119 Chapter 119 (1/2)

Matt returned to his quarters in the previous Cheng clan main house, this was the room that he was supposed to be staying at and only a couple of people knew that he was running around town. He needed to think about his police force more throughout, he only wrote down some main points he remembered from some police-themed shows back in the day.

His clan members were a bit violent in their approach, they kicked ass and took notes down later as well. This needed to change a bit, the collateral damage that some members caused while chasing down criminals was also a problem. The high-level cultivators were akin to supermen just busting through buildings, one badly placed Qi attack could cost someone's life in the near future. Injuries were already happening constantly, like when Zhang Zhi split the flying ship apart without caring for any for the slave girls on it.

'I'll need to write down a better guideline for them...also about that Xing Clan.'

He grabbed a jade slip from the side, on it was the detailed information about what that family did and where they produced all their income from.

'Hmm... slaves...prostitution...gambling...debt collecting... quite the stereotypical mafioso or yakuza bunch...'

That wasn't all that was in there, there was also information about the other families.

'Situ Clan eh? They sound like a farmaceutical company from Earth... just hiking up the prices for things that cost close to nothing, guess they are a bit better than the previous one as they don't force anyone to buy their stuff or threaten anyone. '

'Kuan Clan just sounds like a stingy landlord, though they are going a bit overboard by forcing the farmers to pay up even during drought seasons.'

The two other clans didn't sound so bad on paper, they mostly just strongarmed people to sign bad contracts or milked the populace that had nowhere else to go to for food or medicine. He would just have one of his more intelligent people crunch the numbers and see what would be a good price. It was supposed to be a good price for both parties, so the farmers wouldn't starve or the landlords wouldn't go out of business either.

It would be nice if he could replace everyone in this town with his own family members, but they didn't have the sheer numbers for that. All of these cities were large and required a lot of manpower to manage. At most he could place some trusted people here and there to manage the things from the top, just keep the other clan's up on their toes so that they don't suck the regular people dry.

'The Xing Clan is considered the largest one from these three and they are the shadiest one as well.'

He found that out just previously when he got attacked by ninjas, and they weren't dudes with blue hair but actual assassin warriors.

'Hm, maybe I should make my own ninja unit...'

He had an information and spy division, but he didn't look much into it as his grandpa was responsible for those guys. He would need to have Zhang Jin fill him in.

'I only gave him some techniques that could be used for things like that, he sounded ecstatic back then...'

He knew by now, that the cultivators were really crazy about new techniques. The moment they found something even half worthwhile they wanted to lock themselves up in a cave of months and train.

\”Hmm... so should we continue with the Xing Clan... or shift our attention to the other two...\”

There were plans in the works to lower the taxes, build free schools and free clinics around the city but the Zhang Clan hadn't moved against the other two clans that much. At most they inspected their stock and told them to shape up before the next one came along. It would cost quite a penny to transport food from their own town, but it would stir up the monopoly that the Kuan clan had. The Zhang Clan was also proficient in making pills, so they could slowly edge the Situ Clan out, forcing lower prices onto the market.

'Not like they can threaten us if we lower the prices, if they want to survive they will have to meet us in the middle.'

He could outright force the three families to work for him, even doing things like killing their Patriarchs if they didn't listen. But he thought that it was better to do it on more peaceful terms, he didn't want the Zhang Clan to just look like another group of bloodthirsty cultivators. The people would probably be happier if they knew that the ruling clan wouldn't just react with violence in the time of some kind of transgression.

Still, he also wanted his clan to earn their upkeep. It was always hard to find that fine line where the profit margins were high but the people working were still happy and content with their jobs. He was thinking about one certain thing that didn't really exist in this world, this thing was the weekend... and days off work.

Something like a Saturday and Sunday that were free was a foreign concept in this world, you were supposed to work all day every day or at least that what the landlords wanted you to do. What if he implemented a mandatory day off work, to spend with your loved ones or just chill.

In his previous world, things like this were already tried. A certain business owner observed and created the weekend because the workers would work harder and spend their hard-earned money back into the company that they were working in. This was a win-win situation for both parties, soon enough it was widespread and became the norm.

No one wanted to work ten or twelve hours a day for six or seven days a week. If they did that they were far too tired to spend their money on anything and just rested which was a blow for the economy.

'All up to the business owners if they give their workers a steady hourly wage, some of them have to work the whole day depending on the workload...'