BERTRIM ACADEMY Riesilver 17540K 2022-07-23


”Good afternoon everyone, we are here today to welcome our freshmen's. We would personally welcome you all and now let us all welcome Mr. Tristan Cross, our beloved president with Mr. Clark, his assistant.” The emcee introduced and left the stage. Everyone clapped and welcomed the president that they rarely sea and excited that they can see him again.

”He..he..hello! Every o..one I'm Mr. Clark, a..a..and this m..m..man beside m..m..me is our ho..ho..honourable Mr. Cross.”

All eyes went to the man beside him and surprised on what they saw. Everyone recognise him as the old man who walks along the school campus on ragged clothes. They usually talk behind his back when he passes. Most of the claps were headed by the teachers and new comers while the rest were stunned to react.

”Judging from your faces, I would conclude that I look familiar from the old man that roams around school and why would a weak old man like me is still running a school this huge?” Everyone that recognise him lowered their heads while others whispers and tried to sneak a peek, some compared them with their grandfathers.

”Anyway, I am old in age and appearance but I can tell you I'm strong enough to still be managing this school. All of you students, came from a respectable home and I hope you'll all learn not only academics but also right attitude. I also would like to welcome all our freshmen's hoping that your batch be better than your seniors... May you enjoy your stay here and I'll leave everyone this message: 'Knowledge and wisdom is a must but comes with patience.' Thank you.”

All students clapped their hand and waited for further instructions. Freshmen's has to stay for their lecture on all departments to further understand and know who will manage them. At 4 pm the day ended, suddenly Akira's phone rang and he excused himself. Analyze also left his brother leaving Arthur to wait for Akira.

”Uh____ where's your sister?” Akira asked after his call.

”She left, who called?” Arthur asked

”My sister, her name is Sera.” Akira replied

”So___ you have a sister? How old is she's?”

”She's 14 and still in High school, why you ask?”

”Nothing, I didn't know you have a sister, their was no record of you having one.”