Chapter 22 - 22 Superboy and Miss Martian (1/2)

Fate/Heroes MrMoist 24640K 2022-07-23

Conner and M'gann left Grand Central Station and took another train to get to Queens. Aqualad ȧssigned the pair based on two main deciding factors.

One, the two were interested in one another, and this would help both of them get closer without any interference from any other member of the Team.

And two, if Robin, Kid Flash or Aqualad try to make a move on M'gann, Superboy would probably do his best to try and kill that person.

The pair stood side-by-side as they walked along the streets of the city that never sleeps. It was around six o'clock in the afternoon in the middle of summer. The roads were warm and a hot breeze of wind brushed by them every once in a while, and was starting to make Miss Martian slightly uncomfortable.

”Are you okay M'gann? We can go somewhere inside if you want?”.

The pale skinned disguise of the White Martian shook its head slightly before giving the clone of Superman a gentle smile.

”No that's alright Conner. It's fire that I'm uncomfortable with. This heat is nothing when compared to the stuff back home”.

Despite appearing weakened by the heat, she still had her bubbly personality and wasn't fazed by the warm summer sun. She was uncomfortable by all the stares Conner was getting, by members of the opposite sėx.

Conner Kent was a near perfect male specimen. He had a broad, tall physique and his muscles couldn't be hidden by the tight clothing he was wearing. It only emphasized the fact. If it wasn't for M'gann giving glares to the girls that tried to come up to the pair, he might've been swarmed by pretty girls hoping to get his number.

”Just try and take it easy M'gann. Even if we find Rider, we'll only try and tail him. Kaldur said not to engage. Although if he does try something....”.

The half-Kryptonian punched one fist into an open hand at the thought of fighting the green haired golden eyed Pseudo-Servant. Being taught how to fight and where his weaknesses were, was a shame in the mind of Superboy. And he wanted to fight Rider more than anyone else on the rest of the Team.

His thoughts became slightly distracted as M'gann gave him a radiant smile.

”Let's just enjoy ourselves Conner! It's not everyday we get to explore a city for a mission!”.

The Martian unconsciously grabbed the hand of Superboy, and dragged him towards a nearby park with loud music coming from it. To M'gann, who was talking psychically with the other girls on the train about trying to get close to Conner, it was great to be able to go to a place were they would make lasting memories.

Barbara and Cassie were the most mȧturė of the female members of the Team. Artemis, although also similarly mȧturė, wasn't as versed as the Batgirl and Wondergirl when it came to flirting with the members of the opposite sėx.

”Just remember to not do anything stupid! Don't try and impress him and end up making a fool of yourself. If Conner really does like you than he'll be the one doing that. You just have to act interested”.

M'gann memorized the words that Wondergirl gave her and led Superboy towards the park, a flyer for a festival was posted on a nearby lamppost, and the pair happily chatted as they entered the park, and loud music came from the center stage as stalls selling various goods and services for countless games flooded their vision.

Aqualad had received funds from Batman and the rest of the Justice League in their future exploits. It was more than enough for the eleven of them to spend, even if they did use it wastefully.

”Let's try that out Conner!”.