Chapter 214: Rain of Swords (1/2)
As their resistance proved to be futile, anxiety and dread took hold of each of them, making a feeling of helplessness roar inside of them.
They had desperately launched an attack on the cage, and the only thing they had got in return was the death of more than half of them.
In just a moment, their number was reduced by another half, causing their stomach to churn and twist.
Seeing the twisted expressions on their faces as if they had taken spoiled food, causing them to suffer from stomach ache, the pleased look on Elliot's face widened.
His psychopathic and sadistic tendencies surged yo to his head, making decisions for him. Instantly, his persona changed.
”Welcome to my prison, ladies, and gentlemen.” Acting like a professional butler from the middle ages, Elliot slightly bowed with his hands in his chest and with a thin smile on his face. ”As you had already determined, you guys are the prisoners, and I am the warden. You can also refer to me as your most handsome caretaker.”
Everyone could see a change in his character, almost as if a ghost had taken over his body.
”Now, there are some rules to this place, and you must follow it word to word. Firstly, trying to break out will result in your death. Well, not like you can even scratch the cage's wall. Know this, in this place; there's no escape for beings with your power levels. You are all too weak to destroy the cage's wall, and I advise you not to annoy it a second time, or else you had already seen what would happen.”
Elliot brought his hand near his neck and made a swiping motion, telling them that they would all get beheaded if they annoyed the cage's will once again.
”Of course, there's still a way for you guys to survive.”
While he was saying those words, he was walking closer to them.
The desperate beasts and serpentine devils, including the devil bull and Tyler Barnes, backed away, stepping towards the cage's wall. Although both Elliot and the prison wall were a danger to them, they still chose to go towards the latter and step away from the former as the chances of them having Elliot near them were 100%.
Without telling them what they needed to do to survive, Elliot kept on walking up to them. After a few moments, the beasts and the serpentine devils were standing back to back with the prison wall, having no way left to go.
In front of them, the shadow of death stood in silence.
”Kill me, and you will survive.”
A gust of wind blew amid the silence, carrying a few words that broke the ice-cold eerieness.