211 The danger of a protagonist-esque partner 4 (1/2)
In the end, the Earth Giant that stood a kilometer away from the group failed to collapse onto the ground.
After lurching around for a few breaths, the creature of dirt and stone regained its balance with ease, its malevolent glare disguised by the dense shroud of dust.
”Lord Shen… this…”
Tang Shiqi's voice cracked with emotion as he gazed towards Shen Haoren with immense respect, his countenance displaying its youthful innocence and awe.
The youth's heart had been sufficiently impressed by the display of strength, especially for one who was disadvantaged by a full realm of cultivation against his adversary.
Other than a pale countenance and slightly labored breathing, the middle-aged man appeared to be relatively normal after unleashing an attack of such scale.
Shen Haoren tightened his grip on the war hammer once again, his expression grim as his eyes remained fixated onto the distant figure of the giant.
Though his countenance was solemn and courageous, the middle-aged man wished for nothing more than to flee back home and hide behind the impressive figure of his Second Elder Sister.
”The strike formed a decently sized hole, but it wasn't able to pry the boulder away…”
The middle-aged man's sigh that was suffused with labored emotions was accompanied by the faint exhale of breath from a young girl.
An Fei flicked the softened soil with her fingers, her lips twitching in bemusement as the pair of scarlet irises inadvertently flickered over onto the mighty impression of the double-headed war hammer.
…a linear railgun without any supports?
As the young girl mused in her heart with a hint of interest and nonchalance, the middle-aged man withdrew another silver coin embossed with the stamp of Great Yong, flicking it into the air with a disheartened expression.
Shen Haoren dug his heels into the tortured earth as he dragged the war hammer into another rotation, his knees bending and relaxing through instinct to level the center of momentum to form a smooth ascending spiral.
The hammer swung around his body at a rapid speed, and his vision blurred, leaving nothing but a dust-enshrouded environment with the towering figure of earth and stone…
When the hammer head collided against the surface of the silver coin, An Fei's pupils abruptly dilated, her vision locked onto the scene of Shen Haoren's attack.
The young girl extended forth a sliver of spiritual essence to probe the event at an increased clarity, abusing the disruptive mechanics of the spiritual essence derived from the Sanctum colliding with that of the mortal world.
The golden hammer smashed the soft silver coin into a small, compressed ball that was a hundredth of its original volume.
The integrity of the coin was compromised by the sheer kinetic force behind the blow, but the magical event that caused the prior phenomenon was about to occur next.
A thin tremor of electricity raced across the golden surface, amassing at the tip of the hammer head until the electricity formed a plate of dazzling blue.
The electric plate pulsed thrice as the spiritual essence roiling inside Tang Shiqi's body commanded the hammer to expel the coiled lightning resting on its surface; tendrils of electricity leapt forth with the vigor and hunger of a pack of starved dire wolves, slamming into the ball of compressed silver with a tremendous might.
The lightning coalesced into the ball at a uniform and swift pace; the silver ball increased in heat until it was glowing scarlet and barely able to maintain its solid structure- An Fei could faintly see the shadow of an orange circular diagram stretched over the surface of the sphere…
The silver coin transformed into a kinetic mass that remained underneath the speed barrier, the grey streak of light burying itself just slightly left of its predecessor's original target.
Following the diminished puff of shattered stone colliding against the earth, an enraged howl echoed throughout the empty plains as the Earth Giant successfully fell onto its left knee.
The tower of earth and stone trembled with anger and humiliation as it glared at the small gathering of humans that stood a kilometer before it.
The striking aura of human-oriented spiritual essence caught its attention, and the fierce creature's howls tore the clouds apart in their rampage.
”What is it doing…?”
An Fei frowned as she narrowed her eyes into the direction of the Earth Giant, the spiritual essence infused into her vision to pierce through the dense fog of dust and loosened sediment.