Chapter 6 - 6 Heroes (1/2)

Fate/Heroes MrMoist 26760K 2022-07-23

”Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! You're telling me that someone knows your identity! This Rider guy subdued you and took off your mask!”.

Currently underneath Mount Justice, several members of The Team, a group of protégés belonging to the current members of the Justice League crowded around a saddened red head, her currently expression was one of fatigue rather than anxiousness or hatred.

Currently sitting beside the tired Barbara Gordon was a cute green skinned young woman in a white shirt with a red 'X' on the front. A blue cape hung loosely on her shoulders.

”It's okay Barbara. I'm sure the Justice League will find this Rider and bring him in. I'm sure of it!”.

She tried to console the depressed Barbara Gordon, whom she had only met today, but she only received a fake smile as a response.

”It's fine M'gann. Thanks”.

Four teens in the room couldn't tell the fake smile from a real one, but Batman's current protégé knew better.

”Barbara. You told us that this Rider was stealing from criminals. And that he was trying to ”escape”, right? Did he insinuate Gotham, or something else?”.

Robin, or Dick Grayson as he was more commonly known to The Team, crossed his arms and rubbed his chin in contemplation of Gray's words.

Barbara looked up at Batman's current protégé and her younger friend, a hint of hope visible in her eyes.

”I think by his tone he meant Gotham. He didn't seem like the type to have leverage over”.

Dick nodded his head and asked another question.

”And this Rider character.... he didn't kill or injure the criminals at the docks? He only incapacitated them?”.

She nodded once more.

The first Robin smiled as if realizing something which aroused the interests of the other members of The Team.

”You figure something out Dick?”, asked Kid Flash, the protégé of the Flash.

”If you found something out you must tell us. If we are to help Batgirl and bring this man to justice”, said Aqualad, protégé of the Aquaman.

Dick Grayson smiled and drew the other five members of The Team in, whispering to them, unknown to them that their conversation was being listened to by the Justice League.

”So Batman.... this Rider guy really knows your identity? Does that mean we all might be burned?”.

On a large round table, the members of the Justice League sat, their expressions varied and their thoughts mixed. They all looked at Batman, whose facial expression was neutral and unconcerned, his tone and words sounding not worried, but his true thoughts anything but so.

”I don't know. This Rider possessed speed equivalent to yours Flash and the limits of his strength are unknown. His skill with the spear was noted, and his armor was covered in ancient Greek lettering. He could deflect bullets and his armor was strong enough to withstand hits from a 39mm. How he found out my identity I do not know. But he said to Barbara that he would take money from criminals in order to leave Gotham. She noted that he only knocked out the criminals guarding the money, the most severe injury being some heavy bruising”.

A beautiful raven haired woman beside Batman looked up at the image of Gray who had installed his Rider Class Card, looking up at the armor he wore with a bemused expression.

Her voice oozed seductiveness, a common trait of the Amazonian.