Aye was surprised that the woman who bumped her is angry. There is something wrong with this picture but she didn't let this bother her and decided to take a sit. The guy beside her was kind enough to ask her if she needed help.
”Uh___, thanks.” Rei said.
”No problem, my name is Jade by the way.” He answered smiling while helping her.
”Oh! Sorry, I'm Rei and its nice to meet you.” She answered raising her right hand for a handshake.
”In the same way, pleasure to meet you. Better put your seat belts on, the ride is a bit bumpy. It will only take 30 minutes to cover 18 km distance.” Jade explained to her
”Really? That's good, we'll be there faster.” She replied and Jade just grin at her.
Rei put on her seat belt and was anticipating the ride but she underestimated its speed. It felt like riding a jet plane although she never rode any plane before now she knows why Jade was grinning at her.
The 'pad' went down for 5 minutes then forward out to the underwater tunnel that showed an amazing view. Sea creatures in various sizes and colors even those you rarely see, deep sea corals and huge variety of fishes. The view took 20 minutes then a 5 minutes pass before the ride stop. The older once are already leaving while the freshmen's were feeling dizzy and few enjoyed it. Rei carefully removed her seat belt and tried to stand while Jade was waiting for her with her bag.
”Thanks again. Uh___, what year are you? You don't look like a freshmen?”
”Guilty, I'm in my junior year. I took this ride because I was late.”
Before Rei could say anything someone called Jade from the crowd. Both look and Rei remembered her, the same woman who bump her. She tried excusing herself but wasn't successful.
The intercom sounded and announced that all freshmen are asked to go straight to the school ground. The space was wide and can hold a lot of people. A lake is positioned in the left side facing the small platform, it was clear and it shimmers under the sun.
”Good afternoon everyone I am William Bien the school head manager. I would like to personally welcome everyone. As a sign of our appreciation please enjoy the dance your seniors planned to perform. We call this dance as 'Fleur Dance', in other words flower dance.”
The dance was wonderful to watch, each colours representing different shades of a flower and its kind. The steps varies from fast to slow depending on the tempo, such a fluid grace. Their movements represent the plant's character. The entire presentation took 10 minutes and all clapped their hands after.
”Now!, I hope everyone enjoyed that. Seeing that all are tired, you may go to your respective dorms and rest. Tomorrow would be your tour on our school ground.” Mr. Bien said ending the welcoming event.
The school head senior left after giving instructions to the seniors. Every new students are ask to look at the master list to know which dorm and room they'll be in. All seniors assigned for the dorms were starting to call out. Aye followed and sat in a boat that can carry 18 passengers at a time. They reached another island and after a 10 minutes of walk from the port, they were able to see the dorm. The island is not small nor big but the 8 storey mansion almost occupies the entire land. It has a bit of a Athens' style of its columns and color in the outside, while in the inside the entire hallway are carpeted. Their are at least 4 guards monitoring the dorm, two for each wing of the mansion. Aye decided to look for her room number and it was in the 4th floor. The dorm is divided into to wings, the right for the females and left side for the males. While Aye is trying to look for her room every students are out in their rooms and into the hallway. This made Aye's journey long, she did her best to navigate and prevent herself from being hit by a book or bag or even to be accidentally shout at. Reaching the 4th floor she realised that her room is in the end of the hall and opened its open. Her roommate was not yet there and started unpacking when suddenly someone entered and greeted her.
”Welcome! our freshmen roommate ______. WHAT! NO WAY! YOU!!!” the woman that she met early that day said.
”Yeah! Its a pleasure to meet you and... thank you?” Aye answered questionably.
”My, my, Isn't this interesting, anyway my chrysanthemum, I would like to introduce, my roommate Rei.” her roommate introduce.
”Nice to meet you and stephanos during your stay. ” one of her roommates friend greeted.
”Thank you! but if you don't mind me asking, why are flowers part of .... you know what I mean, right?” Rei asked.
”Oh! sorry. We are used to incorporating the islands native language. Stephanos means good luck by the way.”
”How do you say thank you then?” Rei asked again.
”Agrimony” the other girl answered.
”Agrimony then to everyone.” Rei said although she never believed in luck she didn't said anything to her, she doesn't want adding another person to hate her this early.
”Everyone please you can all leave now.” her roommate said and let Rei stay. Once they were alone she started orienting Rei on the place, the bathroom, meal time, rules and regulations, and others regarding the dorm then left her. Rei was able to unpack and change before going for dinner and realise her roommate is not all that bad.
The dinner area is just outside the dorm, a small land in between the two dorms. A wide bridge connects them, the area is covered and looks like a large tent. Inside their are two long tables set. All teachers are eating with the students and seams like no awkwardness found among them. She took her plate and look for an empty sit. While walking someone called her name and found Jade waving for her to join them. Relieved that no one noticed she started walking to them.
”Why don't you sit with us?” Jade offered.
”Thank you, but is it alright for me to sit with you guys?” Rei asked them.
”That's fine, these are actually my friends, Nath the team leader, Jinx our good luck charm, and Shana our guide.” Jade introduced his friends.
”Hmm..., what do they call you then?” Rei asked without thinking. She was actually surprise with their descriptions, its just unusual, and even more so to finally know her roommate's name.
”Well... I'm just the extra.” He answered her. Before she can talk to him Shana started talking.
”Why did you ask her to join us?” Shana asked in a whisper irritated.
”Well, she's new and don't we have responsibility to help them, also she's your roommate. I think I should be the one asking the question.” Jade replied in a whisper.
”When did you ever think of being responsible?” Shana retorted back and left them. After few minutes the Head master came and joined them to eat. Rei said a small prayer before eating, Jade was the only person who noticed it but didn't ask because everyone are already eating and the room was loud with chatters and laughter. Shane came back and didn't say a word and just eat. The meal lasted for an hour and once all were full all freshmen are asked in front.
”SILENCE PLEASE! Mr. Bien?” the emcee called.
”Good evening, I would like to welcome and present our new students. This Academy was built for individuals like you but to be able to stay you have to show you are right for this academy and put the best interest of the school. So, everyone let us all greet them.” A flower was given to them. it was blue petals with a violet tinge colour in the middle and bright yellow pollen extending.
”Pimpernel, a flower that symbolises LIFE CHANGING serves as our welcome to all of you.” Everyone clapped their hands and all the freshmen were smiling and surprise.
The night ended and everyone went to bed, tomorrow would be another day. That did not stop Rei calling her parents before she planed to go to her room.
”Hello!” Paul answered but Rei didn't say a word.
”Aye, I know its you. Say something and don't worry we are not angry.”
”Sorry dad, I______ suddenly changed my mind and didn't even explain why.”
”Its alright child, we are not who's going for college but you. At least your going to school not otherwise, besides you choose what your father picked.” Shea spoke and continued:
”Go to sleep, Its late, you still have class tomorrow.”
”Thanks mom, dad. Good night and God Bless for you both always.”
”Oh! you to kid, may God keep you safe.” Aye was able to sleep without feeling guilty that night.
It is the first day of class, and Rei entered her first subject for the day. The buildings are all the same except that they have names on them to recognise.
”Hi! I'm Ritz Eve Palmer, just call me Ritz. and you are?” a lady beside her ask.
”I'm Rei Aye Crimean, nice to meet you.” Rei replied.
”So..... which one of your names should I call you?” Ritz asked smiling.
”Oh!.... sorry, just call me Rei.” she replied realising her mistake.
”Okey then Rei, a pleasure to meet you too.” Ritz said while shaking Rei's hand.
The bell rang giving the signal that the class is starting. A woman entered wearing a semi-formal attire of black slacks and a lavander colored blouse. She's just 5'3”, with a slim body. She stood in front of the class that projects confidence.