158 Chapter 158 (1/2)

Wu Ming took his time as he floated up in the air looking down at everyone that was in the mostly destroyed colosseum. The architecture of the area was trashed and it looked like a tornado and an earthquake went through this place.

There weren't many people left here, there were several Dark Palm members that were mostly beaten back by the triforce alliance elders. Besides that we have the group of junior members from the three clans that were now down on the ground, their ability to stand being taken away all thanks to the nascent soul grandmaster above them.

The man in question didn't say much, he hovered above ground and took his time to examine the situation. He looked at Yang Kai that was a bloody mess on the ground, the mace of the man in the strange black suit of armor had stopped. It wasn't moving a muscle as Wu Ming was locking him in place.

He then gazed to the side, Yang Kai's disciple Deng Cai's hand was sticking out from some rubble. His own master had forgotten about him and didn't even get him to safety before he began his battle with Zhang Jin. Not like Elder Ming cared about this useless youth, if he got abandoned by his own Master then there had to be a reason for it.

It took him only a couple of seconds to get the gist of it. His allies were mostly beaten and bruised and someone was about to murder a prominent senior member from the sect. Even though he didn't like the man with the gem in his forehead, he still had to abide by the rules. There was also the part about him being the son of the sect leader, he couldn't just let him die here unless he wanted to face his wrath.

”Truly a pitiful performance, I expected more from the son of that man...”

Elder Ming descended slowly, hands behind his back. He arrived between Zhang Jin and the beaten up Yang Kai. The Zhang Clan member was still infusing his Qi into his body as he was trying to get away. He could only twitch slightly, his whole body felt like it was stuck in a block of iron a constant pressure keeping him from budging.

”And this is... interesting...”

Wu Ming poked Zhang Jin's helmet as he looked over the armor he was wearing. The man liked to collect treasures, this was also one of the reasons why he liked attending auctions in various places.

”Mysterious craftsmanship, this was made by a true master. Shame that it's still only an earth grade treasure, even though it's a pinnacle one.”

Zhang Jin couldn't do much as the man picked up his mace and started looking over the craftsmanship. Apparently this man didn't think anyone around here was worth his while as he was keeping them plastered to the ground. Even the bloodied Yang Kai wasn't getting much of a reaction from this elder Ming.

”Mmm yes...”

The old man with the salt and pepper hair shook his head after hearing Yang Kai cough out loud. He took out a pill from his spatial ring and placed made it float into the downed man's mouth. The medicinal effects were quite astonishing as the wounds were closing at a rapid pace.

”That was a heaven grade pill, they aren't cheap.”

The battered and bruised man felt air going back into his previously collapsed lungs. He vomited out some blood and quickly took out various other medicinal pills to aid his recovery.

”Y-yes Elder Ming, I'll be sure to reimburse you for this favor!”

He wobbled back to his feet, he looked like a person that had tomato juice dumped on him. His clothes were soaked along with his face. Yang Kai glared at the man in the obsidian armor suit that was still unmoving and getting held back by the elder.

”This is an embarrassment for the entire sect, how could you let some third rate clans bring you to this state?”

The man was surprised, almost everyone from his sect had been defeated by these cultivators here. He wanted to figure out what could have made them do this but he was a bit preoccupied with looking at Zhang Jin and Zhang Liu. The youth was still floating in the air giving off some strange spiritual fluctuations that this elder was curious about.

”What kind of Dao is that?”

He took his eyes off the man in the metal suit and floated forward slowly. The other people that were allied with him were slowly recovering while eating healing pills. They didn't move a muscle though, they needed to wait for this scary nascent soul elder of theirs to be done with his research. It would be rude to act without getting ordered and no one was willing to risk offending a person in the nascent soul stage.

Wu Ming approached Zhang Liu, his finger moving towards the glowing shield as he gave it a poke. He felt a repelling force against his digit, so he increased the pressure. The glowing shield buckled under the increased strain but was holding for now. The man even felt a discharge of Qi getting sent back towards his body, this was probably some kind of defensive mechanism.

”Interesting...really pure spiritual energy... still lacking though...”

The mark that was placed by the system was at the very top of core formation, it was even edging into the half step nascent soul level. Yet it wasn't quite there yet. Anything below the nascent soul realm wouldn't pique this man's interest. The Dao that was flowing out of this mark was interesting but it wasn't something that this man could use for himself.

”E-elder Ming, please let me readdress my grievances!”

The man looked back to Yang Kai, the man had seen better days. He was just standing there after having somehow recovered, his gaze on the man in the black suit of armor. Wu Ming knew what he wanted and didn't really care, the technique that was suspending the boy in mid-air was more interesting than what Yang Kai was up to. Still, the order needed to be kept and these people did go against the sect an example had to be made of them.

”Your grievances you say...”

He looked to Zhang Jin who was being silent, not out of his own choice. The suppressing aura forced him to submit and he was even having a hard time breathing.

”Yes, we can't have a blemish like this be kept around.”

Elder Ming turned away from Zhang Liu and looked at the black armor. He stretched out his finger and did a slight motion forward as if he was flicking someone's nose. A large shift in Qi energy was felt by the masters in the area, they watched on as the black metal that Zhang Jin was covered started rattling around.

”Hoh, quite the sturdy treasure...but...”