Chapter 321 - Welcome to the Evernorth Desert (1/2)
While Argentum was being transported into another place as his final statement was left interrupted, a different thing was taking place inside the Inferno Plains. Namely, inside the Flame Spirit Inheritance.
”Well that was a nice detour,” a blue silhouette could not help but mutter to himself with slight glee as he looked at the dilapidated building in front of him, prompting him to let out a sigh soon after. Although he knew what kind of person Eleanor was after spending a ton of time with her after all these millennia, he still could not help but shudder with fear whenever he remembered Eleanor's aggressive side.
”I hope the relaxing detour I took gives me enough strength to not slip up while saying what I have to say,” Felix added not long after, taking in a deep breath before circulating all of the energy inside his body to enter the Flame Spirit Inheritance.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/i-reincarnated-as-a-stick_13361908006612405/welcome-to-the-evernorth-desert_50860883903041780 for visiting.
It did not take long for Felix to appear in the room where Eleanor usually stayed, radiating an aura of calmness as he looked around his surroundings. His sense of vision stopped at the fiery silhouette of a woman, who radiated an aura of seriousness as she looked at Felix and asked, ”So, where did Argentum go?”
”Fortunately, he listened to your recommendations,” Felix said with an aura of light glee, recalling the conversation he had with Argentum regarding this topic. If Argentum did not say anything about this while they were heading to the Desecrated Terran Ruins, then the chances of him slipping up might have increased. With a light chuckle, he continued, ”Rest assured, Eleanor. He went to the Supreme Terra Firma Inheritance, just like you said.”
”Hoh? Is that really the case?” Eleanor, who listened to Felix's response, could not help but become inwardly suspicious, though on the outside, she remained indifferent. After going silent for a bit, she then lets out a light sigh as she looked at him and said, ”In any case, I apologize for asking you to do this. I know you're a busy guy and all that, concocting tons of Heaven's Water Potions everyday.”
”Well, I could say the same for you,” Felix replied, letting out a light chuckle as he asked her, ”I presume you're going to sell it through your connections?”
”Of course, but the potency of the potions will be reduced to about 10% of the original,” Eleanor responded to his question with a light sigh, her sense of vision focusing on one of the corridors as she added, ”That way, I'd be able to at least have a decent flow of money in order to help out Argentum's Animate friend.”
”Oh? His friend is here?” Felix's interest was instantly piqued, looking around the various corridors that were connected to the room they were in, only to decide in the end that there was no point snooping around as he felt that Argentum would introduce his friend to him in the future anyway. Shrugging his shoulders, he then turned around as he asked, ”Is there anything else you want me to do before I leave?”
”Nah, that's pretty much it,” Eleanor waved her hands as she replied. ”Thanks for the help as always, Felix.”
”No problem,” Felix responded in a nonchalant tone as he circulated all of the energy inside his body once more, allowing him to leave the inside of the Flame Spirit Inheritance in less than an instant. At the very instant his presence was not felt around the area anymore, Eleanor's aura, which took on a bit of indifference and nonchalance, hastily changed into that of extreme suspicion as she muttered, ”Felix's response is smooth…too smooth in fact.”
As she said that, she could not help but let out a light sigh as she released a bit of her energy, transforming it into a clone of her that would allow her to still communicate with Herellia while she was away. Making sure that the clone had enough energy inside that would allow it to last for days, Eleanor then muttered to herself, ”In the end, I'll only be satisfied once I obtain information from Argentum firsthand.”
Naturally, she knew that she could contact him through the connection they had, but since she had a feeling that he was already attempting the trials of the inheritance he chose, she opted to come to where the inheritance was instead. Circulating all of the energy inside her body, she went outside of the Flame Spirit Inheritance just like Felix, taking a quick look at the sun that was already near the peak of the sky.
Releasing a great amount of energy to propel herself at breakneck speeds, Eleanor went ahead and headed towards a certain direction as she said, ”For now, I'll head to the Supreme Terra Firma Inheritance and ask if Argentum's there.”
”If not…”
”Then, be prepared to meet your maker, Argentum.”
After a few seconds or so, the feeling of having space distort around his body had stopped, allowing Argentum to gaze at the wondrous sight in front of him…or at least, what was once a wondrous sight. Scratching his head as he tried to recall whether or not the place he ended up in was the right place, he went ahead and assessed his surroundings through his enhanced senses, giving him a better idea as to where he was.
Unsurprisingly, it did not take long for him to come to a conclusion, radiating an aura of slight glee as he muttered to himself, ”Fortunately, the incantation I used was the right one. If Aurus' memories are correct, then I'm currently in the qualification trial of the Desecrated Inheritance, the Evernorth Desert.”
Although it was unknown as to how a whole desert was placed inside an inheritance like the Desecrated Inheritance, according to Aurus' memories, the Evernorth Desert used to house three large desert kingdoms, which all had around three hundred thousand people combined, working harmoniously with one another. Unfortunately, this era of peace was ended by someone named Calcifas, who was the person he mentioned while trying to get access into the inheritance.