Chapter 209 - Future Plans and Surprises (1/2)
Looking at their new appearances, a thought came into Charisa's mind, prompting her to focus her sense of vision towards Aurus before asking him, ”Master, now that I think about it, you haven't told us their names yet.”
Realizing his mistake, Aurus let out a light chuckle before replying to Charisa's statement, saying, ”My bad, my bad. That thought went over my head, to be honest.”
He then went focused his sense of vision towards the new Allies he had summoned before saying, ”Go ahead and introduce yourselves to your new comrades.” He then added not long after, ”But before that, let me introduce your new comrades before you go ahead and introduce yourselves.”
Manifesting a tendril out of SP, Aurus went ahead and pointed the tendril towards Charisa before saying, ”This curvy looking piece of wood covered in flames is Charisa. Just like her appearance, she specializes in the Fire element.”
”Not just any Fire element, Master, but the Yin-Yang Flame element~!” Charisa said in response to Aurus's words before looking at the three new Allies and saying, ”Anyways, my full name is Charisa Flamerei. If you need any help with anything related to flames, I'm the one you should ask!”
Just as the three new Allies were about to respond to her words, Aurus went ahead and interrupted them from doing so, pointing his tendril towards Fenrir this time. He then said, ”As for this royal looking wolf here, that's Fenrir, the first Ally to be summoned by me. He specializes in the Wind element, just like me, your master.”
In response to Aurus's words, Fenrir went ahead and radiated an aura of slight elation as he looked at the three new Allies summoned by Aurus and said, ”My full name is Fenrir Zephyron. I'm quite glad to be one of your comrades from now on.”
After Fenrir was finished talking, Aurus then let out a chuckle as he pointed his tendril towards the pair of flowers with grass on their roots. Not long after, he said, ”With their introductions now over, it's time for you three to introduce yourselves to them. For now, it's fine if you just tell them your names. Let's start with you first, er…”
Noticing that Aurus intentionally hemmed and hawed at the last bit of his statement, the pair of flowers took this chance to continue where he left off, with one of the two flowers, whose petals were of a pastel yellow color, said, ”My name is Eu. So far, I don't have a last name yet.”
Not long after Eu was finished speaking, the other flower beside it, whose petals were of a pastel red color, continued where it left off, uttering in a slightly timid voice, ”As for me…my name is Phoria…I'm quite shy, but I'll do my best in protecting Master…”
Listening as to how Eu & Phoria were now talking when compared to their previous evolution, Aurus could not help but ponder as to why they were quite fluent in speaking at the B-grade Inanimate level. He then remembered that Charisa had to evolve to A-grade to at least be able to speak fluently, eventually forming a plausible conclusion in his mind that the reason why they can speak fluently has something to do with the fact that they're two Allies in one.
After Eu & Phoria were finished talking, Aurus then pointed his tendril towards the slightly larger pebble in the middle, saying, ”Please introduce yourself to the others.”
”Alright,” the decently sized pebble said in response to Aurus's words, slightly shocking him since he didn't expect the pebble to have a slightly deep voice. It then continued talking, introducing itself to the others by saying, ”Nice to meet you all. My name is Terrence. Just like Eu & Phoria beside me, I don't have a last name yet.”
It then let out a light chuckle before continuing, ”But that doesn't mean I wouldn't do my best in serving and protecting the master.”
”Nice to meet you as well, Terrence,” Fenrir could not help but say in response to Terrence's statement. He then added, ”I have a feeling we're going to get along.”
”I have the same feeling as well,” Terrence replied before letting out another light chuckle. It then asked Fenrir, ”Is it fine if I call you Fenrir?”
”You can call me however you like,” Fenrir said in response to Terrence's question, letting out a chuckle of his own not long after.
”Ehem. Aren't you guys forgetting someone?” Just as the two were about to continue talking with one another, a slightly haughty voice resounded throughout the room, prompting everyone to focus their sense of vision towards the one who just talked. In response to this, Aurus let out a sigh inwardly, wondering why this puddle of water had such a unique personality. He then pointed his tendril towards it before saying, ”Go ahead and introduce yourself.”
”My name is Marielle Glaciesta,” the puddle of water said in response to Aurus's words. It then continued, ”Unlike these two inferior beings beside me, I can offer greater protection to the master. Of course, once I reach my maximum evolution, I'm pretty sure I can even offer greater protection than wolf and flames over there.”
”Are you looking for a fight or something?” Charisa could not help but ask Marielle, conjuring a ball of flames that flickered between black and white as she added, ”If you want a fight, I'll give you a fight, you f.u.c.k.i.n.g bi—”
”Stop that, Charisa,” Aurus interrupted Charisa as he radiated the full extent of his aura, using the tendril he had conjured to dispel the ball of flames Charisa had manipulated. While his aura was at full power, he then focused it towards Marielle, saying, ”I don't see anything wrong with having a little bit of competition since that would allow everyone to become stronger. But never ever underestimate your comrades, okay?”
With Aurus's aura making Marielle feel uncomfortable, it instilled a sense of fear in Marielle, prompting it to reply with a stutter, ”I…understand. I won't do it…ever again.”
”As long as you understand,” Aurus replied to Marielle's words as he let out a short sigh, retracting his aura before looking at the three with an aura of elation, a stark contrast to the aura he was radiating a while ago. He then said, ”Let's get you three evolved to X-grade as soon as possible.”
Not long after, he turned his focus towards Theresa, commanding it, ”Theresa, use all of the experience points I have to max out their levels. Also, evolve them to X-grade as fast as possible. No need to ask me whether to evolve them or not.”
”As you wish, Master,” Theresa responded to Aurus's command, gesturing with its hands as strands of yellow energy manifested around Aurus's body before making their way towards the bodies of the three new Allies he had summoned. Of course, these strands of yellow energy were the unused experience points Aurus had, but in a condensed form, allowing them to max out their levels in an instant.
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
A few seconds later, their bodies had turned into balls of light, gradually changing in their structure as they made their way to the level of A-grade Inanimate. Surprisingly, while Aurus was watching their evolution process, a familiar voice resounded in his mind.
”Hey, Aurus!” the voice said in a cheerful tone, prompting Aurus to reply to the voice with a light chuckle, saying, ”What's up, Herellia. Why'd you contact me?”
”Well, I heard from Horell as to what you were going to do,” Herellia replied to Aurus's question. She then added, ”I heard from him that you're going to evolve soon.”
”Yeah,” Aurus responded to her statement with affirmation. He then told her, ”While I was making my way towards the Tower of Seclusion, I also heard from Horell that you were going to evolve soon as well.”
In response to Aurus's words, Herellia let out a sigh before saying, ”As expected from him. Either way, it saves me time from explaining what I'm going to do.”
”What existence level are you going to evolve into?” Aurus could not help but ask after listening to Herellia's words. Not long after, Herellia replied, ”The Animate level, of course.”
”Are you prepared for the Existence Tribulation that is to come while you evolve?” Aurus asked after hearing her response, to which Herellia replied, ”Of course I am. Though we'd have to do it far away from the alliance base since I don't want the base to be destroyed just like how Zelefaire ascended to the Animate level.”
”That's understandable,” Aurus replied to her words before asking her, ”But who's Zelefaire?”
”He was the first member in the alliance to ascend to the Animate existence level, having the rare species of Magnus Fortressi at X-grade Inanimate. Due to him being a rare species, his Existence Tribulation was far more destructive than what we thought, destroying 90% of the alliance base at the time,” Herellia said in a slightly melancholic tone as if she was reminiscing.
Noticing the slightly melancholic tone in her words, Aurus could not help but ask her, ”Was he unsuccessful?”
”No, he was successful,” Herellia replied to Aurus's question before adding, ”He became a decently strong Rank 0 Animate after that. But due to what had happened to the base, I had to kick him out.”
”I see…” Aurus responded to her words not long after. After that, a moment of silence ensued between the two of them, with Herellia eventually breaking the silence as she let out a sigh, asking him, ”The past is the past, let's move on. How did it go in the Comprehension Leaf inheritance? Did you max out your comprehension speed?”