Chapter 367: Going Separate Ways (1/2)
Maerr-viki Continent, Seraph Kingdom, at Vanadir's pavilion.
”How about it, Ninth Brother? Would you like to form an alliance with me?” Zeldrion looked at Vanadir with a smile as he redirected the offer that was given to him. Of course, hearing how his offer was redirected back at him could not help but make Vanadir slightly frown, pondering over the possible reasons as to why Zeldrion would do something like this.
”Is the reason why you've given me the same offer related to that reason you can't speak of yet?” Vanadir asked, to which Zeldrion lightly nodded, a calm smile still plastered on his face.
”Well, there's that. There's also the fact that if we team up together, with both of our brains and brawns, it wouldn't be impossible for us to take the crown at the war for the throne,” the First Prince replied, trying to persuade his younger brother to accept the offer.
Noticing that he still wasn't biting, Zeldrion continued to talk. ”I promise that if I win the war for the throne, I shall give you a level of authority near what I would command once I become the new king of Seraph Kingdom. Not only that, but I'll even give you ownership over a great portion of the states making up the kingdom, given how you're going to be the first one to become a member of alliance.”
”So, how about it, brother? Would you like to join my alliance?” Zeldrion asked once more, thinking that it was highly likely for Vanadir to accept his offer after the promises he had made. Though, beyond his expectations, the Ninth Prince slowly shook his head as a slightly apologetic expression appeared on his face.
”I'm sorry, First Brother. I cannot accept your offer,” Vanadir said as he looked at Zeldrion straight in the eye. In response, Zeldrion let out a light chuckle as he shrugged his shoulders, saying soon after, ”Well, it was worth a shot. Although I felt that the chances of you accepting my offer was quite high, I'm still somewhat surprised that you declined it.”
”Tell me, brother. Is there a reason as to why you've declined my offer? Why you've decided to ask me join to your alliance instead?” Zeldrion continued as he asked Vanadir these questions. Though, throughout all these questions, Vanadir just remained silent, staring at Zeldrion, as if he was letting his eyes do all the talking.
Of course, just like all the other princes of Seraph Kingdom making moves in preparation for the war for the throne, Vanadir also had his own reasons as to why he joined in the war. Although the position of king was a tempting position for most people, to Vanadir, it was just a tool for his plans that covered not just Seraph Kingdom itself, but perhaps even the whole continent of Maerr-viki.
If he had not seen that certain piece of paper with his own two eyes, then he might have just abstained from the war as a whole, possibly even dying under the machinations of Arshe, just like some of his other brothers.
In any case, he had no intentions of telling Zeldrion the reason why he wanted him to join his alliance since he knew very well that the less people that knew of the matter, the better.
Seeing that Vanadir wasn't going to talk about it just like him, Zeldrion decided to crack a little joke as he instead asked him, ”So, I guess your pride is the reason?”
”Well, you could say that,” Vanadir responded as he lightly chuckled, making the mood in the atmosphere somewhat lighter than before. Soon, he added, ”And there's also the fact that I would be more assured of victory if I'm the one calling shots.”
”We feel the same way, then,” Zeldrion said in response to Vanadir's statement, letting out a peal of laughter. ”Other than the reason I can't talk about for now, I also feel more assured of victory if I'm the one calling shots.”
”Well, you know what they say,” the Ninth Prince said soon after. ”Birds of the same feather…”
”…flock together,” Zeldrion continued where his younger brother left off, making the two of them laugh for a while as they felt that they actually had a lot more things in common. Though, soon after, the two of them instantly went silent as they stared at each other with solemn expressions.
Although it might seem like the two were holding a staring contest in the eyes of a bystander, in actuality, they were feeling out the limits of both sides, wondering how they could help each other out without having to force one side to join their alliance. After all, there was still strength in numbers.
Eventually, after a couple minutes of silence, Vanadir extended his hand towards Zeldrion as he suggested, ”How about we form a mutual agreement instead?”
”The clauses?” Zeldrion hastily asked, thinking that a mutual agreement wasn't far off from the idea he was about to suggest to Vanadir.
”First off, we should help each other out as much as possible in the preparation for the war for the throne. Of course, that help is only limited to information and resources. Combat techniques and other similar things are not included,” Vanadir started to explain how their mutual agreement would work, making Zeldrion lightly nod in agreement as he said, ”Sounds good to me. Anything else?”
”Second, we need to establish a direct method of communication between us two in the case that there's urgent information the other side must know,” the Ninth Prince continued before asking, ”I'm sure you have a person on your end that's well-versed in that regard, right?”
”Yep.” Zeldrion nodded.
”Lastly, once the war for the throne starts, we should help each other until we're the only two teams remaining. Once that happens, the mutual agreement is said to be over,” Vanadir said, allowing Zeldrion to process the information for some time. After a minute or so had passed, he then asked him, ”Do you have any problems with the clauses?”
”Hmm…although I do have a few problems, it's just mostly on the level of nitpicking. For the most part, I have no problems at all,” Zeldrion said in response to Vanadir's query. ”In short, let's form the mutual agreement.”
Nodding in agreement to Zeldrion's words, Vanadir then beckoned Dane, who was by his side all this time, to cast a spell that would more or less turn their words into a strong binding contract. Taking out a piece of parchment from a rift he had briefly opened, Dane then inscribed a small yet dense magic circle on it before infusing it with a great amount of mana.