Chapter 7: Firearms Development (1/2)

Lute, 6 years old.

Most of the time since the magic liquid metal arrived was consumed in experimenting and inspecting results, by a 5-year-old kid.

Magic liquid metal was a special metal; if you imagined armor while touching it and pour in Maryoku, the metal would take on that imagined shape—it had that property.

The advantage was that it was easy to carry if you bring only a small amount.

For that reason, it seemed to be a tool of choice for assassins.

The disadvantage was that once it has been molded into a shape, it could never return to being magic liquid metal.

Unless you picture the image clearly; if you make a sword, it will be blunt; if you make an armor, it will not only be uneven, but also the size would not match.

On top of having limited use and being hard to handle and being a rare magic tool, the price was expensive.

It had become synonymous with the term – unpopular commodity.

As a result of my investigation into magic liquid metal, I realized that it was a truly splendid material.

First, the strength was proportional to the magic power poured into it.

It was possible for a paper-thin sheet of material to be stronger than a plate of iron.

When making springs, efforts like wrapping piano wire around a rod and hardening it were totally unnecessary.

Just put your hands in the magic liquid metal, and determine the size and strength by regulating the amount of Maryoku you pour in.

When you pull your hand out, you will have made a surprisingly high quality spring.

If magic liquid metal could be brought to modern society, it would not just end with revolutionizing science materials.

It would certainly be at the level of a new material revolution.

Given some time, it might even be possible to construct a simple space elevator.

Unable to hold back the excitement from the magnificence, I informed Elle-sensei who was a superior magician, but…

「Is that so…?」

I received a reply with a『even if you say something so uninteresting』nuance.

Just how unpopular is this magic liquid metal…?

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When I turned 6, the days in which I had to do my allotted chores, in addition to assisting with morning classes, continues.

By the way, nowadays, one part of the proceeds from Reversi and other toys had been transferred to the orphanage in intervals of 3 months (90 days).

At the beginning, Elle-sensei insisted that I should be receiving this money.

But currently, I was just satisfied with getting my hands on magic liquid metal. And furthermore, by orphanage rules, I can start earning money when I am 7 years of age.

Leaving Reversi as an exception, I slightly forcibly pressed the notion that I wanted to contribute to orphanage management funds. At least, as gratitude for being taken care of.

Though I made an amount of contribution to the orphanage, there was no special exemption on my allotted chores. If I mention this I might have gotten some leniency, but of course, I had no intention of skipping work.

Neither did I want to be a bad influence on the other kids nor did I want to be talked about in secret so I always did the same amount of work—after finishing up my chores in the afternoons, handgun production began.

At first, I tried producing an entire revolver out of magic liquid metal, but it failed.

The revolver I took out from the magic liquid metal had a cylinder that would not turn, a thin barrel, and the rifling was also laughably crooked.

The parts and internal structure I had to imagine were too numerous. Before I could pour my Maryoku, the image had already faded.

As a result, this thing was badly made.

So, I gave up making the whole thing all at once and changed my plans into assembling it from parts.

In my previous life, I was a military otaku; I had a special admiration towards modern weapons.

Also because of having worked in a metalworking plant, before being reincarnated, I often dreamed,『will I ever be able to make my own guns?』

Looking at diagrams of revolvers, automatic firearms, assault rifles and such, comparing them with the machines and technology used in the factory I work at, I felt that making them was possible that time.

It was one of my hobbies, grinning while drinking in my single room.

Now that I had my hands on magic liquid metal, making handguns was no longer a dream using the knowledge and technology from my previous life.

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I was carrying the barrel under my arm and brought it to the backyard of the orphanage.

Right now, I’m trying to make a replica of the『S&WM10』revolver model.

It was the duty pistol of choice for manythe authorized gun used by the Japanese police departments in the previous world.

Did you wonder why I did not make a self-loading pistolan automatic gun (which used the recoil of each shot to cycle the weapon)), but a revolver straight out of a western instead? There were reasons for that.

『The self-loaderautomatic one had a difficult internal structure not suitable to make for the first time.』

『A revolver has fewer parts compared to a semi-automatic pistolThere were fewer revolver parts compared to automatic ones.』

『The revolver was sturdier; Jams were a non-issue and the weapon was easy to maintain, making it suited for the Japanese police forces, who would rarely, if ever, have an opportunity to use their gun.there were no worries about bullet jammings and the maintenance was also easy(therefore it was suited for the japanese police who rarely used a gun).』

Based on the 3 mentioned points above, it was more suitable first work.

However, no matter how much simpler the internal structure of a revolver was than a semi-auto onen automatic one, there were parts that could not be made in 1-2 days even though it had fewer components.

If I had to explain why, let me first explain the history of guns.

It means to create one gun, I had used the accumulated techniques of the world before I got reincarnated and reproduced these(techniques) with my own hands in this world.

First, the gunpowder—『the Black Powder』.

By the way, let me explain the historical background: There are various theories on when and where “Black Powder” was invented, but the prevailing theory is that it was invented in China in the 6th to 9th centuries.

In those days, alchemists carried out research on elixirs of eternal youth, as one of the things produced in the process, the formula for gunpowder was recorded in the『Zhengzhou miaodao yaolüe』which was written around the year 850.

Around the middle of the 13th century, their successors developed weapons called『Fire Lances』, consisting of a short pipe packed with gunpowder affixed to the tip of a piece of wood or bamboo. (These weapons do not shoot bullets, instead they were simple flamethrowers or flash weapons).

These were the origins of gun-type firearms.

Furthermore, in 14th-century Europe,『Touch Hole-style』guns were made.

『Touch Hole』guns were primitive guns that were miniaturized versions of artillery cannons used for taking down castle walls that worked by packing a tube with gunpowder and igniting it from a hole drilled into the tube which would fire a (stone or metal) bullet.

It was called “Touch Hole” because the gunpowder was ignited by pressing a burning metal rod through a hole.

Not long after, around the 1400s, personal handheld firearms, “Arquebuses”, having the basic form of guns was likewise created in Europe. Its features were the fuse with which to ignite the gunpowder.

“Arquebus” came from the German word “Hakenbüchse” which means “pipe with hook attached”.

The “Arquebus” was further improved by the addition of S-shaped fuse clamp and trigger parts, becoming the oldest type of matchlock, the S-shaped Serpentine.

A lit fuse was attached at the top part of the S-shaped metal fittings attached at the back of the gun barrel (the gun barrel is at the center of the S), the bottom part of the S (the trigger) was pulled by hand, as the lit fuse meets the gun barrel, it ignites the powder.

Simultaneously, the metal armor worn by knights were rendered meaningless by the increase in power, tactics and strategy had to change as well.

As the 15th century dawns, the age of firearms had truly began.

Prior to that gun barrels are made by setting up iron a circle and placing bindings around them (the same process as making barrels, which is why they’re called gun “barrels” even now), but by the 15th century, the process became pouring bronze into a mold and casting the whole barrel at once.

Bronze is a copper (and tin) alloy, and compared to iron, it has the advantage of having a lower melting point and being softer, making it easier to cast even with lower technology (its disadvantages are that for the same reason, it becomes worn and crooked easily).

But by the 16th century, steel became available, and damascus barrels, made by heating up and forging together steel ribbons with differing carbon content (made by applying stress to the metal by striking), then rolling it around a center stick, and then heating it again and welding it, became widespread. (Through mixing and forging together several types of steel it develops a damascus pattern, or in other words, a unique wood grain-like pattern. Incidentally, the pattern on a Japanese sword is also one kind of damascus pattern.)

However, it does have a weakness. Because the gun barrel is made by rolling ribbon-shaped material, compared to molded barrels the strength is weak, and after the invention of smokeless gunpowder production declined. This is because it was unable to endure the pressure, and so the gun barrel becomes prone to breaking.

After that, in the year 1856, the Englishman Henry Bessemer made a groundbreaking invention, the “converter”, and large amounts of molten steel became available. The so-called Bessemer process is a method of making steel by blowing air against molten pig iron (iron produced by melting iron ore in a blast furnace, contains lots of impurities) causing an oxidation reaction, removing impurities. (removing by burning)

After that various alloys can be made.

The raw materials for handguns – chrome molybdenum steel. (alloy made by adding a little chrome and molybdenum to iron. High strength and also high temperature resistance. It is also used in bicycle frames and aircraft.)

And likewise, stainless steel. (steel containing no less than 10.5% chrome in iron. Having workability and endurance, it was called “stainless” due to corrosion resistance and is widely used)

Production of steels that can be adjusted for strength, corrosion resistance, and endurance was now possible.

If I were to produce modern weapons—handguns, I wouldn’t plan on using black powder, but instead something stronger like smokeless gunpowder.

Therefore the strength of ordinary steel is not enough.

21st century gun barrels are almost entirely made of chrome molybdenum steel or stainless steel.

For that reason I have to build a “converter”.

To say it plainly, no matter how much I remember my previous life, it is almost impossible for me right now to make it to that extent.

Effort, time, funds, talent—if I raise those there are no limits.

Furthermore, even if I were able to procure the raw materials, I would still need the equipment and technology necessary to make the parts.

Having prepared blocks in the rough shapes of the parts I want to make, I need to shape those by whittling them using a milling machine or turret lathe, “milling”.

That is unreasonable, there is also the method of forging them one at a time like a blacksmith but—

Of course for me who worked in a metalworking plant, I don’t have that kind of skill.

But all those problems had been settled by the magic liquid metal.

It will take shape according to the mental image and the magic power being poured.

Moreover, it will also have a strength proportional to the magic power being poured.

I think it would be able to withstand the temperature and gas pressure when firing the bullet.

There are no other materials in this world more suitable for making handguns.

Repenting the fact that I ran away in my previous life, I decided that in this reincarnated world I would never run away, and help anyone who is in trouble.

But I don’t have talent as a magician.

Let alone helping people, I don’t even have the power to protect the important people close to me.

Therefore as the result of my search for power—becoming aware of the existence of magic liquid metal I came to think “can I make handguns with this?”

However, even though from my point of view I had noble goals—being faced with the fact that I will be “making handguns”, I became giddy. Starting the gun making that was only a dream in my previous life made me a little excited.

In that life, I only read technical books with designs and disassemblies while drinking sake at home after work, and became jealous watching videos of people making model guns from scratch on the internet.

It had remained a dream because of the law, funds, and time.

But in this reincarnation world there is no such thing as Swords and Firearms Control Law.

The best material I could think of is also plentifully available in front of my eyes.

My dream is becoming a reality. Don’t go around grinning like that—such a consultation is unreasonable.

There are still a lot of hurdles I have to jump, but rather than worries about my troubles, the joy at being able to start working is far greater.

With a smile I can’t close I put my hands in the magic liquid metal and stirred.

“Well then should I immediately start making handguns. …… I wonder if I should try making the cylinder first as a test”

I closed my eyes, bided my time, and imagined a cylinder inside my head—

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After starting to make a model revolver of the “S&W M10”, half a year passed.

In the morning I help El-sensei with classes and take the initiative to finish routine duties from the afternoon.

I moved to the backyard of the orphanage while carrying the barrel, which inside decreased a lot.

Everyday, during free time I make the parts little by little.

But the work to carve riflings into the (barrel) encountered troubles.

A rifling is a groove carved on the inside of the gun barrel.

It is needed in order to give the bullet rotation, to stabilize the flight, and to raise the firing accuracy.

There are two representative methods to carve these riflings.

“Button method”, carving the rifling by shaving the material off using a drill-like cutting tool called a broach.

“Cold hammer method”, covering a center stick in the shape of the barrel cavity, which has the rifling applied, with the gun material, then applying pressure from the outside to stamp the form.