199 Chapter 199 (1/2)
”So… long time no see?”
To his question there was no reply, the people were bowing face down and with their butts raised into the air. They were probably afraid to meet the gaze of the man that almost single-handedly took out the Dark Palm sect.
Zhang Dong just wanted to facepalm but instead, he just nodded and gave a more compelling order. He knew from his experience how people like this operated.
”Rise up, that's enough.”
The people slowly moved their heads up, their eyes were uncharacteristically sparkly. He could tell that he was getting revered by this group. From their standpoint, he was one of the most powerful experts in the whole empire, a nascent soul realm master. He had also aided them in this time of need and previously saved the Chief's son from a powerful monster.
The first man to get up and walk up to him was the old Tribe Chief, he didn't change all that much in these past two years, maybe a wrinkle or two here or there. He clasped his hands in respect once again before finally opening his mouth.
”Honorable Senior, you have aided us once again, how can this Tatar Tribe ever hope to repay you?”
While the chief was speaking the rest of the Tribe people started standing up. Yang Rong and Cheng Yun that he met before were side by side. They had apparently buried the hatchet and Yang Rong in particular had grown up to be a respectable young man that was on his way to be the next Tribe Chief.
”Ah, You don't need to repay me, just live your life, as usual, it was just luck that I was close by while all of this was happening.”
Zhang Dong glanced at the charred Dark Palm members and was brought back to reality. He didn't have time to exchange more pleasantries with these people. He had to map out the area and find a good spot for his sect to flourish.
”But I shouldn't linger, I didn't come here to play around.”
He wanted to leave but the Tribe's people couldn't let such a chance slip by. This was a powerful nascent realm master, they wouldn't have a second chance like this in their lifetime. They needed to somehow lure him in and maybe accept one of the youths as a disciple.
”Please Honorable Senior Dong, we must hold a giant feast, why don't you rest and let us show you some gratitude?”
The village chief glanced to the side at some of his people that were quick to pick up on his scheme. They sprung to action fast, they surrounded Zhang Dong even closer and started begging him to stay, they were a lot of young ladies even mixed in to appeal to the man's male side.
”Please Grandmaster won't you stay?”
”Won't you stay to enjoy our tribe's best foods?”
”Do you need some servants for your travels, I'm sure the youths would be helpful, take as many as you want!”
”My daughter is a good cook and she can clean, she would be great as a maid for you my lord.”
Various people started clamoring for his attention. If they had even one of their family members work for this man their status would skyrocket.
Matt raised his eyebrow at the Tribe's people. They were moments away from getting massacred by the evil cultivators. You'd think that no person would be able to make a quick 180 after a traumatic event like this but here they were.
He got reminded of how tough people in this world were. When they saw an opportunity to further their cause they went for it. He knew well what this was about but he needed to quench their enthusiasm. He had no time to stay here, he even remembered what happened last time. They sent him a group of young girls to his quarters as a bribe. He was in the middle of courting Feng Liena so he didn't think this would be appropriate.
'Wonder what she would do if she found something like that out…'
He was a bit curious if the woman would be jealous or envious. It wasn't strange to have multiple wives in this society so would she care if he had any flings? He on the other hand was an old fashioned modern type of man, that would rather have one warm woman than ten lukewarm ones.
”Stop, let me speak.”
Everyone quieted down after the white-haired man raised his hand while speaking out.
”I don't need any more servants and I don't need any disciples.”
”I also really don't have the time so I'll be leaving.”
He started floating up to the people's dismay. They knew that they couldn't keep this person here but they just had to try. They kept their eyes on his magnificent form almost as if they were hoping to get a cultivation boost from it.
He then vanished from their sight, almost like a blur as he took off into the deeper parts of the forest. Everyone from the Tribe was saddened that they couldn't real him in.
”What a shame… if he took one of our girls as a concubine no one could go against this village.”
”Or if he took one of our boys as a disciple, we would be the greatest tribe!”