Chapter 77: A Miserable End (1/2)
In front of everyone's startled gaze, Amon held himself with cool indifference as he walked to the location marked on the map. As soon as he arrived, the ground turned red as a floating robot appeared and indicated where Amon should be standing, as well as the opposite side of the enemy.
”What are you waiting for?” Amon cast a cold look at the boy who challenged him.
On the opposite side, Amon saw the name written: Gean Lee.
”Lee, you have to win.” A boy beside him whispered.
”I will.” Lee smiled confidently as he walked. Despite feeling that Amon was hateful for having so many pretty girls cheering him on while booing him, Gean Lee managed to hold his ground and soon arrived on the opposite side of Amon.
The setup was done, the prerequisites set, the filming of this duel started. However, being newbies, so to speak, very few students were interested in watching. At that time, there was a student duel who was in the third year.
[Students Amon Tang and Gean Lee fulfilled the requirements for the duel – after the 5 second countdown, the duel starts]
Before their eyes, swiveling around was a dome made of light, apparently not a barrier but a restriction, so he couldn't possibly get out of the dome.
[Warning: If Amon Tang or Gean Lee leaves the battle area, it will be given as loss and victory to the opponent.]
[Warning: No other students are allowed to enter the dome. If you break this rule, you will lose 50% of the credits - If you try to interfere in the duel, you will be expelled from school if you do not have a reason within the rules issued by the university]
After explaining all this, the count began.
[-4-] ... [-3-] ... [-2-] ...
In the instant he was about to start, Amon noticed Gean Lee's wind genes being manipulated into his hands and feet. Knowing he didn't break any rules, he did the same, but what he intended to do, no one knew yet.
At 1, the horn sound echoed, sounding quite loud and serious.
Amon suddenly created a kind of coin that was used in ancient times; it was round and thin with a diameter of 24.00 mm.
As if he intended to toss the lightning coin up with the thumb curled downward, using the forefinger with thrust, the lightning coin was thrown into the air.
”What is this madman doing?” Seeing that the lightning coin passed the barrier, going very fast towards the clouds in the sky lit by the two moons, Gean Lee felt confused.
Jerrar Xavier muttered, ”That looks strong, but why shoot skyward?”
”He's so nice~~” Isabela licked her lips as she stared at Amon.
”…” Jerrar Xavier, then he thought; 'Damn, how can this be cool?'
”You know what?”
”Oh? What is it?” Gean Lee's eyes were alert, the lightning gene shown just now proved that Amon filled more than 50 lightning genes, or else, that power he sensed didn't make sense.
”I don't normally feel angry.” Amon said slowly with the same indifference as always, however, the coldness in his eyes, and even in his tone of voice, was a tone more dangerous than usual, ”But you managed to make it happen.”
”Sisssy, fuck you if you're mad!” Despite shouting this without wanting to show fear, Gean Lee became even more cautious because he could feel tremendous pressure in front of Amon, who was approaching.
The wind around him was already condensed, the wind genes were above level 50, and he was close to level 60; in general, he was not weak at all and even had a good physique.
Suddenly, Gean Lee, who had been enveloped by wind genes, disappeared the moment he saw Amon blink. He set the rate Amon blinked and did it the first chance he got.
Avoiding being seen, he appeared on Amon's left side, his right hand with a tornado spinning around to his bicep, ”Die!” He yelled loudly.
Amon turned so quickly and reached out with his hand that was engulfed in the lightning that caused Gean Lee to be startled.
”Idiot.” The lower left corner of Amon's lip twisted as the coldness in his eyes grew.