232 Announcement! (1/1)
Hello everyone. I'm truly sorry that the Eternal Sanctum has not been updated on Webnovel for more the eight months now. With that, I have a brief announcement to make:
The Eternal Sanctum has migrated to another webnovel hosting platform, Creative Novels. I will no longer be updating it on WN's platform anymore. My sincere apologies.
Part of the decision comes from how poorly designed the original content creation platform that WN provides original authors with. Margins, inline texts, paragraph spacing, and many more features are not available on the content creation platform. Those who are not contracted authors do not even have access to basic formatting of font and text when uploading chapters, and some contracted authors I know have yet to gain access to such basic features including bold, italic, and underline lettering that you might see in translated projects hosted by WN.
Not all original content requires italic or bold font to get their stories across, but The Eternal Sanctum does. The way I wrote the novel and designed the project made it wholly incompatible with the characters directly speaking their thoughts in forms similar to dialogue, and were also elements that couldn't be expressed in the same format as background text or details. Trying to adapt the novel to the meagre tools WN offered didn't produce a satisfactory effect from an author's perspective, and I mostly feel that it has reduced the quality of the novel and made it significantly more difficult to read from a reader's perspective.
Part of the result is because English is not my primary language, and I am still well within the learning process. Some of my wording may be either unsuited or too formal for its context, or might seem unfamiliar to those who know English as their native language. Regrettably, that is something that can improve only with time, and much, much more practice.
Another reason for my decision in pulling the novel from WN was because of people who steal and post unoriginal content. I do not know if many were aware, but two people had stripped all of The Eternal Sanctum's content and uploaded it WN with a different title and cover as their ”original work”. They have been removed a few months ago, but before they were removed, they had the same chapter titles as The Eternal Sanctum, and the chapters themselves were entire rips from the original content. Making matters worse, one of them was even in the process of becoming a contracted author with WN's platform utilizing my work when a few fellow authors reported it to the staff.
Finally, I do not think that The Eternal Sanctum, as a project, does not fit in so well with the audience that WN generates. The theme and structure of the novel doesn't seem to be compatible with most of the readers on the platform, unfortunately.
But let's not end on a miserable note. That fate is reserved for the characters in my novels only, not for my readers.
Is this the last time I will be posting on WN?
The answer is no. Definitely not.
The Eternal Sanctum will be pulled down from WN, but I will be posting two new projects that I have been working on during this silence. Their titles (for now!) will be:
The Gaze of Heaven
The Master of Curses
Will I can't be certain about the future, I can say with confidence that those two projects will be on WN for a long time. Perhaps, once the contracts for original authors improves, they might get contracted. But who knows - it touches on international law for many authors on the program, after all.
Well. Time to conclude it here.
Thank you, everyone, for reading The Eternal Sanctum while it has been on WN. I apologize once more for being unnecessarily silent for so long on either updates or comments. For those who still have some faith in me (thank you!) and The Eternal Sanctum, you can still read it - updated to the most recent chapters - on Creative Novels. For the two new projects, please expect to see them appear on WN within a few weeks (two weeks if I can get the cover done!). They do take a different approach and atmosphere than my previous works, so it'll be a fresh breath of air for a few of us.
Once again, thank you.
Clouded Jade.