Chapter 113: Discussion 3 (1/2)

“What do you want to drink?”

“Well, let’s have a tea.”

“Oh, you do not have to hold back. I got a whole bunch of liquors.”

Raviola, who is the representative of Lily Rose Legion, is sitting right next to me instead of sitting in the front. Although we come to talks with each other about the Legion. My heartbeat is a little faster because she is a sexy beauty.

The size of the store is dark and difficult to grasp. There was a counter like a bar, and one of the dressed women poured cold tea into a glass. [TN this word (着飾った) is translated as dressed up, I think is something formal or a type of uniform.]

Somehow, I remember the cabaret I had my senior employee take me once when I was working in my past life.


Shia’s purposely coughing. It doesn’t mean that I came for night play. I just came to hear the story, so don’t give me a meaningful look from behind.

“So, why did you call us today? ”

“Oh my god, I’m not going to talk about that soon. Would you like to have a pleasant conversation with me? ”

Raviola puts a hand in my thigh and bents downward. Perfume tickles my nostrils. However, the natural odor of Snow, Chris and Liz is a better smell.

“Cohon, Cohon”

Shia coughs up again to warn her of what she misunderstood. She picked up the travel bag she had in hand. In a hurry, I take distance from Raviola and re-sit.

“I’m glad you invite me, but my wives will worry if it gets too late.”

I shook my left arm to show the wedding bracelet attached to it.

“It’s a shame. … Well then, let’s get into the main topic I’ve called you today.”

Raviola sees me with mysterious eyes. She put her mouth close to my ear and whisper.

“I heard that you have already spoken with Wolf Sword…… Can I ask you the details, Sir Gunsmith?”

” You’re not supposed to talk about other Legion, are you? You know what I mean. ”

“… Yes, of course, I know. Sir Gunsmith would answer that, and the content of the discussion. That means that Wolf Sword’s muscle brain chief Gowla will form an alliance with Sir Gunsmith and take over the protection of Kokori instead of the Chrysanthemum Knights, isn’t it? You can combine legions in some cases.”

“…. Well, what about that? I’ll leave it to your imagination.”

Answering that, I sip a little bit of tea.

It is not a content to deny deliberately, it is content you’ll arrive if there is a certain amount of imagination.

But from her confident look, apparently, Raviola had been stacked with information before the talk. From Raviola’s atmosphere, I think that she is the type that is good at psychological manipulation to gather information. Taking information from the muscle-brain members of Wolf Sword would be as easy as waving her hand.

“… Fu, fu, it seems like hit the bulls-eye more than I thought. First of all, I will advise you. I think you should stop teaming up with Wolf Sword. I don’t think Sir Gunsmith would choose such a path.”

“By the way, why are you saying don’t team up?”

“…… You know, even if I don’t say it. Fu, fu.”

That said, Raviola leans on my shoulder. Raviola emphasizes the valley with a mysterious smile.

Her chest, her chest is hitting me purposely! I am glad it is soft but has it something to do with the negotiation?

Well, my age is young, and it might be seen sweetly. Or maybe this is her usual way of negotiating… but if so, does that mean that the creature called a man is too simple? Well, it’s sad that I can’t deny it.

I deliberately make a sound and put the glass of tea on the table, taking a little distance from her.

“We cannot disclose the details of the negotiations with other Legions. Either way, Peacemaker cannot form an alliance with Wolf Sword. Since I received a request from the Chrysanthemum Knights, I can’t break that promise. ”

“I thought you would say that. Actually, I also wanted to bring an alliance or a merger with Peacemaker until I hear about it from Wolf Sword. But I stopped it.”

“…You gave up the alliance. If so, why didn’t you stop the meeting?

“……Yes. Lily Rose and I will be proposed to Sir Gunsmith.”

Having said that, she turned and looked straight at me.

“Lili Rose, and Peacemaker… will merge with the Chrysanthemum Knights. The leader will be, of course, Sir Gunsmith. The deputy leader will be the Chrysanthemum Knights. I don’t care under that.”

…What do you mean? What’s your purpose?

Roughly, such as merging with the Chrysanthemum Knights, doesn’t make any sense to say it to me. It is better to speak directly to the leader of the Chrysanthemum Knights.

“…… Even if it is said easily such as merging three Legions. But, what about the intentions of the Chrysanthemum Knights?”

Saying that Raviola laughs as if she is amazed. It’s as if you don’t know anything, as if you’re going to tell a child.

… In fact, I am actually quite lower in terms of age, but such an attitude is a bit frustrating. But her words are still going on. I calmly listen to Raviola’s words.

“Sir Gunsmith, you are indeed a good person. You came to this place in response to a request from the troubled Chrysanthemum Knights You receive it for whatever reason, for money or to make achievements because it’s a new Legion, or … because you know someone important to you, etc.”


This woman, have you even grasped about Eru sensei? It would have also been investigated that I was compelled to accept this quest because Garma of the Chrysanthemum Knights knew Eru sensei.

How much do you know? The woman in front of me becomes a little scary.

“I’ll say that on top of that. This incident is beyond your control. Pull out your hand.”

“… you say you want to merge the three Legions, or just to pull out my hand. Isn’t it contradictory?”

It disgruntled, and the ending becomes the usual tune. But she just narrowed her eyes and smiled, and she kept on talking in a different tone.