a lot slower than flying through the air even though it was safer.

When he got outside he saw quite the scene, a standard robbery with attempted murder and ****.

”Is this some kind of new world record?”

He thought back to his old days when he used to fly around without any worry. He always came across people getting mugged and robbed whenever he went. He attributed it to the world just being really bloody where only the strongest survived. This was also the reason why he created his version of the police force so that he could let them handle it.

So here he was, just starting his week-long adventure and already witnessing a crime in progress. He looked down with narrowed eyes at the bandits that had clearly noticed him. He saw them on his system map, but they were at the lower end of Qi condensation so he deemed them harmless.