190 A nasty run-in with the Xiao Clan 3 (1/2)
Under the baptism of the cold moonlight and the disappointment of the astral stars, a handle-less steel sword commenced its nightly purge in Bone Spirit Town.
The steel blade carved its presence into the essence of the Peaceful Road, erasing the necessity of the street's moniker as well as imparting a blessing of the cruel and unfaithful jianghu.
A cry filled with the torment of death and a longing for release echoed throughout the solemn and mocking night sky, and a head belonging to a soldier in his thirties tumbled onto the Peaceful Road, forming a pathway of blood that trailed behind the severed cranium.
The obtuse object rolled for several meters, until it came to a natural state of rest after a gruesome removal process.
Besides it in all directions lay a pile of severed human skulls, each soaking in their nascent vitality and spilt blood essence.
”Help! Hel-HELP!”
Another cry seeking for liberation echoed within the forcefully slumbering streets, following by the soft spongy sound of a fleshy substance decompressing due to a severe puncture.
The misty barrier continued its faithful duty of obscuring all visual reception regarding the scenes that occurred on the other side, but the three elders and the young lady were already terrified to the bottom of their wits.
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The four people sank onto their knees, their limbs trembling in fear as their hearts attempted to leap out of their hearts and seek the Dragon Gate.
”Just… just what kind of…” an absentminded and shell-shocked elder gasped, his chest heaving for a cup's worth of sore breath.
”What's happening…?”
The handle-less sword swung in a perfect full moon sweep in the air, severing three more unlucky heads from their respective containers.
As the numerous men backed away in fear, the steel blade howled with a malicious anger before rushing towards its next prey.
A young girl stood behind it at a distance of five meters, untouched by the platoon of soldiers dispatched to claim her life.
Partly bathed by the moonlight glow and shielded by the sustained darkness of midnight, the young girl's obscured countenance sported a delicate smile of amusement.
An Fei watched the steel blade vent its pent-up fury in a single night, her lips locked as her mind underwent a partial trip down memory lane.
Before the young girl's consciousness, the scene of the Peaceful Road transformed into numerous flashbacks of various locations, their ghastly screams and shrieks returning to her mind.
A dense rainforest accompanied by the onslaught of bullets crashing through trees and all other strains of life.
She had run for her life from an overly excited division of well-trained hunters and special agents, not even bothering to conceal their presence as they encircled her from all directions.
The handle-less sword hacked onto a younger solder from above, splitting his body into two equal halves.
A greasy mixture of white, grey, and red splattered onto the cobbled streets, the parched soil finally receiving their heavenly blessing.
The rainforest morphed into an open desert, with lonesome cactus trees serving as loyal sentinels to ward off the cowardly and weak-minded.
In the blistering heat and intense humidity, a young girl ran from side to side, utilizing the frequent plumes of dust and the sloped sandy plains to evade her captors.
The steel blade dropped to hover a few centimeters above the ground, its blade parallel to the cobbled design of the street.
Amidst the men's frightened gazes and shrieks of terror, the handle-less sword began to rotate utilizing its partly severed tang as the anchor, rising a centimeter in height each time it completed a full rotation.
A scarlet radiance erupted from the inscriptions engraved onto the blade, extending forward to sever the legs of nearby soldiers.
Within the storm of scarlet malevolence, a slew of starved wraiths and banshees tore apart the fallen bodies of the soldiers, leaving nothing behind but metallic armor components and polearm.
After receiving its penance, the desert morphed into the interior of a research laboratory, then an archaic landmark of a powerful country, followed by a slew of buildings, environments, and hell – each filled with a horde of excited and agitated people radiating with a sinister intention and a malevolent aura.
As the young girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath with her arms outstretched to their fullest length, the steel blade decimated the last shivering soldier of the platoon exclusively owned by the Xiao Clan's Young Miss Xiao Yue.
The young man crawled backwards on his hands and knees towards the barrier of mist, as if seeking aid from the nonresponsive elders on the other side.
The handle-less blade and teased him from time to time, slivers of scarlet radiance severing miniscule portions of important flesh and tissue from the soldier's body.