143 The Nagging Troubles of Survival 4 (2/2)

The Eternal Sanctum Yun_Yin 40760K 2022-07-23

With a powerful roar exuding a malignant aura equally domineering as the white tiger, a lotus petal detached itself from the young girl's lapel, transforming into a meter-long steel blade overflowing with bloodthirst as it stood guard before An Fei.


The tiger's eyes constricted in surprise at the sudden entry of the sword, noticeably blanching at the dense, raw aura seeking blood emanating from the steel blade without a handle.

The intricate hairs along its fur rippled with unease, and the creature lowered its gaze, carefully scrutinizing the young girl before it with a cautionary approach.

Nonetheless, the fierce creature lowered its center of gravity towards its hind legs, the powerful muscles rippling with immense strength as they prepared for a silent but deadly pounce.

The young girl revealed a grimace at the sight of the tiger refusing to leave, her hands darting towards the twin butterfly swords sheathed on her sash.

An Fei glared at the white creature with an expression of discontent, her moon souring to rock bottom as the events of a few moments before stemmed in her mind.

The large tiger proclaiming its royal dignity before her had originated from the other side of the stream's bank.

A fierce creature from the central regions of the forest, albeit An Fei had little clue regarding its allotment in cultivation.

The boorish tiger had witnessed a young girl drinking from the same stream as it had, and abruptly attacked without a shred of mercy.

Having been caught by surprise, An Fei had unconsciously relied on the usage of the 's passive evasion to avoid receiving lethal wounds… which ultimately aggravated the creature to no return.

Having discovered that a weakling shared the same water as its own majestic self… then realizing that it was unable to injure said weakling existence and in exchange incurred several deep wounds, how could the white tiger not become angry to the extent of losing reason?


The white tiger glared at the girl with endless wrath circling its eyes, the sharp claws gouging deeply into the earth. The three-meter long creature bared its teeth, an unknown amount of strength surging within its body to produce a miserable torrent of death.

The handle-less sword flashed with anger as it revealed the deadly edge towards the white creature, the inscriptions spanning its length seething with bloodlust.

A deep, scarlet light began to effuse from the steel surface, grossly distorting the forest's atmosphere with a sinister, hellish hue.

The hind muscles of the tiger rippled, before unwinding in a single release of strength. The white tiger shot forward with an unstoppable momentum, headed directly towards the young girl's exposed nape.


An Fei withdrew both butterfly swords from their sheathes, twirling them into a reverse grip grasped before her chest.

As she observed the tiger's rush towards her chest, the young girl shifted her weight onto her left leg, lowering her center of gravity to properly receive the wrath of a forest king.


The expected collision of flesh upon flesh did not reverberate throughout the forest, nor was there the piercing shriek of a young girl's body shattering into numerous fragments.

Instead, a quiet slash of metal through flesh whispered within the Wu Ji Forest, introducing the shadow of death with a wry smile and an invitational gesture.

An experimental slash towards the tiger's massive body to trigger the automatic movements of the , then relying on her left leg as the primary pivot to pirouette around the creature's body, the twin butterfly swords lacerating the pristine, smooth white fur with numerous deep cuts.

For good measure, An Fei angled her right shoulder closer towards the ground at the finishing movements of her rotation to hack off the tiger's tail, before dispelling the accrued momentum by extending her arms to their fullest length.


The young girl flashed a cheerful smile towards the white tiger that had rammed its head against the hardened bark of a maple tree instead of the delicate flesh of a young, budding maiden.

As An Fei took a step back to admire her handiwork, she noticed that amongst the numerous cuts besotting the tiger's body, one had landed at the base of its right hindleg.

Thus, a king of the Wu Ji Forest had lost not only its tail, but also a hindleg – one of its two primary empowerments of strength.

The tiger's eyes seemed to drip blood as it glared at the young girl, the teeth fully bared in an attempt to cloud its own consciousness to minimize the pain.

The creature appeared to amass an extraordinary quantity of spiritual essence within its body to unleash a dreadful attack onto the hateful –


A heavily mangled and distorted cry of a raven suddenly pierced through the entire Wu Ji Forest's undergrowth, carrying forth limitless resentment, undying pride, and a sinister malice.