BERTRIM ACADEMY Riesilver 27400K 2022-07-23

”Mr. and Ms. Crimean, thank you for the dinner and for listening. I hope that your daughter would consider our school.” The stranger said.

”Thank you, but will have to talk to her about this.” Shea replied.

”I understand I'll be leaving then.”

The stranger left and both Paul and Shea called their daughter to talk to her. Outside the stranger was picked up by a gray car, Mr. Bien was waiting for him.

”Aye dear, we know that you were thinking of going to EU but we also want you to have options if you like we will give you a bit of background then you decide. How's that?”

”It's fine with me, go ahead mom.”

Aye listened and never tried to interrupt, as her mother describe and list all the school qualities, she tries to remember how it looks like from her tour.

”Aren't both school proposed the same?” Aye asked.

”Yes they have, I was also thinking of that. Anyway whatever school you choose would be fine with us.”

”Did he mention where the school located?” Aye inquired.

”Well yes, it is found near Puerto Rico. A small island near it.”

”That's good to know then.” Aye answered thinking that the stranger didn't actually lie but omitted some specifics.

They continued discussing but Aye was still undecided and it was already getting late. They all went to sleep.

*Rei's Dream*

'A girl with a raven black hair with almost gray eye color was standing alone in the middle of a garden near the hospital. Aye realise that she's at the Academy in different time. The lady looks young more like 15 years old and bleeding. Suddenly a man took her inside a room and tried to control her profuse bleeding coupled by labor pains but unable too. They decided to let her deliver, and it was a baby girl. The baby was put her in an incubator for it was only 29 weeks. The lady went unconscious after delivering her child. Aye decided to look at the infant but someone block her line of sight.'

Aye woke up troubled and decided to sit herself upright then went in her bathroom. Inside her bathroom she look at her reflection and saw the same eye color with the girl in her dream, she look closely to her eyes and they are light shade of of gray then turns to silver when the moon light cast out its light.


”Good morning, Aye” Both her parents called out.

”Good morning too mom, dad.” she replied.

”Good morning dear. Since everyone is present why don't we give thanks before we eat together.” Paul said and they gave thanks to the almighty father.

”Well, I have already decided which school I'll be attending to.” Rei started the conversation.

”Really! It's Audessus University right?” Shai asked while Paul

”Really! It's Bertrim Academy right?” Both said in unison that Aye started laughing and both joined in.

”That was unexpected, but I have chosen EU. Sorry dad.”

”Well there's nothing wrong about it, its fine.” Her dad replied.