Chapter -1 - Revision, Arts, and the Wiki (1/1)
Oh hey, Truedawn here. Let me tell you that I'm back again to give you some juicy stuff to know about IRAAS. First off, revision. Now you might be asking, what am I going to revise exactly? Well, I'm going to be revising the first to third volumes of IRAAS to have it be on the same level of quality as my current writing. Also, the maths in there were wrong as well so I'm also going to fix that. How long would it take me? I have no idea. All I know is that this chapter wouldn't be deleted unlike the last one since I'll be updating the latest chapter revised in this auxiliary chapter.
Speaking of which, the Prologue is the latest revised chapter so far.
Second off, arts. I'm sure everyone has seen the new cover for IRAAS. Let me tell you that this won't be the last cover of IRAAS. With every new volume I make, a new cover would be made alongside it. Now you might be asking, why the heck would I do that? Well…in short…I might have gotten addicted to commissioning art…hehe. Anyways, actual reasons would be that in the covers, I'll be revealing major plot points for that specific volume in that cover, leading you to make theories and stuff. Other than that, it looks hecking cool.
On top of that, I'll also be commissioning art that would allow you readers to imagine the world of IRAAS even better, because let's face it, our imaginations have their limits as well. Think of these arts as ill.u.s.trations in a light novel, but harder to access because has only made the photo comment option available on PC for now. Note: I'll be adding something along the lines of (image here) for ill.u.s.trations through the paragraphs.
And last but not the least would be the wiki. Unbeknownst to many, I've already started making the wiki for IRAAS just in case you guys forget a certain skill or a certain thing from the chapters, but don't want to scroll through the chapters I already published. In short, I need your help in expanding the wiki with the info you've obtained from reading the novels. It's fine if you don't want to help, but in the long run, it'll help everyone out!
Of course, I'll help out from time to time as well under a certain username.
The link to the wiki is
Narcissistic, I know. But the prototype wiki I made was a failure so…sorry?
And with that, I'm out. I hope you keep reading IRAAS while I update it.