Chapter 33: Surprise Party (1/2)

“Lute, where are we going?”

Whenever she was called over for a tea party, the Centaur Karen Bishop would usually head for Ojousama’s room in the second floor.

But this time I was guiding her towards the first floor dining hall.

That’s why she was wondering and asked me about it.

“The great dining hall. Everyone is already waiting there.”


She heard my reply and tilted her head.

Before she could ask another question, we reached the doors of the dining hall.

I knocked and called out.

“I’ve brought Karen-sama”

I had Karen stand in front of the door, and it slowly opened—

“”Karen-chan, happy birthday!””


With a soft popping sound, Karen’s body was showered with confetti and tape made of cloth.

Karen flinched hearing a sound she had never heard before.

Then there was the sound of an uproarious applause.

In the dining hall there were Chrisse-ojousama, master, madam, and the servants of the Vlad house.

There was also the three-eyed Barnie Bloomfield.

Also the Lamia (half-snake) Muir Head.

Also finally, there were maids that Barnie and Muir brought along to help, they were all giving a grand applause.

The walls of the dining hall were decorated with multicolored string flowers.

Then there was a banner with the words [Happy 11th Birthday, Karen-chan] written on it in Demon Language.

While Karen was still trying to grasp the situation, Ojousama stepped up to her, holding a bouquet.

[Karen-chan, happy birthday]

“C, Chrisse!?”

Karen was once again surprised because Ojou-sama, who supposedly could not go out of her room because of being bullied, was now here in front of her eyes.

As she took the bouquet, she finally realized that this gathering is a surprise birthday party for her.

Karen burst into tears, looking as if a dam just broke.

“C, Chrisse is such a good friend, to go so far as going out of your room just to celebrate my birthday! Everyone, thank you! I have such really good friends!”


All of Karen’s childhood friends in the hall, including Ojousama looked at each other.

Last time, the other two had found out when they met to prepare for the birthday party that Ojousama was able to go out of her room. Of course, they also knew that she didn’t go out specifically for Karen.

But no one had the heart to deny.

They only smiled awkwardly, but Karen, who was being moved to tears, took no notice.

As soon as she went inside the hall, she immediately received presents.

“The first one’s from me, okay”

The three-eyed Barnie presented her present.

It’s about the size of a 5 kg sack of rice.

“It’s a magic-imbued piggybank. It’s absolutely impossible to open until you reach a set amount of money, so do your best in filling it, okay.”

“Thank you, Barnie. I’ll use it with great care.”

It was quite the appropriate present from a money-changer’s daughter.

[Next is me.]

Ojousama handed over a small box tightly wrapped in cloth on the palm of her hands.

[They’re just earrings, but I’ll be glad if you happily accept them.]

“Thank you Chrisse. I won’t be able to wear them everyday, but I’ll use them for parties or important days.”

“The last one’s from me. I’ll be happy if you could use them together with Chrisse’s present.”

A maid the Lamia Muir brought along had the present.

Hers was the only one that was not wrapped, and was spread out right there for all to see.

The present she prepared was a lavish dress that made you wonder whether they used too much lace.

It was pink in color, with white lace sewed on it like whipped cream.

Rather than a party dress, it would be called in my previous life as sweet lolita fashion.

Karen was speechless at Muir’s present at first, then her face turned red.

“M, Muir! What’s with this frilly, fluttery dress! Don’t you think it doesn’t suit this strict warrior me!”

“Not at all. It’ll be fine, it reeeally suits Karen.”

“You’re still teasing me again!”

Karen, with her face red, got angry.

But ojousama and three-eyed Barnie backed Muir.

“That’s not it at all, Karen-chan has a pretty face and a nice figure, so you’ll look good in it”

[The earrings I gave were simple, but I think they strike a good balance with that dress. Please wear them and show us next time.]

“Well, but, um…”

The two seriously insisted that she would look good in it.

Therefore Karen who wanted to deny it found it hard to respond.

Karen threw a clumsy smile at Muir.

“T, thanks Muir. I’ll keep it carefully so it doesn’t get dirty.”

“I’m glad you liked it. Wear it the next time we have a tea party, kay”

“W, well that’s if I feel like it, eh. Ahahahaha.”


The two continued their give and take quietly.

Once they finished fighting, the band that master and the others prepared started playing.

Accompanied by the music, the ojousamas got started on the food.

The food was gathered and prepared by the three families.

Muir’s Lamia family brought a seafood dinner.

Barnie’s three-eyed clan brought meat.

Ojousama’s side were responsible for other dishes that were simple to pick up (in Japan they would be called something like hors d’œuvres).

Also the head chef Malcolm-san went all out and prepared a mountain of desserts that the Demon Race would like.

Cakes and cookies were a matter of course.

The snacks I made—Giant pudding made in the shape of a ball, mille crèpe with the crèpes cut into hearts, potato chips and a lot of other kinds of snacks were also prepared.

The ojousamas, master, madam, and the maids from the Lamia and Three-eyed families happily feasted on them all.

We the servants of the Vlad house hosting the event were working at the kitchen or going around delivering drinks.