4 Chapter 4 (1/2)

There wasn't much pain as Matt found out that his new body was a lot more sturdy than his old one was, something probably to do with the silver body thing and how it was at the foundation establishment stage. He rolled to the side and pushed himself off the ground a bit surprised at what just happened. His foot was quite bloody and his hair had some tree bark in it as he looked at the area where he 'kicked' the creature while trying to fell for his dire life.

”I-is it dead?”

He looked at the destroyed tree in the distance, he couldn't see if the horned rabbit was dead or not as the tree was in the way but he felt somehow that it was not among the living anymore after the robotic voice announced that he had slain the creature. But being the true hero that he was, Matt grasped a branch from the side and slowly crept up to the spot that the 'battle' took place.

”Hey, there Mr. Bunny... you're not going to pounce at me again are you?”

Gulping sounds could be heard as the over six-foot tall man crept to the now tree stump, he peeked behind it slowly and could see the red trail and entrails of the monster spread on the grassy field. It looked dead, not even twitching or anything as he slowly tippty toed closer and closer. His hand grasped the wide branch as he finally was at the head part, his kick having parted the weaker creature in two. After a few pokes to the head with his trusted 'weapon' he sighed in relief, then a vein could be seen appearing on his forehead as he gave the dead thing a wack with the branch putting it in an even more miserable state than it previously as.

”Damn rabbit! Who's your daddy now you little shit!”

The rabbit didn't reply but Matt started venting his emotions while poking and hitting it with the stick which broke in two after a while. He tossed to the side and calmed down, looking at the monster and then to his spirit points which now counted up to 10049.

*Guess that's one way to do it... why did it have to be this kind of setting...*

The novel protagonists made it look easy, get an op system? Learn some badass skills? Slay some monsters and court some ladies. Reality as a bit different as he didn't really know how to react as the monster run towards him, even though it was a trash mob that he could fart to death at this point.

*I have to get my shit together, these cultivation worlds are always so bloodthirsty, everything will stab you in the back if you look weird in their general direction*

Matt wasn't much of a fighter and if he could choose he would rather take the pacifist route and talk it out, the whole 'Kill them if they besmirch your honor' thing didn't really go with his life philosophy. But this was a nice wake-up call as he scanned through his list of skills and abilities. He had to test them out to see if he had any way of defending himself if anything bigger then the rabbit would attack him. What if some huge black duck was next? Or a yellow grizzly bear... wait wasn't that in that other franchise... well never mind.

*Okay I'm sure I had some skills in there...Lightning Qi cultivation art, Silver Body Arts, Thunderlight Sword, Thunder Movement Art*

He mumbled to himself while focusing on some skills, not really knowing what to do. He focused on the Thunderlight Sword one, did he need to get a sword to test it out? He had a feeling that he didn't need one for it. Matt focused on the name and then on his hand, he kind of knew what to do as he started gathering spirit energy into his right hand. He closed it into a fist, its electricity crackled around it and then with a loud boom of thunder a saber of light expanded from his fist being 1,5 m long.

”Woah... is this a lightsaber...”

It looked similar to it, but looked more unstable with the lightning energy buzzing and jolting out of the blade's shaft. He swung it around and it made familiar noises that you would expect a lightsaber to make. Matt looked to the side at the half-collapsed tree and then back to his light weapon. He took aim and swung to cut at the part that was still standing and with one swipe managed to slice it in half, the poor tree just falling apart even more and probably cursing him and his ancestors to a life of misery as it faded away.

”...okay... this could work...what else do we have”

He went through his skills a bit, somehow managing to throw some lightning-induced punches and kicks that made thundering sounds in the process and scaring the wildlife around but probably alerting some potential baddies in the process. Matt slowly got used to his new body finding it quite more robust than his old one, even after running around and flailing his hands and legs in all directions while 'training' he didn't feel all that tired, he was also strong, like really really strong. He could lift up large boulders with ease, and crush rock into dust with those big burly hands of his which gave him quite the confidence boost.