171 Trouble always comes to greet 3 (1/2)
For a brief moment, An Fei sat dumbstruck at the sudden turn of events.
The young girl pressed her back against her chair as her fingers clamped onto the small fox's fur, causing the small creature to yelp in pain.
”Fang ge-ge?” Xiao Yue called out in surprise.
”My… my spirit beast?” the young girl finally responded with a pale voice.
”Yes, Yue'er lacks a spiritual beast even though she has completed the fifth pillar of the Body Tempering Realm.”
Fang Man gave a gracious bow, his presence revealing all components of the proper aristocratic demeanor befitting that of a behemoth clan surpassing that of a few towns, perhaps even districts.
The young lady besides him grasped his hand in anxiousness, only to be quelled by a slow pat to the head.
”Of course, Fang Man won't leave the Young Lady here without sufficient payment,” the youth paused, his eyes narrowing towards An Fei for a breath.
”How about following this Fang to the Fleeting Swallow City? Fang Man will personally arrange the Young Lady's stay, and the Young Lady may even receive the chance to enter the Fang Clan itself!”
The young girl had not received the chance to respond when the surrounding customers erupted into a clamor, their voices attempting to force the other to capitulate as they threw their caution to the wind.
”Young Lady, here, you're being given a heavenly chance, ah!”
”Accept it, and you might even transcend the barriers of this Bone Spirit Town! Aih, to think that a commoner girl might be so lucky…”
”With the Young Master Fang unleashing such a revelation, how will that Xiao Clan Young Miss react? Surely, such a spectacular young man won't pursue an ordinary girl as that Young Lady?”
An Fei blinked in surprise, the pair of scarlet irises laced with confusion and a hint of caution.
The young girl reached out to tickle the little raven's wings, as though asking for help.
That Fang Man didn't see through her disguise, right? If then, did he manage to obtain a glimpse at the small fox?
How… did he see through her leather bag, if it were that case?
”Young Lady?”
Fang Man gestured towards An Fei with his arm, a gentle smile on his countenance.
Combined with his extraordinary demeanor and grand reputation, many of the young females dining within the Eight Immortals Pavilion felt their hearts swoon towards the ninth heaven in affection and awe.
It's a pity…
”Why… do I have to give you my spirit beast?” the young girl finally replied with a shaking voice.
”I found it within the forest, so why do I have to give it to you?”
The youth from the Fang Clan blinked in shock at the unexpected denial, his mind clamoring to a screeching halt.
On the other hand, the sorely trodden Tang Shiqi jumped to his feet, his complexion invigorated as the youth pointed at Fang Man with an accusatory glare.
”See that, Fang Man?” Tang Shiqi jeered as though he had obtained a spectacular victory.
”You always try to steal the possessions and pets of others, such a vicious personality, ah! Maybe someday, you will toss away Xiao Yue as though she were nothing but a rag doll!”
The youth of the Fang Clan scowled at the bite towards his current actions, his countenance clouded by a hint of scathing anger for the briefest moment.
Before Xiao Yue could retort in passionate fury, Fang Man squeezed her hand in reassurance.
”Yue'er, you mustn't listen to the sour words of a sore loser,” the youth cooed, before turning towards An Fei for the third time.
”Young Lady, why must you be like this? Fang Man is willing to offer equal compensation for your spirit beast – at the least, it saves the Young Lady quite the number of overwhelming expenses to feed and raise it, no?”
A pair of scarlet eyes briefly dyed with a tinge of coldness and disdain, before replaced by their usual dull lustre.
The young girl tapped the now empty cup of water, her hands stroking the fur of the trembling small fox to calm the startled creature.