Chapter 139 - A Big Decision. (1/1)

Hey, TrueDawn here. I know announcements suck and all that, but this is a very big decision I'm making. And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do it soon.

I'm going to rewrite the whole novel from scratch. I'll be fixing up many of the mistakes and plotholes I've made throughout the chapters, as well as fix up some plotlines that didn't really do well.

That means that IRAAS won't be getting updates in the sense of notifications, but it would be getting updates in terms of edits. Very soon, I'll be starting on editing Chapter 1, from the very start, which I'll make sure to announce.

If you're angry at this decision, go ahead, be angry. You have all the right to. But I'm making a decision that would impact the future plotline of IRAAS as a whole.

That means, less skills that are not used, more thorough system features, and the most drastic thing I will do, removing the monologue from that Heavenly Body from Chapter 1 to 4, becoming a true third person perspective novel from the get go.

I apologize, and at the same time, I hope you stick with me through this.