Chapter 514 - Troop (1/2)

Dimensional Descent Awespec 24040K 2022-07-23

Leonel took a look at the more than 200 men and women before him. The eldest was no more than 25 while the youngest might have been 16 or 17. But, all of them carried the experience of several battles. It was very clear that this wouldn't be their first stint.

Though Leonel had the ability to do so, he didn't pick them based on their strength. He decided to choose randomly, not only to leave some face for Noah, but because he didn't particularly care how strong they were.

Honestly, he didn't know why he agreed to Noah's proposal. It was more of an impulse than anything else. But, now that he had made his decision, there was no use in lamenting it. There was even something about it that filled him with a hint of excitement.

His back stood just a bit straighter, his chest becoming just that small bit wider. The aura the surrounded his body caused them to fall in line, their expressions serious.

”Who are the leaders amongst you?” Leonel finally spoke.

The youths looked toward one another before a few stepped out. Among them, Leonel actually recognized one.

Nile stood with a face even paler than Noah's had been. His arm was bandaged and wrapped. But, truthfully, there was no amount of bandages that could make up for a hole being blasted through your collarbone.

It seemed as though someone had gone out of their way to secure his arm. As for whatever else was done, Leonel wasn't sure. After all, he wasn't trained in such things.

All in all, there were 10 individuals including Nile who stepped out. Many of them had tired expressions. It was clear that it hadn't been too long since they conquered White City, but now, just when they thought they could finally go home, they were thrust into another matter.

According to reports, Dark Cloud Prison had been attacked and at least 20% of the prison had been compromised, resulting in the sudden release of 23 329 C-grade prisoners, 12 802 B-grade prisoners, 2 023 A-grade prisoners and 103 Dark Prisoners.

Though the complex terrain around Dark Cloud Prison was marketed as a method of making it tougher for prisoners to escape, if this was really the goal, then the area around the prison would be nothing but flat land.

It would be next to impossible to escape if there was no cover to hide behind.

The truth of it was that with the wrist watched The Empire gave every newborn, there was no need to worry too much about escape.

The terrain actually functioned twofold. The first was maintaining at least somewhat of an eco friendly environment on Earth that didn't involve the oceans. As the for the second reason… it was so that the public would forget such a place existed to begin with.